whats wrong with incest ???
>b-but it will make your offspring retarded
jews are doing this for thousands of years and they rule the world including you cumskins,it is time to take the redpill.
Whats wrong with incest ???
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would I want to do what the Jews are doing?
/thread also kys roach scum
You realise Arabs have the lowest IQ (even lower than niggers) right? This is result of thousands of years of inbreeding. Bloody turkroaches wake up to yourselves.
>why would I want to be successful?
Really makes you think huh
Keep it as fetish.
>Banged my cousin more then once.
So what? Jews also don't eat things like shrimp. You tell me if I start doing that, I'll be successful.
Don't the royals do that?
How about other Semites???
How's your foreskin?
Incest is good but only if it's one of the good kinds like father/daughter and only when the girl is little.
Story time user.
If you stopped believing Sup Forums memes as being anything more than ebin memes you wouldn't be so unsuccessful.
Do you have more of this?
Have you seen your roach IQs, roach?
incest is fucking hot
people with retarded conditions and defects that are inherited are allowed to have children so the retarded offspring argument makes no sense at all plus it would have to be generations not just one incest baby
>If you stopped believing Sup Forums memes
You are the prime reason why don't stop believing in Sup Forums memes. It's because you leaves just shitpost all day and ruin this site.
>well jews were also almost entirely exterminated for that, so I assume we should follow suit as well?
Love the flag
My classmate left this website open on his computer. I checked the address bar and decided to visit it later, this is disgusting.
How can you people live with yourselves?
>With relative
You know it's wrong, God given instinct and moral law.
If you don't have that sense, you should be castrated.
Not surprised to see this question from your country.
>having sex with your sister makes you a winnter
flag checksout
A man having sexual relations with his own daughter can not be wrong. He made her and loved her more than anyone else possibly could. Him doing her us good.
Banged my stepmom when I was 19 and she was 39 and just met(never met my dad until I was 19), and banged my cousin when I was 30 and she was 18.
Everything here is satire.
you realise they have one of the highest instances, if not the highest instances of down's syndrome right?
some have been breeding out very selectively to try and combat it, but still.
>impregnate your sister because the kikes are doing it
Man, you sure convinced me, roach.
That's a pasta bro
And technically speaking, incest is direct family members, like mom-son, brother-in-law's. There's no real genetic problem with offspring with things like first cousins as a one off thing. Doing it multiple generations is a completely different matter.
Stop spamming your pics here cunt.
i'm to lazy to search for source but im pretty sure sub-sahara niggers score lowest on national iq tests.
not saying that arabs, turks or other mongrels are much better.
closed tab
>jews are inbred and they're fine
no they are not
>yfw jews are so inbred that their piss is thick black syrup that eventually kills them.
>tfw no sister or female cousins so can fantasize about incesting qts all i want without it being weird
Feels good lads
>"What is wrong with incest? Oh I don't know.."
Destiny is that you?
Kebab friend, you are not doing anything to dispel the notion that arabs are inbred idiots by making threads like this.