There are three types of mormons.
Type 1) Jack-Mormons, jump in and out of the mormon faith, in all truth they are just regular Christians, that once every few months go to mormon meetings/church. Great guys, red pilled, and ok with drinking, etc.
Type 2) Church mormons, this is the bulk of mormons, they go to mormon church, and are almost like Christians, but differ a bit(do to the whole "Smith has the "REAL" translation of the Bible!". Like Type 1, but with little to no drinking.
Type 3) Temple Mormons....oh boy, these guys are a religion all their own, and have almost nothing in common with a Christian. I knew one, who made it clear he was not a Christian, but a mormon, and he viewed Christians as Christians view Hindus, as a entirely differently religion, with no brotherly ties.
The problem with mormons, are in the U.S. the Temple going ones are like old school Catholics, and will do whatever the high priest/Temple tells them to do. Overseas mormons are much the same, even though they don't have a temple to go to.
So in otherwords, if the Faith declares Putin as bad, all Russian MoMo's will do the same. They did the same thing to Trump(well one of their off campus newspapers, and the bulk still voted for Trump, but not as many as would had, had the Temple kept its mouth shut, so again only Temple goers voted against the Temples wishes.)
Thus why Putin fears them.