Does Sup Forums have any leads or suggestions?
Who will be the 'anti-christ'?
Other urls found in this thread:
So far the only thing more recently I've heard is that the antichrist will be a man named Holmes W. Ruthlift
Not Osama
Not Obama
But rather,
your Mama.
>Not Osama
>Not Obama
>But rather,
>your Mama.
What did user mean by this?
Sometimes I think I'm it, but I don't want to be it :(
Sam Hyde
Donald J. Drumpf
The thread was killed before he could reveal anything else. Hopefully he finds this thread.
me, motherfucker
There is already another thread like this going
It's me though. E1b1b RH- blood
>Is it you are just not familiar with the human genome project or you feel they are not far enough along? You see (Y-DNA) haplogroup E1b1b is why Jewish families insist you must have a Jewish mother in order to be considered Jewish. Hitler displayed this blood group and so do the royal families of Europe.
This will be the anti christ
Okay, I know how Sup Forums feels about Christianity but just give this a watch and really consider how the book of Revelations relates to prophecies in Islam
kek, forgot the link:
well duh, Islam is just a poor copy of Christianity
I'm Christian so I have my bias; from a secular POV I guess this isn't much merit then.
I am Christian as well. I just know how the devil works.
The next person with a 666 get.
Former Governor of Mississippi, secretary of the Navy and predicted by Nostradamus.
christ is the anti christ
Improve yourself, live wholesomely, learn and disperse knowledge, you will be ok
Some satanic Jew, could be raised/pampered from international banking families, but not necessarily from that lineage. Who knows?
The false prophet? Some future Pope.
Certainly a jew. The sons of Lucifer are the jews.
Donald Trump.
Please watch the videos from Brother James Key to learn more.
Well, black lives matter is popular right now, so no one is qualified to fill that role in this time line.
More likely me.
I'm the antichrist ama
Taylor Swift
i am kalki
Pope Francis
Isn't it obvious?
The pope is working overtime to destroy Christianity.
Kek is, obviously.
We chose Chaos, you think he'd be good?
John said there will be many antichrists. The main one was that fiery eyed being from the book of revelations.
Why are you so obsessed with changing people to look like your ugly ass?
I have the feeling that it will come from within the vatican. Maybe the new hbo program featuring a very young pope is to get the masses used to the idea of a someone so young residing as the pope idk something to ponder imo.
The current pope.
muhammad or whatever the fuck its spelled actually, already was the anti christ.
dunno lol
I'm just a wicked dude haha
Pedo pope
lel someone in production really hated obama
No, he's just a senile leftist cuck.
the "anti-christ" is a made up word.. Actual guy is called the "Towrahless One" .. He will be from Macedonia(like Alexander the Great) One of his parents will be Muslim and the other Roman Catholic but he will be a social secular humanist, socialist.. Not positive but the current leader in Macedonia might be him, or the dude he was running against
I'm serious about RH- and E1b1b. No LARP.
My mother's ancestor was an aide to the Queen of England. You know what that implies. Gave a commoner royal blood. Many past Kings of Spain, for example, were actually of blood from England. E1b1b came from my father - same as Hitler and Napoleon. Some believe there will be three ACs. Napoleon, Hitler, and then a third, acting as the Holy Trinity's opposite.
The 666 get startled me in that first AC thread.
Hitler was not an "AC" you dumb cuckold
Someone every normie in the world (Jews and Jew propagandized) will think is Jesus, the Messiah. Probably a Jewish black man. There is an unholy trinity of sorts. The Beast, the anti-Christ,and the false prophet.
Watch for an "alien" reveal to humanity. They will bring "miracles" (cures, peace in the world, free energy). They will offer to solve all our problems and will claim to have started every one of our religions, and to have helped us along in our physical, mental, and technological evolution.
All they will ask for is for us to pledge our "souls" to them. They will even provide an un-removable physical identification that shows the world we are one their side.
It will all be one giant deception - on every level possible.
>many antichrists will arise
It isn't a special person though.
a Jew of course, he will unite jews against other people and consolidate their superior complex, the first in day will be the christian, after the same jews who help them.
The prophetic scriptures in both the Old and New Testament of the Bible describe the Antichrist as being a person who will be so charismatic that "All the world will wonder upon him, they whose names are not found in the Book Of Life." He will be a brilliant military mind. The Book Of Daniel says "He will honor the god of forces (military might) and worship a god that his fathers did not know." Personally, I feel that whoever the Antichrist is, he has not revealed himself as of yet.
Can you explain this a little more? The haplogroup comes from the father, so what's the relevance of the mother being Jewish and not necessarily the father?
Just saying leaf.
