What version of the Bible should I read? I've heard the King James Version is garbage.
Which version of the Bible is the best?
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Where did you hear that? The synagogue?
I was raised in a liberal Christian environment that exclusively used the KJV. I want to read the Bible again but heard that I should avoid that one.
Heard it on Sup Forums somewhere. If the KJV is good I'll read that one.
the koran
I've always used the New American Bible: St. Joseph Edition, I like it. I've heard the KJV has errors, is missing parts, and its language, while fancy, is needlessly difficult at this point.
You need to read multiple. They are simply slight translational differences. If you only read one you don't get to see the slight translational differences which can shed new light on what the original writers meant.
Depends on what your intentions are. /lit/ could probably give you an infor graph of all the versions but KJV is mainly read for the language. It reads like an epic. The only people who call it trash are Catholics still assblassted that Henry VII wanted a little poon. The New American version is the standard for the catholic church. The others idk
The translation doesn't matter as much as the effort you're willing to put into secondary sources and the origins of the books. My advice is don't start with KJV unless you already study the English language or are Anglican (lol) or something
Thank you. I was considering reading more than one, but I wasn't sure what versions were more accurate than others or where to begin.
young's literal translation
(YLT) is a translation of the Bible into English, published in 1862. The translation was made by Robert Young, compiler of Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible and Concise Critical Comments on the New Testament.
douay rheims bible.
Don't take my word for it, research for yourself.
King James. What you will come to find out is that no translation of the Holy Bible is accurate regarding original texts
>I've heard the King James Version is garbage.
I was going to say KJV until you posted this. Now I'm just going to say "Enjoy hell, heathen".
Leaen Greek, Latin and Aramaic if you want to read the original Bible.
NRSV/NRSVCE is the most scholarly bible. King James has beautiful language, but it is an awful translation.
>its language, while fancy, is needlessly difficult at this point
Where does this meme even come from? Is it that hard to understand the word "thou"?
The KJV is the only optimal bible to read in English. Don't bother with the others.
NET, ESV before 2016, NASB
Read them all.
bible gateway lets you switch between them and where there are differences they have links to explain why.
New King James is good
NIV is good
NRSV is also good.
>Henry VII
Learn greek you fucking pleb
Difficult is not the right word, maybe tedious as its very dated. I've never met someone who actually had trouble reading old language, but reading modern stuff is always quicker.
the 450° C version
Thank you for mentioning bible gateway, installing now. God bless
This. You need to read the original autographs, OP
Read either a Catholic or Orthodox Bible.
Like the one this user suggested.
King James is old English poorly translated by protestants that removed several OT books from.
This is the kind of thing I was hoping to find; thank you.
How come I only ever hear about this version on Sup Forums?
It's written by filthy Jews.
Just like our tax code :(
Watch Pastor Anderson and learn
Read the kjv with gesenius lexicon so that you can better understand the words in original hebrew
>Not Douay Rheims
But, for real, is this a meme? I've never heard anyone advocate for this version in real life
>Whore of Babylon
>Not the Jew controlled USA
ESV or NASB, more grammatically, technically correct than KJV. ESV for better flow (for lack of a better term) or NASB for pure technical accuracy.
I head that The Message translation is so faceroll
I use NIV / new international version
I am a quaker
Do I pass?
because you dont meet many roman catholics, i guess
i have my grandfather's bible (DR)
Hwndu discord.gg
You're very welcome.
>spending your time reading the bible
Short of learning Hebrew and Greek, KJV is the version you want. It's the only truly inspired translation into a modern language.
Of course many people say it's garbage. Many people think the Bible is garbage, period. Ignore them.
Bible of the Church of Scotland.
>reading instead of posting niggerracial porn
The bible is better engraved on stone tablets desu.
I liked Christ's earlier sermons desu.
I agree
Looked it up
>not using the Neo-Vulgate
I've looked into this a good bit, as someone seriously studying theology. There's young's literal translation, but I had problems with the language, don't really remember why. What you want is a translation which provided context and multiple word translations, because sometimes there's just not one equivalent. Is there such a book?
