How come nobody has debunked these sightings yet? Because there are various witnesses and they are real.
There's another thread open around here about an Area 51 personnel and everything he said aligns with numerous sightings and theories.
What do you think Sup Forums? Is the Second Coming truly near?
I remember these videos, everyone was starting to freak out about aliens, but nothing happened like always
Britfag shilling as always.
True, but nobody said anything was going to happen. Sightings happen all the time.
Wtf is that the same alien as last month?
there are lots of other convincing pictures out there about the same corpse
Does someone have that X-files intro where a guy holds a dish plate with a stick and then plays tic tac toe?
I don't believe any shit like this I see on the internet. However, I have seen 2 things I legitimately can't explain.
Oh it's a kangaroo nigger shilling again. how come these fags are always gay
>see alium
>"you have to go back! gtfo our planet space nigger!"
never change straya
I was 16 years old when I saw these videos, not like that adds any validity to what I'm saying, but that shit was and still is fake as fuck.
Israel did 9/11 tho.
Remember this was viral advertising for Battle Los Angeles
>Various witnesses
>Actual recorded crowd reactions
Yeah go do your homework kid
It was debunked as fake all these alien stuff is fake all the real shit we see is secret government shit
What are the two things? I've seen a couple that escaped rational explanation
I never understood these type of niggers. It's like they'll go back to jacking off to Loli even if aliens attack.
>Filming another screen
You are so gay, you suck dick with your anus
My favorite one was when someone found an aborted fetus out in the desert and thought it was an alien.
Yeah, that second vid is certainly not real. Maybe the first one, but the second one is fake as fuck
We seen'em in Mississippi like dis but neva like..
>>we seen em like this in missippi but never like this
>>is that a ufo?
Nonchalant chatter
No flash in second vid and they are way closer.
Shits fake.
Really more interested in that pic op
videos are from 20+ years ago
kys kike shill
Get off this board faggot.