> be antifa
> bravely show up to protest peaceful rally
> charge the fascists with my comrades
> get ready to punch elderly man in back of head
> make fists like my girlfriend's boyfriend showed me
> shatter hand and permanently lose full use
> mfw
be antifa
Other urls found in this thread:
> mfw
Would love to smack that jew in his big hook nose
Was that hat made in a state owned factory
kek, I remember being 15 years old and refusing to say grace
Colour me surprised, two commie faggots and they both look Jewish as fuck.
>not swinging
Have you considered that he just has cold thumbs?
NEETS who are role playing as revolutionaries.
Ever notice how they only go after:
>from behind in a hit and run fashion
Thats because these cucks are pussies. They know they wouldn't win in a fight so they go after the most vulnerable.
How fucking embarrassing. This kid is probably 20 years old. He doesn't even know how to make a fist.
>An adult male
>Doesn't know how to make a fist
>Doesn't know how
>Life has not prepared him for this
>Can't even make a fist
>Doesn't know how
>some guy standing in cold
>thumb is a little numb
>rolls fingers together to get feeling back
>some obsessed faggot makes an entire thread about him
This board is a fucking joke
even with the gun I am not intimidated in the slightest kek
Well to be fair he's still a faggot.
>live in a large midwest city
>surrounded on all sides by fully armed rednecks
>antifa knows better than to protest here
Ill never get a chance to fight them, w-will I Sup Forums?
Probably upper middle class upbringing where they had moderators to settle disputes.
My school was 30% black and poor as can be... either you fought or your life was a living hell.
There was a race riot my senior year, lulz. Blacks actually lost (country boys give no fucks)
We both know he said Grace with grandma.
Went to a school that was 60% black and poor as fuck . I didn't fight because it's a fucking school and I'm not a piece of trash.
same. The fatty in the back doesn't help their image either.
that is a good way to break your thumb if you actually tried hitting someone like that.
i know that it's unlikely, but what if he's just cracking his thumb?
Funny how that works. They're real polite here in Michigan, since most of us are licensed to carry concealed weapons. Yeah, they still scream and holler and make assholes of themselves, but they won't physically confront us.
Jesus fucking Christ man, please be baiting.
Based Michigan
Based Kentucky here. When will the rest of the country admit the midwest is the true master race?
Soon my brother. When kek leads us in the final battle against the forces of moloch, your bloodthirst WILL be satisfied
I thought these people didn't believe in guns. They look like they're gonna shoot up a school
They don't believe in YOU having guns.
Lol. Must have been around civilized dindus....
It does look pretty cold out. Maybe he thought he could redistribute someone else's gloves on to his hands.
Cry more fag
I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?
I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.
>there will never be a cool dad figure red neck to train you into his militia
>there will never be a civil war to eradicate commie scum
why even live?
>I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views.
>falling for the bait
to be fair, he probably cant generate enough force to damage his thumb
>they're all white
it's just fucking pathetic. i would actually respect them a lot more if they were just run of the mill degenerate commies. but cucks too?
Stop focusing on the cock you're sucking and come up with a better response, faggot.
because we dont care if we die brother
this cuck should read the bible to realize how valuable it is
>some guy standing in cold
>hands are cold
>makes a fist instead of using pockets
of course a commie wouldn't want to offend someone without pockets
You have to admit there's also a lot of dumb horseshit in there too buddy.
>3cm of snow
>It does look pretty cold out.
I broke my hand punching a car, I was drunk and it was moving, broke the side of my hand opposite the thumb
Lol, faggot you never been in a fight. That's how you want to throw your first punch so you break your thumb and get an adrenaline rush and go off.
I've never punched someone. Are you supposed to have your thumb on the outside of your fingers then?
Boxers break.
any book will have its fair share of garbage in it. you take what you can from a book and move on
lol at these faggots buying crappy AMD-65s
Yea, if your thumb is under your other fingers when you hit someone youre practically guaranteed a broken finger
Pic related is what you want
Why you always namefag dude
Yeah that's what they called it but since you can't box a car in this case I think it was a stupid drunk faggot break
It is impossible to be a respectable man and find these soft, sheltered kids intimidating. Any adult man who gets bashed by them deserves it 100%.
