It's Happening!
Weedman is actually fucking doing it.
Marijuana will be legal by July 1, 2018
Other urls found in this thread:
>But the provinces will have the right to decide how the marijuana is distributed and sold. Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
Fuck that. We'll all be dead by then.
trecuck finally legalize after heroin clinics
If they tax it too much people will just continue buying it from their current dealers.
Kek is here.
false flag
Trudeau is just saying this so people think he might actually do something. Let's see what he is saying in June 2018 (if he is even still PM)
Fingers crossed.
Prob not actually happening fuk
>mfw Canadians can fuck dogs but not smoke weed
Ha Ha pot is legal now guys 420 blaze it! What do you mean $40 a gram!? Ha jokes on you government my dealer sells it to me for $10 a gram. Officer what the fuck you can't arrest me for buying non-government regulated weed, this is bullshit!
Why so pessimistic user?
I doubt it's going to be 4 times the street price. But I'd pay a premium to not be risking my livelihood by having a criminal record.
buy it by the pound and pay 7 a g easy.
Look at how much a pack of smokes cost in this country. Even alcohol is expensive as fuck in most places here. Don't kid yourself.
We need to stop this.
Weed encourages degeneracy and complacency.
it shouldnt be illegal.
It will still be illegal to buy street weed, no different than selling your own tobacco or alcohol without government approval.
24 cigs cointain how many grams of tobacco costs like 15 dollars, weed will be cheaper and better
I am really happy. The criminal gang will lose money.
>7 a g
An entire year? Why?
It should nto only be illegal but the prison sentence should be HARSH.
Marijuana is a gateway drug to degeneracy.
So does Sup Forums
Two thirds of that price alone is in taxes plus the retailer takes a cut as well. The tobacco itself is cheap as fuck. Your weed will be expensive as fuck.
>Want weed
>Don't want people to vote fore Trudeau
I don't know where I should stand
only if the muslims allow it you morons. Maybe that will be the breaking point for Canadians
Exactly, gotta push it to the limit. The pendulum swings back harder that way.
By Canada Day 2018 Ottawa will be under US occupation. The only thing Justin will be smoking is black cock---in an American prison.
Anyone else surprised they will let us grow our own? It's gotta be a misprint
and the muslims will start killing people because they are using drugs and that goes against islam
4chin BTFO
Graft marijuana plants onto an oak tree root ball and just grow gigantic pot plants lol
>Liberals will forever be running this shithole country now
>tfw can't even move out of here because of mental health history
but youre ok with alcohol? fuck off and die. i hate booze and drunks.
You can't leave to any country cause of that?
i buy with bitcoin from a local dude who grows "for medical reasons" its on par with 810 Seattle dispensary weed
fucking druggies
Not if they have anything to say about it.
Foto Amsterdam and try to get bomb ass insane weed from the drop out you get from now.
Buying legally allows you to customize your weed and get stronger or a different type of you want
But it will be banned when Sharia Law comes into effect.
M103 just passed and it will eventually be illegal to criticise islam, once sharia law drops lots of things will become illegal by default.
fuck weed god dammit. now I have to see fuckin 13-14 years old talking about how good weed is to your health and shit.
Fuck Justin Truedeu and Fuck the liberal party.
Say it with me pole
No it wont, you're a retarded non-smoker trying to false flag smokers into fighting legalization
>Me moves to leaf
>hits blunt of legal weed
>what if muslims really are the problem?
>police show up two seconds later
>hit me over the head
>lock me up with a broken skull
>gets infected
>come back as leaf zombie
>hits blunt again
Decriminalizing drugs is good.
Legalizing and taxing marijuana is good.
But at this point it's just a distraction to stop people getting angry about their pro-muslim slide into degeneracy.
I suppose one positive note from all this is that the citizens of Canada will have more outlets to cope with the fact that the liberal federal government and Ontario liberal provincial government have totally fucked up beyond all repair and are currently working hard to cover-up and unfuck themselves from the disaster that's looming just around the corner.
i'll believe it when it actually happens and i can go out and buy some.
until then i'm still calling bullshit.
>4 plants per household
4 plants per household
>4 plants per household
4 plants per household
I can visit most countries but I won't be able to move out. I'm forever stuck here. At the very least Alberta is probably the least degenerate province up here but that's not saying much.
So the same as cigarettes & booze?
Meh, ok.
This country has no money at all coming in, they'll tax the shit out of it, unless you think all these last minute panic taxes like the carbon tax and Ontario's new sin taxes and government power selloffs are some how there to make life better for us. Shit's going down hill real fast and it's easy to see if you look for it.