If I was your leader, I'd ban porn (nudity on the internet must be treated in much the same way nudity is treated in real life - the internet is a public forum - like a town hall), ban your weed, ban all kinds of degeneracy, and instate a Lebensborn 2.0, after sending back all the shitskins to their respective homelands. I'd force you to work for the greater good of your community, and not for selfish desires.
He will carry within him the blood of the line of the dragons so we know that he will be descended from the Nephilim line of the elite. He will not be someone we can list now, but his appearance is soon.
As for when he comes, we are seeing the end of Christianity now and likely the rise of Babylon the world religion which will be ushered in by Francis, whose goal is to destroy Christianity to the point where it can be conformed to fit the world religion agenda. He will make himself known to the world once Babylon has taken root and will build himself on the very religion he will destroy upon seizing his throne.
Once Babylon is in place, it will allow for the world to come closer together as a result, likely forming the world government and its foundations.
The antichrist will cause great chaos and use his abilities to solve the problems of the world that were created to be solved by him, he will entrench himself through the ten representatives of the kingdoms of the Earth and become more powerful until, like the other two in whom the spirit of antichrist dwelled in before him, will seize power illegally and destroy three of these kingdoms, plunder their wealth and cause mass atrocities.
It is said when the Russians have captured the city of Crimea that the growing pains of the Messianic age will be felt when the Russians are in Constantinople, we are to put on our special clothes for it is when the "messiah's" coming is just right around the corner.
it's me
Islam was created by jews to destroy christianity.
In his young age Muhammed was raised by jews (i heard it in a old historical french animated series which is very accurated).
No, he's too stupid
It's Putin
Chelsea Clinton:
She owns the Daily Beast
The false prophet is the media that's peppering her up
And well... you can figure out the rest
your mother, dumbass.
i had a dream once where miley cyrus was telling me the media is the devil please save me.
Not sure but it remember me a lot that dream.
The Orthodox church says the Anti-christ will be a Jew.
Saint Paisios of Mount Athos Prophecy
A leaf, not surprised
I don't know.
My mother isn't "Jewish", as in she doesn't follow their traditions, but apparently carries the RH- blood, considering her ancestor.
My dad is E1b1b.
Was a bit startling, that get, considering how much I rail against the Jews on here.
It's like, when you put RH- together with an E1b1b you're gonna have a rough time.
Me am anti christ
antichrist in the greek doesn't mean against. it means substitute.
the roman catholic church is the anti christ.
if come to power can you help me to find qt 3.14 christian prisioner girl?
Sadly, this seems true, but he does not want to but knows he must? What will come of Christ? He would do so if he knows Christ will come.
No, antichrist in revelations is the topic at hand, while the church does embody some aspects of antichrist, to call it the one we're talking about in question is ultimately incorrect.
antichrist is a spirit which snatches those it can take. There is one man who will embody the many traits of antichrist in the end of the age and he will bring rebellion against God and Earth.
The Catholic Church is a plaything, it will be destroyed to usher in the new religion.
666 stands for a different thing
as example look to the hebrew alphabet and look for the 6 number which is vav.
Vav also represent a nails, when Jesus Christ was crucified by the 666.
Not sure what does 666 means but is probably something related to death or sin
>thread was on page 2 and was killed
What the fuck Sup Forums
Fuck off Moloch shill
He will thirst and he will want all that he brings to the world; fire, blood, power and worship. It is in his spirit to do so. The question is how much will he know? Does he know the deception of the Fallen ones who cannot win? Or will he believe that they can win the rebellion? Do the fallen ones even believe they can?
The point is to have mankind rebel to prove to God that the angelic rebellion is justified. Every human has been a puppet by fallen angels for this purpose and they shall recreate the antediluvian age and its rebellion in the modern day except we will have chosen this rebellion ourselves.
Christ will return and do away with him and his evil, he will defeat the Fallen Angels and their puppets and lock them up for one thousand years as the Kingdom graces the world.
>Holmes W. Ruthlift
>thread was on page 2 and was killed
What are you guys talking about? Got a rundown?
1. Yahweh, Jesus and Allah are myths.
2. The Tanakh, The Bible and The Quran are fiction.
3. The Abrahamic Religions are a cancer to mankind.
Timothy Allen
Nathan Sandusky
Sounded made up to me. It was from an Australian.
That seems triumphant, as losing should only be by those who deserve to win. So, why am would he choose to win? If Lucifer, knows his destiny is to lose, why not just wait or is he too mortal to truly trust himself and God?
There can't be an antichrist because there was no christ
>No, antichrist in revelations is the topic at hand,
revelation was written in greek. in order to understand revelation, you need to understand its etymology in the greek.
>Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
the word number in the greek is multitude, so it would more accurately read "for it is a multitude of men, and their number is 666"
read over this. the catholic church is the synagogue of satan
the earth is actually flat. you're a cancer to mankind.
bogdanoff will his himself and the other will gain the other's power and become the Prime Bogdanoff designate coming down from the heavens and tearing a hole in the ice in Antarctica
the most woke thing i've ever fucking heard
The Islamic Jesus is/will be the Anti Christ.
The Islamic Jesus is/will be the pharisaic Zionist Messiah
The Ottoman Empire will rise again, this is the final head of the beast.
The Madhi/Islamic Jesus will come out of Saudi Arabi and lead the Ottomans to take Jerusalem.
He will make peace with the Jews and rebuild their temple, transporting the black space rock from Mecca to Jerusalem.
He will proclaim that he is the Christian Jesus returned, and will behead all in the Ottoman Empire who refuse to bow down to the black space rock.
Jews will convert. Christians will convert.
Egypt will get butthurt it's not main power, will try and split away and get crushed.
Ottoman Muslims will get butthurt over Saudi Arabia continuing to sell oil to non-Muslim states and will nuke Mecca.
This state will survive for 7 years (4 at peace with Israel) and then the real Christ will return.
Lucifer's plan is to oppose God, at first, the angels attempted to trigger end time events earlier than the ordained time, we can see this through the works of leaders like Napoleon and Hitler, but this failed as continues to fail until the properly ordained time set by God. These beings are trying to win, maybe they think they can..
But it's irrelevant.
They really don't have much of a choice as the position the fallen angels are in is because of their original rebellion against God. It's either proves to God that their rebellion was legitimate by God's rules of engagement or suffer for eternity the lake of fire.
Maybe it's delusion, maybe its desperation. Either way, Lucifer will do what he must to win and if he fails... well, him and his fallen friends will take as many souls as possible with them to the lake.
Kek is the antichrist.
Digits confirm^.
I wonder what ever happened to that scooter dude. Is he kill? The tv crew seemed to run away after that.
nope, it was created by the catholic church see
>666 stands for a different thing
no, it stands for a lot of things
the www on your internet browser plays into 666.
it has to do with your carbon suit, your body is on a 666 protein chain.
pretty much this. the revelations in the quran are basically the anti-thesis to revelation of the bible.
I have seen what is in Lucifier's heart and to feel his heart would be to claim his Godhood. He is without, only, which was his path in the first, by his hand. I just wish him well, is all, because he wanted freedom. I just hope his redemption will be given, because he knows he fell, but he can only be what he knows and he only sees what he knows.
Sum of digits is 33
The number of deities in the Vedic Religion is 33. The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis.[3] Lag Ba'omer is a minor Jewish holiday which falls on the 33rd day of the Omer Jesus' age when he was crucified in 33 A.D.[4] According to Al-Ghazali the dwellers of Heaven will exist eternally in a state of being age 33.[5] Islamic prayer beads are generally arranged in sets of 33, corresponding to the widespread use of this number in dhikr rituals. Such beads may number thirty-three in total or three distinct sets of thirty-three for a total of ninety-nine, corresponding to the names of God. 33 is not only a numerical representation of "the Star of David," but also the numerical equivalent of AMEN: 1+13+5+14=33. Pope John Paul I, the 33-day pope. One of the shortest reigns in papal history, and it resulted in the most recent 3-pope year. A religious image of the Virgin Mary from the 18th century is known in Uruguay as "Virgen de los Treinta y Tres" (Virgin of the Thirty-Three); it was consecrated by Pope John Paul II in his visit to Uruguay in 1988. There are several churches dedicated to this Marian devotion, being the most important the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of the Thirty-Three in Florida, Uruguay. There are 33 degrees in Scottish Rite Freemasonry The House of the Temple, Home of The Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Washington D.C., USA has 33 outer columns which are each 33 feet high. The Yakuoji Temple in Japan has a two sets of steps, one with 42 steps for men to climb, and the other side with 33 steps for the women.[6] The Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage visits thirty-three Buddhist temples throughout the Kansai region of Japan.
I don't disagree that the church will have a nefarious purpose in the future, but it is not the antichrist of revelations.
If it's anything, it will be a part of Babylon, the harlot religion which will take all of her while maintaining the tradition, dogma and narrative of the secret societies and their off-spring religions from the fallen ones and their Nephilim kin.
I'm here but we're not moving forward on anything just yet. Also, its not that I dislike Christ, he was good for his time, I just bring a new paradigm.
Is that the number from the Area 51 user? Wasn't it linked to a genome? Perhaps it's a "double entendre" of some sort
Revelation was about events in the First Century, you judeoprotestant cuck fuck.
>but it is not the antichrist of revelations
the anti christ is a singular being as much as it is a coalition of forces