Have you never used friction to revitalize your fingertips in the cold?
We get it, Canada is cold and no one should live there.
It was probably made by child slaves in a southeast asian sweatshop.
those guys would shit themselves in a gunfight.
most guys on our side have had plenty of irl pratice in the sandbox.
so why is it all the antifa are more aggressive in california?
Are they that well funded and confident the courts and police will be on their side? You don't see that kind of shit flying in other states.
i can't speak for northern California but southern LEO hate these cucks
>tfw i used to be this autistic about religion
because no sane person would be caught dead living in a liberal city in california. therea re some nice places there, nice scenery. but the cities are race mixing sewers. these pussies wouldnt try this in a more conservative town.
>Yea, if your thumb is under your other fingers when you hit someone youre practically guaranteed a broken finger
Nah, they're more likely to break those limp wrists....
>An old book of kids stories
It's time to grow up, son. It's a good primer for a few issues, but by the time you've gotten to adulthood you should be on more complex readings rather than taking advice from children's stories designed to help you delude yourself into pretending the world means something.
First day of karate as a kid sensei told us never to make a fist like that. OP is right you'd break your thumb. Almost wish he had punched someone would've been funny.
How do you strengthen your wrists then?
life weights you faggot
seriously, just doing compound lifts will make yours hands/wrists/forearms strong as fuck.
a nice big forearm is very underrated. makes you look a lot better. but i digress.
Nice copypasta faggot
>How do you strengthen your wrists then?
Having a job and doing actual work.
Why does he have pubes on his face?
So much privilege...
it's the book most of civilization was based on. without reading it you are literally walking through life blind as fucking bat
Atheism does that to you.
Exercise. No fapping doesn't count.
>if it aint liftin boxes, it aint real work !
cmon now son. i respect blue collar brahs but dont be one of those.
>it's the book most of civilization was based on
lol stop deluding yourself
the world is built on dicks and pussy.
And assholes
Their body postures are just wrong.
Looks like john Oliver
Huntington Beach is relatively conservative, as was most of Orange county until the last few years.
Mostly it's because of all the shit spilling out of Santa Ana. They're also slowly trying to force their way into Irvine.
there was benis and bussy (:DD) before civilization though
because christianity wasn't the main focus of several civilizations throughout history. sort yourself bucko
>>if it aint liftin boxes, it aint real work !
>cmon now son. i respect blue collar brahs but dont be one of those.
Tool and machinery repair.
never went to the gym. Sure I can't tell you how much I can bench, but I can bet none of the guys that do go can wrestle a 3 phase motor into place and hold it there with one hand while grabbing a socket with the other.
You'd be stupid to bet that, strength is strength, doing compound lifts makes you strong
inb4 function strength
that being said, lifting motors and shit will translate to strength in the gym as well. but, people who don't actually lift tend to overestimate how much they can lift
>rolls fingers around thumbs
>to keep them warm
>not putting hands in pockets
>or wearing gloves
So the kid is a moron?
Come on guys be gentle, his profile pic is literally a MLP character. He clearly has autism.
he's a fucking communist shitskin, what do you think
I'm so confused when people don't know how to make a fist, or that antifa has to have posts reminding people to have their thumbs on the outside. For one it feels so much more natural to have them on the outside, two surely they would have seen it once in their life right, like someone makes a fist when they get angry or something? Maybe it's because I did boxing for a couple years when I was very young that I learned that quickly or something.
burn him with shia
Fuckin hilarious. To be fair though I do that when I'm cold but can't put my hands in my pockets. His pants are probly too tight to fit them in though.
I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?
I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.
This user knows whats up
What he does for a living is what causes old man strength, and you dont wanna fuck with old man strength
>be Sup Forums
>show up at protest
>tips fedora
>unsheats katana
>teleports behind you
>pst, nothing personel kid
Touché, douché.
snitches get stitches
Conrad looks cold. Those state supplied uniforms don't hold up well in winter.
Denim is not a winter temperature coat lol
How come Antifa cunts manage to look faggier than a gay pride parade full of homos sucking dick?