how does Sup Forums make you feel
How does Sup Forums make you feel
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Its getting worse by the day, see the replies before mine
Overall the feelings remain the same though.
I need a break
Good to know that not every guy in the world is a faggot. You'd think so without it.
Makes me feel whites can talk freely somewhere and have a chance in the real world.
>Sup Forums before election
Cool board, decent discussion despite different opinions
>Sup Forums after election
Underage Trumpfag neckbeard circle jerk
Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums right now.
Why don't you run my posts through some fancy computer program and tell ME how /pol makes me feel?
*shit himself*
Angry, usually.
Sometimes I take breaks from Sup Forums the same way I took breaks from reading the newspaper.
Eventually I got tired of being angry at the world being retarded, so I take a bit of time to chill out and unwind. Sometimes I just want to forget how awful the left has made the world, so I unplug and go do IRL stuff.
But I always come back.
I was in class and I saw one of my classmates was browsing this website, so I went over to his MacBook and checked out the website address, and went on here myself to see what a disgusting website it is with disgusting users. How can you all live with yourselves while expressing yourselves in such a racist, misogynistic and homophobic manner? What are your reasons? Did you get bullied in high school or something?
I am compelled to tell the rest of the class about what my classmate browses and his possible views. He is a danger to our society and so are you.
Comfortable. Like I am not alone in the world and there is a chance that together we might actually be able to make this world a better place.
got the oj
If not blackpilled then horny because the pictures of fart boxes
>how does Sup Forums make you feel
It makes me feel like I've put in a good day's work.
I'm a Russian troll and I get paid to shitpost on Sup Forums. Get me an American VPN IP and I'm ready to roll.
It's mostly just "the west is degenerate", "Hillary is plotting WWIII" and "what does Sup Forums think of Poland" shit, but a lot of times we post hundreds of slide threads to push out all the anti-Trump and anti-Russia threads. This is how we control the conversation.
Pretty lame work, but Amerisharts are really stupid and gullible, especially the TrumDumpsters. They will fall for anything we tell them. Its hilarious.
it's the same shit over and over again.
Sup Forums is a rut.
Once you see
Grew up in NYC as someone of south asian descent.
Like maybe my deep-seated racism against blacks and mexicans might have some basis in reality
Weak bait shariablue faggot.
... like I'm not the only one with cancer
Like a homo-peodo clown killer ;:;-((
> save the planet; go kill yourself
> pic UN-related
[sage all Yankee threads]
Literally every board on Sup Forums is turning into pol, really can't escape it
Angry, paranoid, hateful, and full of self loathing because I don't want to be an angry hateful person but I also can't just reject what the people here say because a lot of it makes sense.