100 years ago, in 1917...

100 years ago, in 1917, the Jewish authority devised a plan to control the western world through the liberalization of European and North American nations.
This plan is obviously coming into fruition now, exactly on schedule.
If we are to fight the Jewish Masterminds, we MUST find out the next phases of their plan, and the timescale it's meant to occur.

pic not really related

Other urls found in this thread:


>shooting someone when you're already planning to gas them
for what purpose

Based Mengele


perhaps he's wondering why you would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane

that's a kike ass profile he's got going on there

thats a big claim

for Jew

The fire from the burning jews rises

step 1: liberalize and demoralize Europe
step 2: replace weakened whites with black immigrants

is this even a question?

4, actually 6 million u.

I'm sick of you racist assholes.
Six million innocent jews died in the holocaust.
That's eight million people put through months of suffering leading up to their deaths.
You have NO idea what it's like to live with the burden of knowing that ten million of your ancestors were hunted down and persecuted - that we know about.
For as long as I live, I will NEVER let humanity forget the twelve million brave souls who lost their lives.

All kidding aside, how many kikes died?

I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?

I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.

I agree the Holocaust was terrible, I'm a Jew so I feel connected to it, but it's time to move on, we can't cry about it forever, the biggest offence Sup Forums does is denying the Holocaust, not making jokes related to it

No one seriously denies that it happened, they just deny the inflated numbers.

fuck off nigger

>tfw when we are save from the jews
>tfw we have chinks and gooks instead

China annex Australia when

The Holocaust is fake, sorry desu. There were concentration camps in Europe, just as there were in America. As the allies invaded, the supply lines fell apart and people started to die. It's quite simple.

I don't like reducing people to numbers anyway even the Torah forbids counting people because it reduces people to numbers. Innocent people died, and they had no reason to die, that shit sucks, but Sup Forums cares more about the numbers than the people

I pray that it happens soon for you, user.

Why are chinks and other asian countries mysteriously immune to jewish influence?
They resist liberal conformity spectacularly.

I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?

I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.

it's definitely not fake, there's more evidence supporting it than againts it, just read mein Kampf to see that Hitler was very on-board with the systematic extermination of Jews

>says its time to move on
>wont move on
w-wew. Be the change you want to see in the world, jew.

Dunno why but all the Chinks and Gooks tend to have strong family values which whites nowadays lack.

I am half Asian and have a Asian gf, and to be honest the Whites will die out in 2 centuries I reckon

>systemic extermination

Then why did he intern them in camps? If he wanted to wipe you out, it's a very simple thing to do. A large hole and 6 million bullets.

English translations of hitler's speeches and his book are known to be done poorly for the sake of exaggeration and misinformation.
The german language, especially as hitler used it, is heavily contextual - the translations took them out of context and replaced words with their more literal definitions.

>2 centuries
Yeah right..

just saying the memes aren't the probem

cmon man, we both know it's not that easy to kill millions of people, you can't do it in one day and have to put them in an environment where they can't run, or revolt, or help the enemy

I don't think this is the right thread for you, user

Sup Forums has no problem quoting the English translations and you're right I bet Hitler was an avid Jew lover


He loved himself, a jew. So you're right on that count.

I do what I want user, what are gonna do, gas me?

It's quite simple. Plenty of other countries have killed as many people in less time.

It would have been trivial for Nazis to have the concentration camps be giant holes in the ground. Pull the trains up. Line the people up, shoot them, throw them in the hole. This is infinitely more effective than masturbation machines, pits full of moving knives, and millions of cremations.

Why would we delouse you? Do you have lice?

Step 3: Endebt States via welfare thus rising States' external debt, and offer easy credit to these new immigrants.
Step 4: Drop the curtain. Market will be unsustainable and people will soon realize their lifetime savings don't worth a damn. Social unrest and civil wars ensue.
Step 5: Offer some solution.
Step 6: Enslave the world into a feudal like system, with megacorporations as their lords, and people with absolutely no identity.