New World Translation aka the most accurate version of the Bible.
Honestly, and I am not saying this to be one of those edgy atheist turds, but I would consider not reading the Bible at all, and just openly talk to God in prayer as if you were standing in his presence. The Bible makes absolutely no sense at all, and even if the book were true, I honestly don't think man-made governments would allow such a book of Gods pure word to exist without being tainted by some man in political power. After the many years that have gone by, who knows how much credibility that book has. It's great to believe in something and have faith and hope but don't force yourself to read something you are going to dread. Just living by the rules of the Ten Commandments is pretty much the main principle of being a good person in life, and if you know that, why bother reading all that other nonsense??? Being a good person, its really common sense, don't kill, don't steal, don't cheat, don't lie and learning how to control temptation.
The Satanic Bible
Amplified translation is my favorite translation hands down. It's not really quotable, but it provides so much more insight. We don't speak or read the original languages and should really give up on trying hamfist them into our language as if they'd been originally written in them.
New king James, much more accessible.
King James is the most beautifully written, and if you're interested in getting biblical references in other works, it's the one to go for. I'd also recommend picking up a Catholic edition - a few extra books are in there and yes, they're more simply / accurately translated with sidenotes for the original Hebrew.
If you're going to read the Bible, for god's sakes though, don't try to read it cover to cover. You'll get to the genealogy section and you'll just drop it
>X begat Y
>Y begat Z
>repeat ad infinitum
Just go to church regularly, or join some bible reading group, and do some on your own. Flip through it, pick a passage that looks interesting and read in its entirety. Try to think about each passage for the rest of the week.
There's plenty of critical texts of the Bible as well - try to avoid the pomo / intellectual ones, as they're pozzed to hell and back. There's some good stuff out there though if you're willing to noodle around on Google.
I got this one. You get most of the books that were taken out by the KJV.
it is missing the book of enoch
>the Bible that lets you interpret it in any way you want
I personally feel this way now. Spiritually I am content... I'm not sure if I trust any human to accurately represent God's word, if there is a God. However, Islam is specifically targeting Christian sites of historical significance and there is a lot of context to be learned from it. If it helps me build a better relationship with God in the mean time, I'd be happy with that too.
Maybe because the book of Enoch is literal heresy
>Everyone in this thread shilling king James
Yall do realise that the King James version is one of the worst version their is right? It was a political translation meant to appease the heavily Protestant Parliment.
I've been interested in going to church, but then comes the question of which type of church to go to.
>I am spiritually content
That should be a red flag. You should try to get closer to God in everything you do. Remember that God is the focus of the relationship
>All scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
>Don't even bother reading the bible
Great advice desu
In the US you're looking for Reformed and/or Lutheran.
Things to look out for for a good church (they're rarer, so easier to spot)
> have a statement of faith that is based on the bible.
> Not everyone dressed the same
> Welcoming
> let you sit anywhere you want
> don't hit visitors up for money
> happy to let you ask questions
There'll be a lot of different styles of churches that have these. Some will have rock bands and some will sing hymns.
But you gotta be super skeptical of any church that reserves seats for important people, or everyone is forced to look the same/wear the same thing. These are usually cults and/or pharisaic money worshipers.
>Maybe because the book of Enoch is literal heresy
Maybe to a catholic, but Enoch makes some interesting ideas.
Wonder why they would deem it heresy
You have no idea what gets lost in translation, neither have you actually looked at the Amplified translation, I'm willing to bet. I don't even really know where you justify that interpretation of what I've said from.
Try a little harder. Be confrontational or constructive, or I'll spit you out.
Don't go to any mainstream protestant denomination. This is coming from a protestant. They've all been infitrated be the heretical liberals. The only exceptions are the Southern Baptist convention and Missouri Synod
King James is a translation of a translation of the bible. Do not read it
Read NRSV. Not perfect per se but it is as close as it gets, next to learning koine, hebrew and some aramaic.
