>T-the Romans waz White
How does it make you feel knowing that Middle Easterners/Meds created this world ? From your religion to your very alphabet and architecture.
How will cum skins ever compete?
>T-the Romans waz White
How does it make you feel knowing that Middle Easterners/Meds created this world ? From your religion to your very alphabet and architecture.
How will cum skins ever compete?
Other urls found in this thread:
>posting Caracalla aka the dude whose family was Punic
Could someone photoshop this guy's hair and beard to be blond and make his skin lighter? Experiment with blue eyes.
>posts Carthaginian
wew lad
Romans were exactly like this. THIS IS A ROMAN EMPEROR
>Romans were exactly like this.
Yeah, totally Carthaginians
I can play this retarded game too
What makes you think I give a shit about the Romans? they were butt fucked by germanic tribes. eat shit and get saged
Pretty much every single important Roman before Caracalla was Italic or at least part Italic. Ironically Caracalla was the faggot who made everyone in the Empire citizen and marked the beginning of the Empire collapse(the collapse was obviously for other reasons too but it's an interesting landmark).
Dont forget philip the arab. He sucked dick too. bad emperor.
Doesn't look white desu. More Leb
>t. butt hurt snow nigger
>I cant discern features from Latin Italics to Semitic Carthaginians
What is "whiteness"?
Answer please.
>Ironically Caracalla was the faggot who made everyone in the Empire citizen and marked the beginning of the Empire collapse(the collapse was obviously for other reasons too but it's an interesting landmark).
So Caracalla = Obama/Merkel
Romans were Mediterraneans who are white people with darker features
Enough of this in-fighting bullshit. Meds are whites and Nords are white. Shut the fuck up. If you're ancestry is from Europe, you're white nigger
This is a slide thread.
>Ma-Mediterraneans aren't white
Kinda, it certainly didn't help that something once as praised and worthy as having Roman citizenship became something even the most shit tier barbarian had by birth.
Just stop. You're grasping at straws at this point.
Being from an ethnicity that originates north of the 47th parallel
Wow, Hannibal was from Carthage and looked like a Med. Way to discover something there you mong.
They were Mediterranean whats your point?
We still share the same DNA, being blonde having pale skin, blue eyes does not make one 'white'.
Gtfo off my board shill, with your dumbass tactics, study genetics then get back to us with some actual information.
Romaaaanzzz and sheeeeeeeit.
Welcome to the mental gymnastics, where anyone that isnt Germanic isnt white
>calling me a snow nigger
please leave shill
Leave shills
>white people with darker features
So Middle Easterners ?
Who cares?
"White" is a retarded classification, Mediterraneans are Europids, that's all that matters.
>implying Romans = terroni
They cannot even try. If they do you must "Form---THE-----T-U-R-T-L-E!"!
You guys kicked some ass with that formation!
>youre grasping at straws
>has zero idea in defining Carthaginians from Italics
>literally uses Leb as an ancient concept
>"youre grasping at straws"
k leaf
Italians have always been shitskins
Mediterraneans are white they're just tanned heavily.
>We still share the same DNA,
lol you share DNA with bananas too . We're different races. Big difference
Middle Easterners and Mediterraneans are NOT the same, you Canadian nigger. Extensive DNA testing has shown time and time again that there is no substantial North African or Middle Eastern admixture in Mediterranean people. Besides, take a look at their society and their average IQ. If they were a bunch of goat fuckers they would be living in a destitute Hell and be inbred and stupid.
Shit, that's Caracalla.
That guy looks like Gilbert Melendez
>mfw I am the best from both worlds
>greek grandma
>italian grandpa from near rome
>other grandparents german as fuck
Fuck off leaf there was like a small time frame where muzzies didn't destroy everything.99% of the other time they have been savages.
Greek and Romans layed the foundation for the western world.Then Spaniards,Portugese,French,Brits and Weedland conquered it.And Brits,France and Germans in the 1800's and early 1900's are the reason you leaf can post here.
Please use this instead to avoid legal difficulties.
I'm 8% Italian/Greek
10 hours in ms paint
Now you're grasping at straws, again gtfo off my board and when you study genetics and have a very basic grasp of the concept you can come back with an actual argument.
to be a associated with cum is an association to creativity , shitskins will always be associated with the human being rejecting impurities out of their system , i would much rather be cum than shit anyday
that gargantuan nigger nose.
Italians aren't white.
Malta. What kind of hominid inhabits that island today? "Pig-fucking-lam"?
Keep projecting pig skin
It's true look how close Italy is to Africa
Also they called themselves Romans not "Italians" they're a different race
Doesn't matter what color his hair is, his skull is Arab loooking, nobody from Northwestern Europe has that small of a head or low forehead. Nobody.
