these words dont fit together
if they were intimidated then they probably didn't slam shit and probably pissed their pants instead
wow another POWERFUL headline
what Germany said next will leave you SPEECHLESS
According to the Times, the bill handed to Merkel was thought to be for more than $300 billion. It was reportedly calculated by adding the amounts by which Germany have fallen short on annual payments to NATO since 2002 — and adding interest.
oi vey
This is why trump is awesome
Hurrrr lets build an EU army
How about pay your dents first
what do you want to do if we dont pay
Pay debt theres no other option
>adding interest
Ivan comes back
but they need to go through poland and other east european countries for that... will you abandon them aswell?
The money isnt the key issue here. Dont get me wrong, you will pay it with your retarded monopoly money but the real goal is to embarrass your government on an international stage.
Mission accomplished
this IS why trump is awesome. all this healthcare shit - literally who cares? trump doesn't even care. sure lots of people may have voted for him based on healthcare, but it's not why he won and definitely not why pol loves him. it's this, the wall, the ban, and america fuckin first.
>pooland and eastern block gets reduced to cinders
win win scenario desu famalam
stay mad Germanistan I'm tired of footing the bill to protect Europe from Russia
Nope, I'm pretty sure Russia has aircraft and parachutes fag boi :) Poland and other countries will be defended by the USA and tell Russia they will not shoot down Russian Warplanes going over those countries if they plan to not to attack them.
>health care
>who cares
>will not shoot down Russian Warplanes going over those countries if they plan to not to attack them
Trump will make a deal autismo :)
You attack Poland or any other country but Germany, you're getting nuked. Pretty sure Putin would take that deal to get Merkel captured alive so he can skull fuck her face to death on live TV, that stupid fat whore has it coming. Stupid Muslim commie slut whore kike.
>comes from poor-u
So he's gonna win without any supply lines and with a bunch of paras and some light armor?
Better pay up, Hans.
Pay debts!
that's a rare dylann
Oy vey this better not detract from their payments to Israel.
pay denbts
Please pay the debnts...
>Trump will make a deal autismo :)
like he did with your healthcare? nice deal you got there
>Pretty sure Putin would take that deal to get Merkel captured
as if putin cares about merkel
if you want to troll germans on this topic tell them that trump will confiscate the tons of gold we still have in the US if we dont pay up.
Pay it kraut fags.
I think Australia should pay something too.
That and you know, America fighting Germany as well from within. Trump Putin Broship Germany Destroying buddys, next time don't default on your debt to the worlds largest military that has bases on your fucking soil already.
He's my hero.
They will just turn it around about military risks.
You are creating a new arms frenzy in Europe and that never ended well.
They fucked up big time.
How you're feeling, /greeks/?
Pay up Krauts, we brought down the Berlin wall, and we can bring it back up.
you stupid fuck we let america have pine gap here.
without us they would have no eyes in the southern hemisphere, americans love us for this shit and even offered to pay us, which we refused.
When will liberal cucks learn that Ryan Care wasn't Trumps healthplan, he set that Sniveling big eared coward up to fail, and dropped a nuke on the Liberal Demoshits laps in Congress just before midterms assuring Trump the house and congress.
if he would be such a good dealmaker he would have made a good deal instead of just waiting for obamacare to explode and hurt millions of american citizens.
Australia is ultimate bro tier
Keep spying on people for us and keep up the bantz and you guys are good for eternity
let me be more clear, because I, of course, care about healthcare. what I mean is, care about it as a political issue right now. go back to free market, go full blown socialized medicine, or somewhere in between - yeah, it's important, but all sides have valid arguments and there are much bigger fish to fry right now.
Pay debntbts!
Hes playing 4d chess retard, hes assuring the Democraps lose the upcoming election and after the fact will provide an excellent healthcare plan.
Pay dëntchs
Where have we seen before a major western power forcing Germany to pay reparations/debts while Germany itself descends deeper and deeper into degeneracy and a volatile state?
You all know what happens next
>international debnts always cause Germany to go fashy
Trump knows exactly what he's doing
hey, pay your debts
Germany imports more sand nigger muslims, destroying their national identity in the process?
fake news but even if it was real. germany owes us money for ww2.
Trump has invented his own version of chess at this point
You misunderstand. It's the letarded way of saying "slam", as in, "criticize".
