Fans of Death Note are complaining about "whitewashing."

In the upcoming Netflix original Death Note movie, Light is being played by a fucking white male and fans are pissed.

They seem to have no problem with a black guy being cast as L. Why is blackwashing ok?

He's not white, he's jewish. All the more reason to push these memes.

There's nothing in Death Note that is importantly Japanese so whats the problem with changing the setting to Seattle and using white people?

Have you read the comments on the trailer? Tons of people are pissed about L being black.
>originally an introverted super pale white european weirdo
>now a black american headphones around the neck wearing quip spewing gangster
Fuck netflix honestly

Nationality has importance to the story
>crazy murders taking place in japan
>USA fbi comes in to help
>they all get murdered so the US pulls put

>caring about weeb shit

come on OP, try a bit harder.

can just as easily have

>crazy murders take place in the US
>international agencies come in to help
>they all get murdered so they pull out

I'm more triggered by nigger L since L was half white in the manga/anime.

It's not even subtle propaganda. They made the smartest detective in the world a fucking nigger. I'd have preferred that they were all fucking Japanese over this current bullshit cast.

it really doesn't make a difference, user

that's like saying the plotpoint of L "pinpointing the deaths to kira's timezone in Japan" based on when murders occur mean it HAS to be in Japan

it could be set anywhere and the method of finding the kira based on timestamps would remain the same

the whole plot could be shifted to any advanced city and it wouldn't change anything

They did the same with Doctor Strange. Everyone bitched that the Ancient One was a white woman but nobody gave two shits that Baron Mordo was black.

People are really mad that a basically white looking character (Light) is cast as a white dude but fucking L gets turned into N.

They don't have a character go around in a Kimono who exclusively eats sushi with a samurai sword. There is nothing trying it to Japan over Spain or Uganda. Its the type of story that can work anywhere.

Have any of you faggots seen the trailer for the movie? This is pure trash.
Just let these morons fight between themselves.

I watched the trailer and it gave me autism.

>L turned into N
Well played

It's an American adaptation. It's literally supposed to be an Americanized version of Death Note, that's the point. It's not supposed to be faithful to the source material. What's the problem?

Light Yagami, just like most anime characters should be played by Japanease women.

prove me wrong

>literally can't be proven wrong

They could have avoided all controversy by making the cast exclusively Eurasian, same for Ghost in the Shell

everything netflix produces is baby food for retards

>heard some girls complain about whitewashing in Death Note
>remember when I complained about black James Bond
I hate the term whitewashing but I can see why they have the right to complain.

They at least set it outside of Japan unlike GiTs that has a white lead and is still in Japan.

What are you talking about? There's a whole set of mannerisms, values and cultural nuances in anime and any other Japanese production that simply doesn't exist in western culture. Hollywood is always so hamfisted with anything foreign, they should honestly just stick to predictable stuff like romcoms and capeshit

bahahaha bahahahaha i hate this planet right now

When will Hollywood learn?

Well there are tons of niggers in Battlefield 1, a ww1 simulation where practically zero niggers existed. It's some sort of weird jew shit, who cares, I see through it and you should too. Does it suck? Yeah, it does suck, I don't like seeing Jamal in a German Empire outfit either, but the game was developed in Sweden so there you go

> complain of whitewashing
> l character is a dindu


Gee I wonder jew's behind this post.

But the Major was a cyborg and she looked pretty damn white, in that sort of context it makes sense since she could have any body she wanted.

>"I hate the term whitewashing"
>get called a jew
go fuck your body pillow you filthy jap

>jehova's witness being black