Tbqh what I actually noticed is that many Meds can be as pale or even paler than many Nords when lacking sun exposure. Nords often seem to have a pinkish skin while some Meds when lacking sunlight go straight into ghost mode.
The Severans were the only dynasty that wasn't white, and they weren't very good at anything. Their collapse marked the beginning of the Fall of Rome.
Almost all the emperors (and all the good ones t b h) were white.
Get out of our country dune goon. the fact you mudshits can't even operate a functional society these days proves how little you share with romans.
You're going down goy
They were kind of unlucky t b h
I guess thats what happens when it ends being ruled by a fucking Tranny and the next guy tries to regain any dignity, gets stabbed by his soldiers
>showing your face on Sup Forums
hello fbi
You can tell they are white because they are depicted as white and described as such in every surviving text.
METH Busted
You're all really no better than blacks claiming Egypt
black =shit ....white is always pure , call us cumskin all day , cum is creation , shit is rejection
Middle Easterners are Caucasoid, so Europeans and Middle Easterners are the same race
"White" is literally just a skin color, not a race. What brings white people together more is culture than anything. That's how you can identify the ethnic group, but people on here obsessing over who's white and who's not are retarded because white isn't a fucking race.
I agree you are a different race from us. You're literally dindus who got trapped on a glacier. Barely human. Albino poo in loos that got blacked by neanderthal
Try again.
Let me assist you.
I noticed this too. Nordics who have no sun exposure are kind of pinkish or orangish. Northern Italians and people with a celtic appearance are the most white in a literal sense.
WE get it
It must be tough having zero idea how to understand the fucking difference between a Carthaginian with Berber background with that of a Italic
Must be tough
Don't be mad Ahmed, you can keep inbreeding like you have until this day.
That shit was rewritten by white monks in the dark ages bruh
>Middle Easterners are Caucasoid, so Europeans and Middle Easterners are the same race
lol no
We've known the Italians were niggers forever. What kind of mongoloid are you that this news OP?
Yeah they did get dealt a shit hand. But Caracalla (the guy in the statue) was an idiot. he killed his own brother over some petty bullshit and started the tradition of letting the army run Rome (which wouldn't end until Diocletian).
Kinda looks like Putin.
That's because the statue is of someone of Semitic ethnicity, not Latin ethnicity.
Caracalla was part of a syrian family
Without Italy the Western world is actually not that impressive. You literally need Italy, Greece, and even the ancient Near Eastern civilizations to prove the point that the West is the most accomplished civilization
Without Mediterraneans, you pretty much have British imperialism and the creation of the English language, and not much else in terms of accomplishment. There's not much notable culture either without Italians and also Christendom, and Christianities power over Europe comes from Italy
i could just lighten or darken the skin and repost it... doesnt really seem of any value
also i could lighen or darken the hair, maybe change the eyes etc
decent shitpost though
if he was shooting up a school, the left would most certainly call him white
I'm mexican at that happens to me desu
the parts of my body that aren't touched by the sun are the colour of paper
Does not even look normal white. Looks more Eastern Euro or leb. Anyway whites like you and me are mixed.
Sorry but they are you nigger. Especially in the Near East. The Near East also created the foundation of the West my friend :^)
You can try but his facial structure is not consistent with Northern pig skin genetics
Not necessarily.
Michael Ballsack
I know, whites claiming Roman accomplishments is literal white KANGZ shit.
I really disagree with that considering that things were actually going fine in Europe before and after Roman expansion. And Europeans utilized technology and created their own off shoots of it. I see nothing wrong with this though. Although I really wish Rome had never existed then we wouldn't have niggers and leftists ruining everything.
Wasn't one of the Emperors born in modern day Serbia? I'm really sleepy at the moment so please forgive my ignorance.
You can't have british imperialism without the romans too, Rome made everything possible
>Although I really wish Rome had never existed then we wouldn't have niggers and leftists ruining everything.
Italians and Germans are actually closely related though. Western Europe is all closely related. Italians might be darker but they still are genetically related to the rest of Europe whether you like it or not.
Implying Romans, Persians, Levant etc aren't white.
Nice try Jew. You cant compete
It's possible. The middle east was great before Islam.
Maybe because they were white? lmao
Do you literally just assume anyone that isn't some stereotypical German isn't white? Christ you tards are fucking stupid
Jesus christ youre more delusional than Germanics
Well romans are white, the problem just comes from these snow niggers who think to be the best white you have to be blonde hair and blue eyes then say the romans where like that lol
>Although I really wish Rome had never existed then we wouldn't have niggers and leftists ruining everything.
U wat m8?
Civic nationalism ruined europe still is to this day
Digits confirm it.