The KJV is not reliable. It sources from the Byzantine family of text-types which are among the latest and most corrupt texts. I use the English Standard Version; anyone interested in studying the bible should read from one of the versions sourced from the Alexandrian text-type (ASV, ESV, NIV, RSV wikipedia.org/wiki/Categories_of_New_Testament_manuscripts ). Please research for yourself when people on here claim that the King James Version or the New King James Version is the only legitimate version of the bible for Christians.
I go to a Bible college. I'm just saying that if you don't understand Greek then it's a horrible idea because you don't know the literary context or the tense. English and Greek are completely different.
I'm not Catholic
Protestant churches are best for Bible studies - Baptists especially - but be aware that they are real wackos. Typically, the more stock someone puts into the Bible, the more likely it is that they push a literal interpretation of scripture. Whether or not you agree with that is irrelevant, it's something to be aware of.
Catholics have more interesting rituals, however.
I can't recommend "trying" different churches like some kind of church dilettante. That's spiritually shallow. Nor am I going to encourage you to join the church that "fits your beliefs" the best - chances are, you, like most people, are a self absorbed egotist incapable of directing your life properly. Religion will give you guidance, it should not cater to you. It is the father-proper, neither tyrannical nor effeminate.
Something to be aware of.
I personally recommend joining the church that your family grew up in, if you have one. Defend family-based traditions with your life and your children's life.
Exactly. It took a long time for me to realize that it's an anthology, not a book to read cover to cover. Hop around in the New Testament except for edgelord Revelation.
The best way to introduce Jewish mind control isn't from their old Jewish mind control book, it's from watching TV
What are you talking about? Revelation is fun
I know that Young's Literal Translation keeps tenses, and it's a very interesting read. I've read many passages from it. But, having compared it to the Amplified Translation, and having read KJV and NIV, I'm getting far greater depth. The literary context you say? You'll have to clarify. I don't see how the difference between, disparities between greek and English could be anything but helped by an expanded translation?
My family-based traditional church was very liberal, though. Very accepting of non-believers, something similar to the Unitarian churches these days. Egotist or not, I have a feeling that a church that allows me to feel or do anything and just pray about it doesn't sit well with me. I do want some guidance, but I do need them to be open-minded as I tend to not be as literal, at least not yet.
Whichever one makes you feel like giving money to a church, tax free.
>king james is garbage
only if your an uneducated swine
Satan tempted me to do it.
Catholic is the only way. It is the original church created by Jesus Christ himself with Saint Peter as the first pope. Martin Luther wanted to remove all bible verses that disagreed with his lies.
>literary context
I didn't know how to describe it. I meant that you need to see the whole Greek sentence to get a true grasp of the meaning.
Septuagint :3
>implying the uneducated don't deserve God
None of us do.
Sup, Georgia?
none. get some lawofone.info instead
It is a shit translation. One reason being it is translated from Vulgate Latin bible, not the original text
>literal heresy
>heretical liberals
>I go to a Bible college
>all Christian colleges embrace liberal theology
hey im moozlim tryin to convert to jesus and im also trying to lernen deutsch
what bible can i read?
For someone who does not yet* have a grasp on Greek nuance, the Amplified Translation can, again, only help. I'm not simply going through picking from the offered synonyms to twist the meanings around. OPs question: which is the best Bible translation, is still, in my opinion, the AMP.
But if I'm on a bad track, I implore you to reason with me. I would suggest you give it a thorough look first.
New World Translation (Jehovah's Witnesses) is pretty easy to understand. I recommend it for beginners.
>Catholic is the only way. It is the original church created by Jesus Christ himself with Saint Peter as the first pope.
Have you done any research on the Vatican whatsoever? They aren't the "good guys", mate. I assure you.
Actually do your research.
>Catholic is the only way. It is the original church created by Jesus Christ himself with Saint Peter as the first pope
This is such a fucking lie the Vatican is antithetical to Christ's teachings
I'll look at it. I've just been using an exhaustive concordance, so I never saw the need to look at it.
Right now my local church options are: two Presbyterian, Evangelical Lutheran, a black church, Mormon, Baptist, and four that use giant TVs and shit to say that anyone is accepted but please tithe.