Would you date a black woman if she wasn't a nigger?
Would you date a black woman if she wasn't a nigger?
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A nigger is a nigger is a nigger is a black person is a nigger
Unrealistic question. All niggers are niggers
>Says the Swede.
Would you date a woman if she wasn't a woman?
No. Black women are ugly, stupid, and have no value.
what are you implying?
Would you date a nazi if he wasn't racist?
Already am.
yes. african americans are usually prettier than euroafricans albeit the percentage of "shaniquas" is higher in the US.
She may not be a nigger,but odds are our kids would be.
Its a no from me.
No, I just find them disgusting, even if they are nice.
And also I want to preserve my heritage, so no.
Dating implies intent to eventually marry
Gorgeous black/mixed/supermixed women exist and I would love to fuck them, but I wouldn't because I'm not a degenerate as I do not intend to marry them therefore I would not date.
It's just bad for mixed kids and to be honest I prefer not to have children that don't even look like me in the slightest
My wife is black so I guess the answer is yes for me.
I like that chick who wore the trump dress, she is qt, fucking scoentologist though.
>eating pussy
What's her family like? She could be the perfect waifu, but if she has six brothers all named Jamal and a dad that really just needs a few bucks to get by, no deal.
Found the virgin
MMmmmmmmmm ITALIANA !
It's cannibalism.
would you date a high test latina if she had high IQ?
Found the small dick.
She's taking a shit, note the reading materials.
>if she had a high iq
>would you eat an apple if it wasn't a fruit
Bigger than yours evidently desu
Sup Armenian, how's Glendale?
I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?
I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.
I'd never date black, actually I may be working with niggers soon and I feel like just shooting myself.
>would you eat an apple if it wasn't a fruit
depends on if it's still healthy or not.
isn't that that one chick from walking dead?
I literally just refuse to eat pussy and still get sex and still get my dick sucked.
Black people already smell shit, I can't even imagine how nasty black pussy tastes.
lol I thought it was the russians that used to send animals into space. How did it go? Did it shited in zero g? Did it came back alive?
No, simply because im not attracted to Blacks. The hottest blacks look hotter if they were white.
no, the cultural differences are just too broad.
I only want to marry either a Dark-Skin girl or a Slavic girl. If I fail to go back to my home country Poland, then I'll probably settle with a Black girl. I lived in LA and, maybe I got lucky, Black women have always been nice to me throughout my life so I kinda have a fondness for 'em.
Fuck Spics though, can't trust them at all.
absolutely not unless it was Rashida Jones
Perfect answer.
Be friends with?
Mix my blood and create some weird hybrid mongrel race?
Blasphemy. I'd hope she feels the same way.
Eating any girls pussy is absolute cuck tier and disgusting as fuck. I don't lick it. I only stick it.
Very sexy user. I like how she looks like she's about to drop a fat steaming turd on that poor cuck's face
>Would you date a black woman if she wasn't a nigger?
so you are saying she would be white, in that case. no, i only date SEA.
not really. It's kinda like guys to me. I have no problem with black people. They just don't look aesthetically pleasing to my eyes at "hot, sexy, or cute". They don't trigger boners like gay people are to women. You shouldn't have to be a complete xenophile to be progressive
If you wouldn't fuck any race of women you're gay.
>Would you mare-ry ;P a horse if she could add and subtract numbers?
well friends it's not for all of use but yes, i smash black pussy. you are missing out on about 30% of the american spirit and 100% submissive wife material.
it's a free fucking country after all.
What would be the point? Having children would be moronic.
I wouldn't. Only whites for my cock.
Why is racemixing bad tho?
>inb4 muh heritage
>They don't trigger boners like women are to gay people*
Fixed. I like most of the globe, just not black people, jews, italians, or turks, though there are exceptions.
I'd fuck any ethnicity of girls and I suspect you're gay if you wouldn't. You wouldn't fuck an Italian girl? Full on faggot. Italians are sexy as fuck.
This is Mussolini's granddaughter.
>Not fucking a fair skinned woman becuase of her supposed anglo heritage
you're gay as fuck nigga
I'd date a high test latina whether she could tie her shoes or not.
>30% of the american spirit
What, is every zoo animal an American now? Was Harambe murdered? Who did Shamu vote for, Trump or Hillary?
It's not like I'm doing a background check on women before I rate. It's just a matter of me looking at women of different ethnicity and thinking, "That's not for me". There are plenty of women I get turned on by, but black women are the least attractive in my mind. I'm not just some dog and fuck any hole. There's just this color and aesthetic that needs to be met
Not that great desu famalam. Would not kiss on the cheek
No, she'd still be a gorilla
No. Would you?
From Canada, the Caribbean, or Brooklyn only.
we dindu nuffin. it was the russians
I'd date her if she was an astronaut if I could go with her to NASA places.
Hell, I'd date a guy if I could go to those places.
>Would you date a black woman if she wasn't a nigger?
if she was like 1/4 nigger with caucasoid enough features i would.