My ancestors are smiling upon me.
Yours are burning in hell.

you're forgetting that they didn't immediately start killing them, that wasn't their immediate solution, they put them in camps first.

>Remote gassing via the internet

Fuck it, I'm going back to college to finish my computer science degree. Don't let your Memes be Dreams!

>comes into a thread about jews
>starts talking about how people need to let the holocaust memes go
>"What are you gonna do, gas me?"
you're worse than niggers chimping out about plantation owners then turning around and posting "kill whitey" every possible chance while being oblivious to the reason why they're getting hate from white people.
Ultimately you're just conflating the issue like the sneaky kike you are.

>Christcucks unironically believe this
you worship one of my ancestors cuck

Torah says goyim aren't people.

it's easy shitposting, I was born for this purpose

you want electrical engineering for the nitty gritty details of remote computer gassing
t.electrical engineer

So you admit that jews exist for the sake of causing conflict through spewing shit

don't remember reading that in Torah

It's al in the protocols, just look them up. "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"

Literal blue print they received from all their prayers and sacrifices to the Devil. Damn them may retribution be ours Amen!

>they didn't immediately start killing them

Why not? Why were only the camps the Soviets found the "death camps"?

so you admit that Goyim exist to take the bait?

for what purpose?

what is the jews endgame?

what good is to rule over a bunch of ignorant niggers to dumb to work in science or produce anything?

Good luck. I think I'll do the same. What an uplifting thread.

final solution is called final solution for a reason

be the change you want to see in the world user

The accurate translation of it isn't even Final Solution
It's "Total Solution"

Nice infiltration you fucking kike bastard

>Everything a Jew needs for his church ritual no goy is permitted to manufacture, but only a Jew, because this must be manufactured by human beings and the Jew is not permitted to consider the goyim as human beings.

Stop playing the fool.

well it still existed, Jews were killed, it's a no-brainer, the evidence is there, denying it is like niggers thinking Mozart was black, simple history revisionism

Some Jews just want to watch the world burn.

Yes, we have all these people in camps where they cannot escape, let's kill them a few dozen at a time, meanwhile feeding and caring for the rest of them until it is their turn. Make sure to not let them die of starvation or exposure or something that would remove them all on the same timeline and not require resources, that would be very silly. We must kill them at a slower rate than they are brought to the camps, causing population problems and forcing us to open new camps and provide even more food and resources, that would be the really efficient way to be rid of these people we have total control over.

It's too bad they missed your progenitor.

doesn't sound like Torah, is that Talmud? The thing to know about Talmud is that it's a big book of arguments, there were some crazy old men who argued in Talmud

Look upon this man, anons, and revel in the Jewish machinations!
The lie has spread so deeply that even the descendants of the original perpetrators believe in the lie!
The conspiracy runs so deeply that all modern Jews FULLY believe that six million of them died to systematic genocide. In there minds, there is no room for deviation from this 'fact'.

but user what if I was lying? then I would be saying the same things. But really the evidence is there, I don't have any family involved because I'm Sephardim, but I know people who's family was killed

>people still deny the Holocaust

>but user what if I was lying? then I would be saying the same things
Admitting you're lying was a bold decision.


classic Tyler

Its really a shame some got away, then you wouldnt have to live with the burden.

Well, the Torah is all about love and inclusion.

True story.

don't tell me what to do bitch

Jews arent even the blood of Abraham's son Isaac, Europeans are.

Thas rite, we da real Israelites!

Fuck you

>Yes, we have all these people in camps where they cannot escape, let's kill them a few dozen at a time, meanwhile feeding and caring for the rest of them until it is their turn. Make sure to not let them die of starvation or exposure or something that would remove them all on the same timeline and not require resources, that would be very silly. We must kill them at a slower rate than they are brought to the camps, causing population problems and forcing us to open new camps and provide even more food and resources, that would be the really efficient way to be rid of these people we have total control over.

It does seem odd that one of the most famous Holojews (Anne Frank) dies from typhus instead of simply being killed.

