It's going to be a hot summer

Leftists with guns gather outside Arizona capitol

Other urls found in this thread:

Antifa army has gone public


Guns are evil and dangerous and only loony rightwingers have guns. We should take them away from them and make rely on the police for protection.

Also, lol at those fags trying to be intimidating.



Lol I'm not afraid in the least bit. I somehow doubt that these fucks even understand combat principles. If the had any idea of what to do, they wouldn't be bunched together so closely.

So basically, the girl dead center looks like a Fallout character only thicc. And my dicc wants succ.

Time will tell.

It's going to be one hell of a summer

Mommy is going to be mad when she finds out her boy spent the trust fund allowance on black guns!



I don't know either, will my local militia teach me and supply me with ammo for my rifle when it goes down? Or are they fat loser "no you cant be in my super secret club" types?

Hold my beer....I got this......

nice to know the left gave up on gun control.

Dude on the left looks like he has a sbr. Atf pls shoot his dog

Maybe we should use gun control against them................

Nah, he is just holding it like a mong and fell for the drum mag meme

Probably black painted supersoakers

well considering that most of them have mental issues and/or are criminals you can just mention previous talking points

But muh magpul d60

So when do these faggots become domestic enemies?

Is communism still grounds to make someone a domestic enemy?

Also, I'd love to see ANTIFA react to actual working class people getting strapped and resisting them and their horde of illegals/chicanos and niggers

Hopefully we see a return of roof Koreans

>Maybe we should use gun control against them................

Fuck you.

You start pushing that gun control shit again, and you can just shove it up your ass.

You aren't going to trick us into agreeing with gun grabbing measures just because some liberals are exercising their 2nd amendment rights, you filthy globalist shitstain.

*blocks your path*

>spend 22 minutes brandishing in the face of a reporter

Pick 1. The guy even says the "right wing gun nuts" are a lot less intimidating than the antifa faggots, kek.

Seriously, day of the chopper when?

Cool, itll be a real life looting system like DayZ.

Cross post from the other thread:


SB 1243 / §13-421 / Defensive display of firearms protection

"Defensive display of a firearm" means: 1 - Verbally telling someone that you have a firearm or can get one; 2 - Exposing or displaying a gun in a way that a reasonable person would understand means you can protect yourself against illegal physical or deadly physical force; and 3 - Placing your hand on a firearm while it is in your pocket, purse or other means of containment or transport.

Defensive display is justified when and to the extent a reasonable person would believe physical force is immediately necessary to protect yourself against another person's use or attempted use of unlawful physical or deadly physical force. A defensive display is not required before using or threatening physical force, in a situation where you would be justified in using or threatening physical force.

Defensive display is not justified if you intentionally provoke the other person, or if you use a firearm in the commission of a serious offense or violent crime (defined in §13-706 and §13-901.3).

This important new law clarifies that a proper defensive reach for or announcement of firearm possession is an acceptable element in the continuum of self defense, and should not be charged as a crime. Improper display of a firearm can be anything from a class 1 misdemeanor (e.g., disorderly conduct) to a class 3 felony (e.g., aggravated assault). It also helps balance out the problematic and arbitrary "threatening exhibition" of a gun allegation that prosecutors can make in charging a felony as a "dangerous offense" (§13-702 and 704). The threat of this extra charge can be used to coerce a plea agreement, and now this is balanced with a specified stipulation of proper display of a gun without firing at a potential assailant.


To this end, there are at least 6-7 clear cut cases of brandishing in this video. I hope to fuck these faggots get arrested.


>mfw lefties are now hypocrites
>we need to ban guns but we still need them

They won't be

We would have to find their information and make the complaint ourselves.

The reporter declined to make a police complaint

bring it on antifags

>Hoping this escalates to a dual sided guerilla war

Well that's a sad day, he could have done a lot of good.

>Wearing medic cross on backpack, so hopefully no one shoots you when you run away.

Lel, throw a jelly donut on the floor and watch them kill themselves.

Summer is right around the corner.

Traditionally the season of war.

I like the idea of lefists with guns. It's about time.

In all reality a medic would be shot first. It might be against the convention but war is war.

Neat I'll actually get to shoot some communists without joining the military or Red Dawn habbening.

Why not use their own bullshit tactics against them for once?'s your sign Skippy....

wet dream

inb4 they shootup blue cities like Seattle

>leftists suddenly realizing the value of the 2nd Amendment


Think the Troubles in Northern Ireland

>tfw this summer is going to escalate from people hitting each other with stick to full on civil war

Cant wait for the eternal "US civil war 2 general" threads

They're just exercising their freedom of speech. Go guns! Go speech!

Funny how they hate guns only when they don't have them. Let's let some blood spill.

