Because it kinda is.
Was this movie supposed to be redpilled?
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I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?
I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.
>How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner?
With a smile on my face and a song in my heart.
>Did you get bullied in high school or something?
No more than any of the other kids i suppose.
>I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views.
Plz dont, there are enough newfags here from /r/thedonald already.
Lol a group of kids at my college actually did go around putting flyers on people's cars about an "alt-right danger" student that visits this website. They were wearing masks so i couldnt identify them
I don't think it was supposed to be, but I definitely think it had that effect for some people.
The thing that irritated me most about the movie is they had Hitler shoot a dog. It's well known that the man loved animals.
As a german I can see how its hard to understand that the context of the film is actually to make fun of the extreme right movements of europe, especially with the tone of the last scene. That was the intent, but it actually kind of backfired and made a good case for hardline conservatism
Nice pasta
It was a great movie, if time travel was real I would have hope for the future
no its not redpilled at all
only people who liked hitler before the movie will think that
Nah. It was just honest.
If you didn't already have the "Hitler did nothing wrong" mindset, the movie would've probably been very unsettling to you, because it so realistically shows how Hitler rose to power and that the same thing could happen again if people let it happen. The theme of the movie was to show that Hitler was actually a lot scarier as he really was, a popular politician that people actually liked, and not the comicbook super-villain that people present him as.
The goal of the movie was to educate krauts about the dangers of German humor, and show that extremist views can hide in plain site under the guise of "satire". There was a subtle call to action to try to snuff-out such views in the media before they became widely accepted, the same kind of mindset that's used to justify Germany's strict censorship laws.
was this movie actually funny or does it just appeal to a German sense of humour (aka unfunny)?
>The goal of the movie was to educate krauts about the dangers of German humor, and show that extremist views can hide in plain site under the guise of "satire".
How utterly retarded.
Are you talking about me, or the makers of the movie?
Hopefully the makers because you're analysis is spot on.
Just saw it today
Some of it was just plain unfunny, le epic hitler movie XDDD tier humor
The actor who played Hitler was way too tall
All in all it made me sad I wasnt born in 1920
>The goal of the movie was to educate krauts about the dangers of German humor
German humor is no laughing matter.
If this scene didn't redpill a few normies I don't know what will.
Im gonna proof you wrong
*Knock knock
forgot link
who's there?
Who's there?
kys pasta fag
*smacks you in the face
I'm laughing so hard, I could just die right now.
Good one!
Kek blessed joke
Fuck this is a good pasta. Saved.
the movie is heavily styled after borat in many ways. it is a mix of on the spot interview skits and acted out scenes, and a 'on the road' plot where hitler (borat) and the journalist (azamat) tour a country and harass the locals.
scenes like hitler shooting the dog despite having loved them irl is meant to be a little injoke for people who know a lot about the historical figure
it's not suppose to be redpilled but for some it did look like it. I guess the point of the movie was to show how dangerous are germans and we should keep them in check otherwise they'll bring up their nazi genes
But this site is full of degenerate lonely weeaboos that like to make dumb memes...
Youd literally just be destroying what little solidarity your classmate has since hes already an outcast for society
>to his MacBook
didn't know we had macfags in this board
I thought it's illegal to portray Hitler in Germany?
>my gf is jewish
>im sorry
Best laugh of the year.
It's pasta ese, freshly made pasta that's being spamed right now
I never was and still am not someone who thinks hitler did nothing wrong. However The movie was still a redpill for me and it still shows the issues facing a lot of countries in regards to losing their identity, migrants over running them etc. Hitler aside I don't think the movie or message was necessarily bad in regards to nationalism.
Pasta.... disgusting