What does /pol think of skinny guys?
Are they automatically cucks?
What does /pol think of skinny guys?
Are they automatically cucks?
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skinny + tall = cool
skinny + manlet = ewww
take advantage of your high metabolism and reach ottermode
don't fucking sit around all day and get stretchmarks, they wont go away and will be worse if you bulk
Lanky ass guys are weird looking
>Are they automatically cucks?
Both skinny people are fat people are
> t. lanky
Get in the gym, you little bitch.
Being a cuck is a mentality, not a physical condition.
I was ottermode for a while, lost 3 stone in 2 months literally by accident, so I've lost it all.
as a skinny man my self i can say 100% yes
its hard to have any weight behind your words in any confrontation when everyone knows that you cant back it up physically
eat keto
go to the pool every 3 times a weak
Nah man, you're born with a punch, believe in the fist you're throwing and you will do damage.
Trust me.
Getting buff as a skinny dude means eating until you're sick every meal, it makes the ritual of eating a chore. No one hate eating as much as body building lanklets.
I was in prison for a while there, and I went to the gym for an hour everyday and swimming for 45 minutes a day.
Did squats, push ups, sit ups, and general boxing exercises when I was in my room.
Built the fuck up and lost it all when I got out.
Plus 4 square meals a day and snacks, I was the most physically built in my unit.
thats why ottermode and being toned is better then actually trying to body build
I'm skinny. Always have been. Never had a problem with my body honestly. I would much rather be this size than fat or even chubby and women aren't as attracted to muscles anymore
>women aren't as attracted to muscles anymore
You realise ottermode is "skinny arms, huge pecs"? It's a form of buff body building.
I'm already ottermode and lanklets build strength faster than size, so I can get up to curling about 15kg (a lot for me), but don't look much bigger.
They're better than fat guys, who are automatically pathetic and disgusting.
> Women aren't as attracted to muscles anymore
usually have big dicks, something to do with their circulatory system.
if you have a lightning fast metabolism then the only practical way youre gonna get big is by juicing. if youre not willing to inject T then youre gonna be spending your life eating til you feel sick and putting a lot of unnecessary strain on your body in the process.
Where did you do time and what you go in for? How long did you do?
There was a study done by some dating site where most the women said they prefer like some average body type where men weren't fat but didn't have too much muscles.
>usually have big dicks
can confirm. and the opposite seems to be true for fat guys
juicing doesn't reduce the amount you need to eat at all
I'm skinny but I'm planning on getting /fit/ soon. I'm also a Manlet but I've been in relationships before and about be entering one again.
I'm on creatine, zinc and magnesium. Not willing to outright roid. Best decision of my life, being seemingly high test is the best way to live your life, even if creatine doesn't really increase test.
I'm not telling you that man, but I was in for 6 months on possession intent to supply class A.
I wasn't supplying shit, cops busted me with a fuck tonne of psychedelics. A FUCK TONNE
it devotes more protein from the food you eat to muscle growth. without juicing, a guy with a fast metabolism will just shit most of the protein out without using it
>6'4, 200lbs, 7in dick
Not sure if genetic w i n n e r or some weird physiology shit.
i think it's just a proportion thing
big dicks on a skinny guy look extra big
small dicks on a fat guy look extra small
They need to do SS + GOMAD.
I'm a skinny manlet. it sucks but at least i'm not fat
when they're thinking of muscle they're thinking of roid raged guy
what they think of normal is a man who still has a little muscle
>tfw 6"6, 200lbs, 8.5 inch dick
My dick doesn't even look that big in proportion to the rest of my body. Feels bittersweet man.
Get down to the gym, does fucking wonders so it does.
You actually get a high from wearing the fuck outta yourself as a little incentive.
>Did squats, push ups, sit ups, and general boxing exercises when I was in my room.
I read this as "did boxing exercises when i was OOM" as in out of mana, because the other things took mana but boxing didnt. too much video games lately i suppose.
Skinny guys are cute
You definitely need to hit the gym.
Skinny and tall is ideal. Most male models are over 6 feet tall and have a slim build.
Yes that's what I mean basically. It's good to have a little muscle obviously but getting swole and big is just retarded because they don't love it honestly
>hahaha le epik cuck meme lololol XDDDD le look at me mom i'm le trolling le cuck faget numales on le internetz!!!11!!!!!! lololol XDDD!!!
As a tall hungry skeleton, what amount of pushups should I aim for? I can reach thirty before my arms give out on me.
As a skinny guy, I really don't mind how skinny I am. I like being slim, I have a lot of energy, and run a lot. One thing I hate is how thin my wrists are.
that suit is creepy
>One thing I hate is how thin my wrists are.
this is the worst. i have normal sized hands for a guy but very thin wrists so it makes my hands look freakishly big in comparison. i hate it.
