After European countries become majority Muslim/black, the invaders will genocide the remaining whites.
They have no intention of coexisting peacefully with whites.
If whites are exterminated, how will Jews survive? Won't they be genocided as well?
How Will Jews Survive After Whites are Gone?
Why would $$$they$$$ want to genocide themselves? Dumbass
have you seen Antifa ?
They don't want to but they're notoriously short-sighted and inevitably get too grabby and destroy themselves.
They hide behind their expensive missiles and walls in Israel. What did you think Zionism was all about?
White people wont be gone, theyll just turn into Jews 2.0: transhumanist nazi world manipulators
Come on Sup Forums.
Give me some answers here.
Move onto the next dominant civilisation
Jews have the upper hand, on media, politics, companies, banking... that's how they would stay afloat, and they are not stupid, they are master manipulators, from marxism and bolshevism/frankfurt school to the federal reserve, they know how to pull the strings, and all they need is a mass of dumbed down, mixed race eurasian negroids with no history, race, culture, pride, values, or sense of identity, it's a jew's wet dream. (Brazil is a good example on the future of Europe)
The dumbed down Eurasians will be Muslim. There's a a lot of culture and history involved, including Islam in Europe. Their identity is the hating of Jews.
They will "convert" to Islam and then proceed to subvert it from there like they did when they "converted" to Judaism in 800 AD. They have done this over and over.
The scorpion wanted to cross the river. It asked the toad for a ride.
"But, you'll sting me" said the toad.
"Don't be foolish" answered the scorpion. "If I stung you, you'd drown and we'd both die."
The toad agreed that made sense and the scorpion hopped on. Halfway across the river the scorpion stung the toad.
"Now we'll both drown" gasped the toad. "Why?"
"It is my nature" said the scorpion.
Pretty much this:
We have the Samson's option. If they'll try to destroy us, we'll destroy the world. Also, ethno-weapons. With out morals and 'human rights' stopping us, it'll be the esiest war ever.
They'll become nazis.
That's exactly what their beliefs call for.
They have Israel. Israel has nukes. This is the point of ethnostates
Just to be clear, you're not destroying the world now? I'm not sure anyone would be able to tell the difference
Mutually Assured Destruction isn't really a deterrent to suicide bombers.
Those fucking quads.
I hereby revoke my statement. Kek has seen your wisdom
Look up the history of the Khazars. Literal mongoloid turkroaches who "converted" to Judaism and subverted the Israelite into extinction so that they are now considered the Israeli when in actuality there is more Israelite DNA in a modern day Palestinian than in a modern day "jew". They are doing the same thing to the Europeans at this moment which is why they are simultaneously recognized as "white" and "jewish" whenever it suits them the most. They have no promise from God. They are not gods chosen people. If Europeans choose not to wake the fuck up and overcome this obstacle of deception through infiltration then they have signed their own death warrant. This was all explained albeit in lesser detail in Hitlers Mein Kampf.
They have all the weapons, so browns won't be a problem. Browns can't even make weapons other than spears.
Indians and japs might be a threat to them. China only creates weapons by stealing plans from whites so as long as the jews keep their plans from china, they will just have to work with japs and indians. They would do deals with the upper class of indians so that's that. The only resistance against the Jews will be Japan.
Imagine the Earth's population as a star. Whites are the nice, easy to fuse Hydrogen because a vast majority are degenerate dough in the Jews hands. Then Asians are Helium, harder to fuse now due to their cultural pride, but just as susceptible to Jewish influence. Muslims and Indians are then the heavier gases. If the Jews are trying to use them, Life is coming to a close as our "star" is running out of fuel. Finally, niggers and spics are iron. Impossible to fuse due to stupidity and degeneracy, our star will die and explode in magnificent splendor, then fissle into the void. If the Jews have no one to manipulate, their society collapses.
fake jew are gog and magog
in jewish culture they unironically consider themselves the masterrace so figure lets be honest all those shitskin people are really low IQ and we can just manipulate them
good point...i guess trough indoctrintion and generations of obedient workers would make blacks/muslisms acept their masters?..
I am originally from India and I can say that India would definitely protect the Jews or any other persecuted minority. Go to India, you will be welcomed there.
Would you even build a toilet for them?
>no response
If YOU have IQ 160 and people around you have IQ 60, then you will always find a way to control them.
They will have 10 billion slaves and will feed them TV and music.