All the problems in the world and international system comes from everyone thinking they are entitled to benefits America provides, and being unwilling to cooperate, too comfortable with the status quo, that they leech off of like parasites.
we got you bro, just help us out if those indomuslimcucks try and invade us because we're bantering them hard and spying on them for you
fucking bums need to pay or start learning russian
were not subsidizing ur ape orgies anymore
oh shit, wrong side..
We have turks. They know how to deal with russian aircrafts.
aaaaand get away with it.
time to pony up krautfucks. US is tired of footballing the bill for you. pay your debnts naow!
>adding interest
>mfw i can now say PAY DEBTS to someone besides Greece and germany posts more often so i can say it more now
>nice deal you got there
Watching Obamacare fall is the best deal I could have hoped for. This way the left can't say crap after. If this new Healthcare would have passed, we'd be hearing from them for the next 8 years that he got rid of a good thing.
What are you going to do about it? Use nukes, oh wait!
You stay the fuck out of this Mountain tax dodging nigger or your gold will be ours.
Not when the US Joins in, your little roaches will be eradicated with some SHAKE AND BAKE American and Russian style
The Roaches only shot down that Russian Jet because they had the backing of the KING NIGGER Obama. Without us, they're scared shitless of Russia.
why isn't a single German outlet reporting this? Only RT Germany
Pay detbs
>literally printed out the bill and gave it to her
>adding interest.
>adding interest
Goddamn I love this fucking timeline
you mean those nukes that you stationed on german soil? :^)
hey at least then its a white raping the german, so i guess thats an improvement then
>implying poland wont vassal to based russians
what the fuck are you even doing here? mohammed called and is wants to ficki ficki, your wife isnt enough anymore cuck, time to bend over and spread for the mudslime. also neck yourself while you are at it.
i would call you a disgrace to the white race but i dont consider you cucks white anymore.
You know you're incapable of launching them without us right? In fact they could just """""accidentally"""""" go off where they are.
This thread
Shut up cunt we've got about 4 billion gooks right above us if it wasn't for the burgers they would have swarmed us like in starship troopers.
We should give them a half a trillion as a thank you. Even a whole trillion.
That way we get into further debt and can't afford to continue with the shitskin invasion as well.
You're not thinking straight cunt.
what kind of pottery is this?
Where the greeks at?
Sometimes I wonder how lazy/incompetent the "global elite" Sup Forums fears must be to allow one man to walk all over them
You mean those nukes that only the US can Det and have control of? :^) And you mean all those AMERICAN Service men that would welcome fighting side by side Russian Paratroopers who offer a hand while our carrier fleet can be stationed off of the coast line and lighting your entire fucking country up with Patriot Missiles and airstrikes for days and days???? :::::^^))))
We'll get the gang back together
you never get my KARTOFFELN!
Yeah. On your army bases genius
and do what? Russia is 1/5th the size of the EU and has a lack of males
>without us they would have no eyes in the southern hemisphere
>implying theres anything worth looking at in the southern hemisphere
go back to playing argentina in rugby you pathetic excuse of a CUNTry
are you fucking stupid? you think i don't know this? read my 2nd post above about the indos mate.
why are you suggesting we pay the americans?
the americans are perfectly happy with our existing arrangement as we give them the capability to run whatever operations they want in the southern hemisphere.
a pledge to protect a loyal ally is a fair fucking deal for what we do for them, australia and america are like brothers.
this angbro-saxon gets it
Checked, and I forgot how hilarious that dinner was.
> will you abandon them aswell?
Are you unaware of which country you're talking to?
really regret voting for him
which are in your shitdump joke of a country retard
nothing of value will be lost. maybe the material from some turbans and the showercurtains you wrap around your women shitskin fuck
>vascular plant foliage
gdp goes from 195 bil to 2.1 bil. Fix your graphic, retard.
>being so uneducated he's not aware of the operations the cia runs in central america all the time
>south china sea
america is very happy we're a loyal ally and help them circle china in. australia is one of the best us allies.
they offered to pay US for pine gap and we refused since we consider them bros.
Pay me with white wymens
You get me all wrong! Hit the red button! Fry those americans!
Let them be they don't realize that they build those bases by force and now they want you to pay for them in a part of the agreement that everyone else was classy enough to not apply.
They have an unlimited supply of troops if they side with the middle east.
You aren't as bright as you think.
They got greedy.
There is no way we can ask the poor starving germans to pay what they owe. It's a debt left over from when those evil white people lived in and ran that great caliphate.
we do, our aussie sloots love burgers like yours love aussies.
our mutual arrangement is the best and ignore the traitors in this thread who don't like the current arrangement.