How sad isn't it that you marijuana smokers are willing to compromise everything just to have weed legal.
>Fill your nation with immigrants
>Get in jail for using wrong pronounce
>Totalitarian identity politics
This is why marijuana smokers are seen as degenerates, for you are willing to lose everything just to get your next joint.
Fucking pathetic
having lived in montreal for 4 years and my best friend there being a medium-tier weed dealer (i.e. deals in lbs), I can see the black market continuing on in Quebec as they're probably gonna go full SAQ with retail sales and monopolize the fuck out of it, jacking up the prices.
taxes wont equal up to the premium paid on street weed because the whole operation is illegal
>wahh tax tax tax
go to the states you cuck
SAQ is still way cheaper than LCBO from what I remember
as a murican both are way too expensive for me. I go to New Hampshire to get me some tax free liquor
AND, if we can be so lucky, the governments will pull their heads out of their asses and use the new revenue source to pay down the debt..
The new revenue source won't be enough to generate a surplus. The deficit will continue to grow.
is Trudeau /ourguy/?
>>Fill your nation with immigrants
>>Get in jail for using wrong pronounce
>>Totalitarian identity politics
As if all that shit isn't going to happen anyways. Wake up Norcuck
Laws (Acts of Parliament) always take effect the following year.
Same with budgets (except for emergency funding bills, they take effect when passed).
I think they promised it just for votes... which worked, and they never really planned to do it. They have run out of cash to spend, and had to skip alot of commitments they promised. So this may be something they do just so they can say they made good on a single thing.
Guess what.
it's legal in 2018.
Federal elections is in 2019.
You get your weed + can elect his opponent. Tada!
>Weed tax generating more than 28.5 billion dollars worth of tax revenue, or $810 per person.
Never going to happen.
i might not move back to the us if that happens
How hard are we getting fucking slid right now? Even this thread was a shill thread. Is it because of the Russia happening? starting to get a bit worried now.
Trudeau will 100% be reelected if he gives people legal weed.
fuck off mehmet, we don't get much in the way of exciting news here
This is disgusting.
neat, weedleaf here, feels good working at untaxed dispensaries putting degenerate street dealers out of business
Fuck off, ain't "gonna happen anyways". It happens because people are voting for this shit, even demanding it. If you had any type of balls you wouldn't take the gold sion is trying to bribe you with.
Don't come and tell me marijuana smokers in Canada ain't gonna vote for Trudau
what the fuck time line is this.
>hey guys it'll be legal spring 2017
Good luck getting the potheads to come out to vote again after they have what they wanted. Was a miracle to get them out to vote in the first place.
>implying they won't come out again in fear of the next PM fucking everything up
yes thats cheap even in canadian money here in usa depending where you are at you will get jewed for $20 a gram
just make sure you take the shitskins with you
I can insult islam and not go to jail because I don't live in a dictatorial shithole of a country
If Maxime Bernier becomes PM after legalization.. it could happen.
>This country has no money at all coming in, they'll tax the shit out of it, unless you think all these last minute panic taxes like the carbon tax and Ontario's new sin taxes and government power selloffs are some how there to make life better for us. Shit's going down hill real fast and it's easy to see if you look for it.
Pretty much this. Ontario is fucked, it's just the idiots are burying their heads in the sand and pretending that if they don't see it, it's not there.
40% income tax on top earners, 13% tax on most purchases, a carbon tax because sure why the fuck not, sky high liquor prices, and the list goes on and on.
If legalized, a gram would likely be around $30. A case of beer in quebec that goes for say $26, costs over $40 in ontario.
>SAQ is still way cheaper than LCBO from what I remember
It is. Only time I go to the LCBO is to pick up some quality scotch, since they can't really jack up the price on that, because nobody would buy it.
Let's not forget Ontario's new plan to cut skyrocketing hydro bills by borrowing more money and just tossing the extra debt on the pile. The fiscal policies here are far from sustainable at this point, we're entering a runaway debt spiral and our politicians are spending all their time trying to hide the reality of the situation.
Families making more than 100k are taxed 43% or something. It's insane
So weed for every province except for Alberta.
> Islam
> degeneracy
Pick one
Good thing I bought into the lol weed stocks when they dipped a few weeks ago.
Stoners spend thousands on weed every year. If it's anything like tobacco it'll be mostly tax revenue... Stoners will save Canada from economic collapse