6'3 205 and 9 inches B^)
6 months? An eighth of shrooms can put you in for 8 years here. Pretty fuckin stupid.
Who the fuck wants to walk behind slow people? Slow people are usually idiots or fat fucks that can't move. I hate when people are slow as fuck because if I have somewhere to go I want to get there, I don't to wait for some fat hispanic bitch to fuck take her sweet time getting somewhere
Prove it, no homo :^)
My dude, I am not going to get hung up over half an inch
60 in 60 seconds. Do 3 sets of push-ups to failure every other day
I actually lift quite regularly bud. 6'1 205 lb lean been lifting for 10 years almost.
5'10, a hair under 7, and 145 pounds.
I'm skinny but toned, so I feel like I've just made the cut.
>i am a fat fuck
180 ibs and dropping. My arms are getting skinny but my belly just stays the same. ;_;
i walk fast and hate getting stuck behind people because i find walking boring, not because im self conscious or whatever.
walking is literally one of the most boring things in life.
a man is either fit or skinny
body fat is degenerate
>women aren't as attracted to muscles anymore
>women aren't as attracted to muscles anymore
c'mon man. I'm 5'10" at 130 and even I don't cope like this.
Went to the supermarket today and eye fucked this short qt. I saw her boyfriend at the cashiers, guy was your stereotypical numale with boat shoes
Our masculinity is slowly fading away. Sad
>tfw skinny but only 6.5"
>tfw my dick is skinny too
Nah, that would be skinnyfat plus gyno, literally JUST The Combo
my friend keenan is like 6 foot and 120 lbs, He is an actual cuck, his wife fucks other men and he puts up with it/stays with her.
This is what most Brits look like
For some reason, most of them are skinnyfat and have weird, patchy bodyhair
Looks gross lmao
it's such a disgusting body type
my legs are losing all the muscle to. I think I'm in that movie thinner. So much I got worried and started trying to eat more.
My God it's in Mexico
Beat him up.
there are grils that can pick you up & use you as a dildo, lanklet. kek
I had 20 acid tabs, a half o of shrooms, 5-6 grams of amanita (legal, yet they still took them off me) and a couple of rare peyote buttons, I was super fucking mad they found those buttons, barely able to get them here.
I'd just got the shit from my guy, and was driving home and the cops stopped me for lack of insurance (Which I actually had, their error)
Cop says to me, "I can smhell skunk mate, yhour eyes are red mate, 'ave you bean smokin' duhnite mate", I was stone cold sober, so he searched my vehicle under section 8, found all my shit, in the pen for 6 months. Not even any grass in my car, I was nervous so I must've looked it.
That's the result of daily beer/pop and burgers w/ little to no exercise.
I'm not a lanklet if I'm not tall.
I'm a skinlet
>I think I'm in that movie thinner.
i love that movie
Yeah I'm not sure how walking fast means you're self conscious I just don't like slow walkers or people who feel the need to take their time when going places
I'm 150 and 5'10. Am I a small guy?
cuck him. you'd be doing him a favor
This must be why the anglo scum seeks to gorge himself on Aryan blood, to become more like the Aryan himself...A sickly and frightening creature the Anglo is.
>Are they automatically cucks?
Nah, but they're automatically low test who don't like fat asses...
Just manlet
6'1 is manlet cutoff height, women will accept 6'+
What's your intake like? Brands? Names?
Height is fine but you need to lift heavy weights. No high-rep, low-weight exercises
>tfw they actually block your way intentionally
Fucking fat cocksuckers
i hate leafs so fucking much
The cuck is right in this
Not automatically cucks, but tend to be more prone to become cucks in the future if they aren't already one
You have two types of lanklets: the ones who don't care about their bodies and become cucks, or the ones who realize they're lanklets and try to bulk their way out of it at some point
honestly if u go over 6"2 you're too tall and it's counter productive
weirdly tall people are always awkward as fuck and ugly too
uh yes
Why the hell does liking a cute tight butt make my testosterone low?
Okay thanks for the advice. I stand like pic related to compensate in the mean time. Do you think people will think I'm in charge?
I'm lanklet number 2, trying to bulk up but I'm not seeing much progress.
Fat also smothers the d. Amerifats must be losing 2 to 3 inches to fat alone at beats and I'm sure it can be worse.
nah my fantasy is getting an amazon woman
but they don't like short men
all yours nigger, I hate cottage cheese
>tfw skinny, average height, autistic, dicklet
What do I do? How do I take charge of my life?