Tactical threat, or tacticools with airsoft guns?
John Brown Gun Club
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I highly doubt any of those could do a 10 mile hike or last 3 days in the woods. In an urban survival setting they would eat the weakest in the first week.
leftists deserve nothing but the helicopter
Massacre waiting to happen now quit spamming this shit, we already had three threads about it you fucking faggot
No more cringey than any of the right wing open carry protests. Let them make asses of themselves if they want, it's their 2A right even if it's stupid.
id infiltrate their group just to infiltrate their females.
I love how they pose their trigger discipline
>all red bandannas
>that Red Cross on the backpack
All I see is a field full of targets and free guns/ammo
pretty sure the buff dude on the right could outrun you
Maybe to the fridge
This is now a Revolution Crackdown thread
Open carrying rifles anywhere in public is always gay.
It's funnier when the people carrying are the ones that are anti-gun
>brown berets
Dumb fuck LA RAZA MUH AZTLAN spics.
Now that's what I call EdGy
Commie detected
All 3 of those people are brandishing.
Unfortunately for someone like me who has a destroyed knee, it doesn't matter. If they start shooting, I'm probably screwed.
I wouldnt worry. Guy with AR with iron sights cant hit shit and will spray. The other guy has like 5 shots at best, again iron sights. I highly doubt they understand range. None of them have experience beyond a weekend at the range.
The Female could prove to be an issue, but her stance tells me she would not be able to run more than a mile.
lol lefties playing commando. When these retards start a firefight in the middle of some city they will get rolled over no matter their numbers. I highly doubt they know how to fix a malfunction or properly maintain a weapon. I also like how so many of them bought some gear queer shit and think it makes them a force to be reckoned with.
Man this is like a reverse opchan rally in Phoenix. Only instead of hotdog guy charging his magpulled AR and everyone else fucking around having fun/chilling, you have these no fun allowed fags marching around.
>Hipster faggot with brand new basic bitch AR, looks somewhat in shape. Probably the most capable person there
>Fat thighs, skinny calfs brown cunt with a rifle that is obviously not hers or was built by her boyfriend for her. She's just there to pose, and would be useless in an actual armed conflict
>Tubby McTubberson with his PC that has not plates and M4 magazine pouches for an SKS. Will probably be cucked into carrying ammo for the mudskin bitch.
>All of them have little to no spare ammo, no IFAKs, wearing impractical footwear and bright red bandanas
Yeah. I hope they try some dumb shit.
Stop spamming this shit. Nobody is scared of liberal faggots.
To be fair, I can't run, but then again, the effective range of a .338 lapua would negate that problem.
That is true, though I might get hit because I am laughing to much while they fire.
You guys should go fuck with them, they're probably already scared out of their minds since they have guns out. Obviously they aren't going to do shit, so go prance around with your little MAGA hats, etc. It's amazing to me that /k/ would be scared of some lefties with guns, you guys are around guns 24/7 and you know they aren't scary. These types of people don't even CC, so they definitely aren't going to shoot you. At best you can piss them off enough to point their gun at you, at which point the police can take them away.
And stop making these gay threads where all the edgy teens on this board feel like it's their duty to tell everyone how none of these people are "ready" for combat. Last I checked, /k/ is full of fat little turds like them. In fact, over 2/3s of Americans are obese or overweight, so you're all no better. You just sound edgy detailing these stupid scenarios where you get to shoot people who disagree with you politically.
you just know that one of these brain dead retards will commit a shooting because of "muh racism" and then leftist shits will try to use it to push gun bans again.
>mfw recently out of muhreens
>nothing to do, waiting for school to start up
>been going to the range more often, plenty of money saved up for ammo
>uncle was in an AntiCom death squad, dad used to spy on them and get them rekt
>family has been fighitng commies since 1932
>mfw these faggots will just cocktease people like me before fading into obscurity like they always do
They never do anything Goddammit
>(most likely)cheap ARs
>shitty amazon.com gear
>betas everywhere
Lol okay
>using the namesake of our champion/lord and savior for your bullshit leftwing 'extremist' 'militia' full of women, cucks, betas, and whatnot
>t. Assmad /k/ansan
They will never be Jayhawkers fighting for freedom, they will always be pussies
> Show no trigger disciplin
Look, the libruls can't even into TD
> Show trigger disciplin
LOL, look at the Hillary nazis fags
Seriously user, what shall it be?
not even going to bother reading all the drivel in the pic. what the fuck is up with retarded redditors trying to re-write history?
Sup Forums used to be libertarian, and turned right wing authoritarian as a response to what is going on right now. yet reddit retards keep saying Sup Forums used to be left wing or that even obama was ever supported here.
fucking hell, when fox news called Sup Forums left wing it even became a meme immediately.
>bunch of playing commando
>they just brought some geer queer shit with them to look like a force to be reckoned with
So 99% of people on this board?
>and turned right wing authoritarian as a response to what is going on right now.
Lol no
so not that different from gear queer threads
time to post anti-bolshevism
Can you still drive a car laden with explosives?
I call bullshit on that one - /k/ has always been right wing authoritarian.