>why not embrace the anti-2nd amendment horseshit the left has been trying to push for years to counter their small remote show of actual gun use, fellow gun owner?
Drowning in a million feral nigger dicks

just waiting for an excuse
hope they give us one.

Because we hold the 2nd amendment dear, and all citizens are protected by it. Not just the ones we agree with.

That being said, I wish someone would have shot these brandishing faggots

Who would win Sup Forums?

Wow the whole group btfo by a nyt reporter

It looks like they are prepared for a civil war and willing to die for their cause

But I guess Trump supporters are laying low and waiting for SHTF

Wow, you actually got the few neurons in your head to fire in the correct sequence in order to come up with that lame ass shitpost? Semi impressive for a little cunt, I'll give you that.

>nothing happens

>nobody gives their guns up

>they just turn into basic cuckservatives who trust an over-militarized government and love guns

Pretty silly if you ask me.

I see a Mosin Nagant and 10 spray painted airsoft guns

not in Arizona. everybody hibernates inside with the air conditioning.

Did we start the fire pol?

Anyone else see that segment on flox news about the liberal preppers? Guy was pretty much made fun of the whole time by the anchor.

>What is 5-15m spacing to account for hand grenade radius.

>What is target of opportunity


americans turning on each other.

I never thought i'd live to see the day when my dreams would come true.

Sleep tight, puppers.

>be 20
>be leftist
>have enough cash after starbucks and student debt to get PS90 and scope.

Those are mostly air soft.
The only real ones are the SKS and one or two ARs

good doggo bite mulatto!

How would anarchist military even work? I thought they were afraid of hierarchies

You can't hate those badass Koreans

lock n load boys, the fun is just beginning

The fucking left got the limelight doing this shit first? Hilarious. They deserve it, the twats.

*steps on gas*

Ave Nex Alea
lets war fill the void of my life
lets war satisfy my thirst for blood
Saluto Nex Alea

Wait, I thought they were gommies. Arming oneself isn't gommunistic values.

I see no hearing protection.

Could be fun.

Anyway to incite some of them to shoot first?


Ive been cleaning my house and i missed war in my town????

No, Antifa did. Seems like they want up the ante a bit. Funny how they think they're actually braver than they really are now that they're carrying the same firepower that just a year ago they mocked others for having.

>when you subscribe to an ideology that doesn't want you to have arms, and you defend said ideology with arms

That's why they got stomped so bad in the Spanish Civil War and had to beg the Commies to save them.

Implying 2,000 leftists could take a single Sam Hyde.

Please please civil war.
Please Please import Bongs to join the Trumpenreich Milli tray
Please Please gibs of green cards or citizenship as a reward

Archived with more info specific to the situation.

Download, mirror, re-upload- fight the censorship.

they become public enemies when a civilian dies

Kek ya blew it

>willing to die for their cause
Not bloody likely. The second their buddies start dropping around them, they'll turn tail. All they know of death is what they see on tv. .

doggo gets atta boys if he wins right?

I got ya back Brit Bro, I would fight along thy side.

I'll be fighting in it, user. I hope you guys will pray for us or join in on the fun.

/k/ reporting in for duty
we humans that are right wing are the goodest boys

Nobody ever said Commie wannabes were very bright.

Capture one of these fuckers when the war starts and torture them. See how much they are "willing" to die for their cause. Trump supporters are laying low because if we did something like this unlike the left it would be main stream news as a major negative light for even the slightest person who leans towards the right. Also it would just add to their cause of the "evil trump supporter right wing".

>Pick 1. The guy even says the "right wing gun nuts" are a lot less intimidating than the antifa faggots, kek.

That's because "gun nuts" are one of the most law-abiding groups of people on the planet, by the numbers.

Every one of these liberal faggots, holding rifles at low-ready, are brandishing. Even in a state as lenient about OC as Arizona.

Most LEO aren't willing to make an issue out of it because they know it isn't worth the fight with some dipshit 2A lobby group, who'd be forced to move in and defend libshits with their hard-line.

That's an SKS.

The Cold War is over. Russia is a free country, and has better uses for her money than arming and financing left-wing terrorist groups.

You really think those clowns want to be the last to die for Carlos Slim? Even money says they have no idea how to even shoot those things.

Their revolution won't last long. Fortunately.

What are they trying to prove?

No, the fire was started by the left because they couldn't handle a president they didn't like

They are like children, crying because something in their life didn't go their way and they couldn't handle it


Holy quints of truth

Commies confirmed for subhuman IQs

/k/ bro here too

Looks like KEK is also. Its time brothers.

Does anyone else have this nightmare? I keep worrying that someday communists are going to chimp out and I'm not going to know which gun I own to shoot them with.