I've heard the argument that these were work camps so they kept them alive to work. How much work were they expecting to get out of a young, sick, girl? Doesn't make much sense to bother keeping her around.

People seem to overlook the fact that German civilians were starving, suffering from disease and lack of medicine in general, being firebombed, etc.

How high on the resource priority list do you think concentration camps would be versus free wartime civilizians living in a LOSING war?

What do ditches of bodies prove? Of course many would die in these camps given the circumstances.

If the allies and U.S. were losing the war, having cities firebombed, resources diminishing, etc., what do you think the conditions would be like for the Japanese in our camps? Think they'd be high priority for food, medicine etc.? Do you think some Japanese would get desperate and act accordingly forcing soldiers to make examples out of however many they needed to retain order?

Just some more questions around the death camp narrative...

Remember da six million

it was worldwide communism, that gave them the greatest control over the most people.

this was before the technological revolution really kicked off. I think its quite clear looking at silicon valley that they've moved into a technocratic socialized cronyism.

this thread sux and the one new cocksucker here is a moron. read the Torah again child, goyim are cattle.

>Remember da six million

Fuck you, you fucking racists! The Hall of Costs isn't a joke!

Jesus, that fucking picture. You can hear the nasally whine as he lies through his teeth so you will give money to Bolsheviks and help them murder Christians.

Jews are systematically destroying Gods true chosen people while claiming to be Gods chosen people.
Keep in mind when you read this verse that the term "Jew" didnt exist until 1775. The original word meant Judah or Judahite (one of twelve tribes of the blood of Isaac) "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee"

Don't worry Jesus will come and save us.

If the "Holocaust" was real, why did Jews claim they were being rendered into soap, when it was later proven they lied?

Why did they claim they were being turned into lamp shades, but it was later proven they lied?

Why did they claim they were being tortured to death in masturbation machines, before it was proven they lied?

Why did they claim there were roller coasters that would dump carts full of Jews directly into ovens to be burned alive, but it was later proven they lied?

Why did they claim there were room sized electric chambers that would electrocute them to death before cooking the bodies to ash, but it was later proven they lied?

Why did they claim several places had gas chambers that it is now fully excepted there was not?

Why did they claim 5 million non-Jews were killed, which also turned out to be lies?


Why is the "6 million" figure and "Holocaust" term found in dozens of publications before the Third Reich existed?

Why was the only gas chamber found in allied captured territory later proven to be a reconstruction by the army corps of engineers, and was never used there?

Why were all the camps liberated in the West proven to be just labor camps or prison camps, not "death camps"? And only the camps liberated by the (((Soviets))) were "evil death camps"?


>In a dramatic and unprecedented videotaped interview, Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the Auschwitz State Museum admitted on camera that 'Krema 1,' the alleged 'homicidal gas chamber' shown off to hundreds of thousands of tourists every year at the Auschwitz main camp, was, in fact, fabricated after the war by the Soviet Union -apparently on the direct orders of Joseph Stalin.



>Why did they claim there were roller coasters that would dump carts full of Jews directly into ovens to be burned alive, but it was later proven they lied?

Its the kikes








>Based Mengele
Mengele is not based, he is a fucking lunatic sadist.

Without him we could have had mass sterilization with X-Ray but he was too obssessed with injecting acid in ovaries. Truly, the perfect exemple of nazism incomptence. A shame Nuremberg meeting is associated with his name.

dude i swear on my fucking mothers life i could never ever ever forget this i can not be making this up i remember my bewilderment at the time, in 8th grade my jew english teacher had a HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE MONTH and fucking made all the shit holocaust work, and one of the things she told us is that THE NAZI'S WOULD TAKE JEW KIDS AND BABIES AND THROW THEM IN THE FUCKING AIR AND SHOOT THEM AS TARGETS. SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD SHE SAID THIS AND THIS WAS A NORMAL WESTCHESTER COUNTY NEW YORK MIDDLE SCHOOL

It's me. Hey guys.

Nobody seems to appreciate this pasta. I'm here to assure you, I kekd