There might be some liberals and middle of the road anons but they were always a minority.
The Iranian half of me wants to say yes. The German half says no.
Isn't this brandishing? The guns aren't holstered or hanging but actually in hands.
shouldnt it be flipped the way germoney is going
No, cause my dad's side came over when Germany was rational (20's).
> fattie with a red cross backpack
At least they have a CNA with them
>Spend decades trying to ban guns
>The moment something they don't like happens they flock to gun stores in hordes
Hypocrisy at it's finest, god I hope these people actually hold some dude in a MAGA hat at gunpoint so the police can absolutely fucking stomp them
I kinda dig the AR the chick in front has.
>At least they have a CNA with them
the pack is probably just filled with Mylanta to wash out the pepper spray
willis was a fat, gunless faggot from Sup Forums. he didn't, does not, and will not represent /k/. you are free to fuck off just as he did.
Oh look, Brown shits!
Wait a second!
I the lefties was to carry, God bless. They might actually be getting it.
I fear it won't last past the next election though.
courts dont give a shit. even those chicago apes that tortured that retarded kid aren't going to actual prison. they could murder someone in a red hat on camera for all to see and still get maybe a manslaughter charge.
they've won. they control every last bit of power in the legal system aside from police, and look at the job they've done the last 3 or 4 years eroding police power.
i wonder if they get the irony, but then again the history books in school probably had trigger warning labels on them...
Here's their website, in case you're interested: bbaz520.wordpress.com
> All libruls hate guns
> All conservatives love guns
Pretty simple view of the world you have there user.
No, they just control the legal system in leftist shitholes like Chicago and Berkeley.
>wearing a sportsball team hat to a rally that opposes the exploitation of minorities.
It's true for 90% of liberals, and pretending "nuh uh, all liberals totally love guns because I know a guy who knows a guy" is anecdotal bullshit and you know it.
the kid wasn't from chicago. he was kidnapped and taken there.
they are making a pretty valid criticism. gun control is always historically been pushed by the left in the US. that is, until now. when they don't get what they want, they pick up arms.
if a conservative jurisdiction doesn't tow the line its only a matter of time before the feds come in launching an ethics probe. our only hope was Trump firing literally everyone and walking back all sorts of "progress", but instead we got a half-assed repeal of Obamacare. why that was priority #1 I do not even pretend to know.
thats the leftist way, use guns to put themselves in power then take them away and use the military to kill anyone who doesnt fit their worldview
>inb4 this thread gets deleted again after being up for half a day
Also no, those are actual firearms you glue eating mongoloid.
that website is full of pop ups and ads, don't open it
/k/ has been right wing libertarian
But this board has been infested with leftist cancer since Trump won
Is some of this shit airsoft?
>what the fuck is up with retarded redditors trying to re-write history?
It's what leftists do.
It's faggots from leftypol and reddittors.
This sequence happens in one form or another in every successful communist revolution
We want guns to protect our gun rights.
Leftists just see guns as a useful tool to get their way; gun rights is not sacred to the left and they will be revoked once they get into power.
oh and by "kill anyone who doesnt fit their worldview" thats usually most normal people, hence why going full Ganowicz is necessary
Sup Forums was always contrarian. When Dubya was in office this place was pretty left wing, with /k/ being more libertarian/centrist than anything else. Anons mocked christfags and conservatives all day long. Then when Obama got elected it flipped the other way, because Sup Forums is contrarian.
I wouldn't be surprised if Sup Forums swung back to the other side as Trump gets further along his presidency. Anyone who denies this is just too caught up in their own ideology or is a newfag.
t. user from 2004
it is the pain of being libertarian.
>all left wing people think you are a right wing nut job because you support 2A + less government
>All right wing people think you are a leftwing nut job because you support individual liberty
The the LA Raza/Aztlan/Chicano bullshit. Just another reason why Mexican and Hispanic immigration has been nothing but a threat to national security.
they have to go back
lmao nice poorfag ar and shitty kit
t. gq and arg fag
Sup Forums feels like it has a lot less energy already as they are dealing with Trumps presidency, they are basically Jeb! levels of energy at this point, all meme magic gone.
Looks like just more open carry protest fools. If it means less people supporting more gun laws then I'm all for it.
Any country has a enough issues but it boggles my mind that anyone thinks inviting more problems, problems that are ultimately the clashes of civilizations, into a country is somehow a good thing because if we didn't invite these problems in we'd be "racist" or something.
Meh, bullets are cheaper... and more plentiful
No, it's just the constant barraging of shills and constant raids from leftypol on infinitechan, plus the tumblr elements from /lgbt/ and similar seeping out. Plus half of the base there are all just ironic shitposting faggots.
Election brings a lot more traffic
LMAO almost all of them are fat life long civilians. Sad.
>says increasingly panicking Trump supporter for the 9th time this month.
Or maybe... just maybe, its because Trump has been almost nothing but a neo-liberal as president when people elected him to be the opposite.
Living proof that the indians fucked buffalo
they are all young and fat which means they are undisciplined which means they are scum