Just finished reading pic related. Top tier shit. Post what books you're currently reading
Sup Forums book thread
Les rois maudits
guess you niggas don't read.
Hang in there. Someone will care...
In the middle of reading colin flaherty and jared taylor
just finished how to make friends and influence people by dale carnegie
now reading propaganda by edward bernays
For My Legionnaires
Reading is for faggots
That's a great one
Any other Codreanupills worth swallowing?
inb4 mein kampf
just finished pic related
not sure, i'd really suggest anything by George Lincoln Rockwell, and also the book in the OP
Inside the third Reich and Hitler's war.
Starting to suspect Speer was a major faggot tho, being all "i didn't know anything about a holocaust but i'll still take full responsibility". sup with that
Hunter by William Luther Pierce is great from what i've been told too
whats the best book by rockwell for arguments?
man was a genius
WHITE POWER and this time the world, are both great books by him
Getting yourself together:
See you at the top by Zig Ziglar
Where did you find this book? It seems to be out of print with second-hand copies going for hundreds of dollars.
>The Camp of Saints
>Fear and Trembling
>The City of God
Any questions, retards?
reading these
but if i have free time i am probably going to read manga, watch anime, play dota, study or post here 2bh
nothing in particular.
This is next on my list.
Finally got around to reading 1984 (watched it ages ago) and it's the most depressing book I've ever read
Surprised me since I've read a lot of dystopian fiction, as well as more factual analysis of how our world is. I'm not sure our near future totalitarian government will be the same, but it will certainly be similar
storm of steel
>Starting to suspect
>At the Nuremberg Trials, Speer was one of the few officials to express remorse.
he was a faggot all along
> siege all Yankee posts
> siege goes in all fields
>pic not related
I am reading Oikophobia, attack of the nationstate and art of happiness
Holy shit that's such a good book and the movie is great too.
At the moment I'm reading Kathy Reichs: 206 Bones.
If you should read any book it is SIEGE. Op is right.
is this real?
lurkmoar newfag