I really want to try cocaine, should it be avoided or is it something that can be fun to try.
I really want to try cocaine, should it be avoided or is it something that can be fun to try
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No, has one of the worst abstinence syndrome
Try it. But don't smoke it. Also, be careful with it, and prepare to feel really good for a while. If you want to see what it can really do, get shitty drunk, and then try it. Make sure to get it from a reliable person, as most of the shit teenagers are doing is cut to hell, or just not even coke. This is also not politics related. Oh, and don't make a habit of it.
Don't try it. One of the most addictive drugs on the planet, you'll crave it forever and unless you're very rich...
Yeah it's fun.
I used it about a half dozen times over the course of 5 years in my early 20's. I don't regret it. You can see why people get hooked on it, very fun.
The few times I always did it it was always very small amounts because I was paranoid of a heart attack. That's just me though, I'm a little bit of a hypochondriac.
Overrated and overpriced
It's interesting to try it just to see the effects, but trying it once establishes a usage history with it and makes you infinitely more probable to use it again
Sorry I'm still getting use to what can be posted on certain areas I'll try and be more selective. This is the only one I ever hear people talk about
Unless you can get good quality don't bother. might as well go to your kitchen and snort some flour
It's actually incredibly overrated. Maybe you can get purer cocaine than I ever could but I never felt "high", just mildly hyperactive. Then for the next three days I'd be punching my walls over any little annoyance I encountered. The withdrawal is DEFINITELY not worth the high.
You are better off with adderall piracetam and modafinil.
purest i could find was around 75-77& pure and i found that cocaine is the most overrated drugs in the world. it's not my kind of euphoria.
I'm actually surprised at the responses in this thread, people saying it sucks.
Cocaine makes you feel like a million bucks and everything you have to say is with great urgency, sounds bad but it's fun.
Please listen to me dude..
i was a an ounce a week stoner and quit...then someone showed me the white stuff and i thought i could handle it on the weekends...which i did, but it would be all weekend. Once you try it you will ALWAYS key word ALWAYS remember that first feeling. if i could change back time i would have never done it. I only did this for a quarter of a year but i will always remember that feeling of not having any, but wanting to continue. im 269 days sober off of everything and I swear dude if you have a coping problem drugs are not the way to fix that.
I did it once with some sons of rich Jews from uni. This guy who was my roommate's close friend was the son of a goldman sachs banker (I'm a poorfag gentile in comparison) and he let me do a line with him at a frat party.
Makes you feel like you're on top of Mount Everest. Even fucked an 8/10 that night.
As long as you're alright with the probability of it being laced with something like lidocaine go for it, just don't do it more than a handful of nights in the year if you're in your early 20s, even less if you're older
my friend at harvard's cousin was from miami and had real connects
did insanely good shit a few times
also oakland aka cokeland has the 'good stuff'
it's overrated though. fun to do a few times at big events in your life.
a bunch of EDM girls in college I knew were addicted to it, would buy huge rocks of it and go on study binges. SAD!
Unless you are paying very fat stacks, it's nowhere near pure, and cut cocaine sucks. You can get something else that's just as good or better but costs a tenth of the price.
Also, don't do drugs.
It's alright. Just don't do too much.
Sure, if you want to fuck your life up beyond all repair by snorting something that's mixed with drain cleaner, ether, and God knows what else before it ever gets to the dealer who's gonna get you hooked on it. Food for thought.
Well you're pathetic. I did drugs and now I don't do drugs. No problems whatsoever.
You had bad shit. If you ever find real stuff it's actually yellowish, clumpy, shiny, looks like fish scales and smells like pickle juice.
>Not getting pure shit in rock form with absolutely no smell.
They don't actually mix it with drain cleaner. Only retards do that. No one would buy from that dealer again if he cuts his coke with draino.
I know so many people who have dumped thousands of dollars into that white powder, for little tiny bags of the stuff, that wears off in 30 mins
It will make you feel good but that is not necessarily a good thing
Tell me you're joking. No it's pure white and it comes in rocks.
it's a pretty weak form of adderrall
its almost like peoples brains work different. Fancy that
Don't do it. Money pit
Despite the fact that it's not at all related.
Take adderall pills. Smash it with a hammer. Sniff the powder. Win
it's not, it's just a weak form of amphetamines
As others have said, it's overpriced and overrated. The chance of it actually being coke are slim at that. There are research chems that will give you the "coke euphoria" at much lower doses and have less shitty side effects like irritability.
It's the only drug I do now. I feel great, I drink and eat on a big night and I don't wake up with a hangover so I can go to work like any other normal day. But in moderation, of course
its almost like some drugs affect different people and can get this shit called....whats it called... addiction right? you're fucking retarded
Just do crack. It doesn't last as long but it's more intense and a lot cheaper. And before you get memed away crack is really just free based cocaine mixed with a little baking soda. It's the same chemical as coke minus the hydrochloride. You can get a good high for 10 dollars. With coke you'll be spending 60 dollars minimum.
In my third world country, cocaine is high-priced as hell. The shit you buy on the streets are anphetamines with laxants.
I did a line of coke the other night. 2nd one in my life. It's not too bad, not amazing either. Keep it as a once-in-while thing and you'll be fine. Try get it from someone you trust
No, it's not, it's way cheaper than in the US, look at our borders, it's pretty easy to bring coccaine here.
No it's not you idiot. It's an entirely different class of drugs. Street adderall would be meth and meth is stronger than adderall although they probably have just amphetamine too. Amphetamines are garbage drugs. At least cocaine is natural.
*laxatives, purgatives, aperients.
Dont listen to anyone who says "one time is all addiction takes" they're just pissweak cunts. It tastes like shit goin down the back of your throat but shortly after you will be the human embodiment of confidence.
The cocaine the favela command take from bolivia and colombia are sold to europe and united states. What you buy on the streets are cocaine mixed with a lot of laxatives and other chemicals.
Of course, you should always experiment with different lifestyle choices. You only live once after all, might as well just live for the moment.
>street adderall
Just regular amphetamines, coke aint shit compared to it, I've used to take amphetamines for years for "adhd" and tried coke a few times, at most cocaine feels like you drank a redbull
>Don't do it. Money pit
that. good shit, but it might drain you.
you get same results after 2 hours of hardcore excercise.
well I enjoy the feeling of coke better. Amphetamines just feel disgusting. You feel sweaty and your heart races and your dick looks all constricted.
It's fun as hell. You feel absolutely untouchable.
No, you don't get hooked after just one time.
Stay away from the cheap stuff. You get your money's worth.
that's exactly why I had to stop taking that shit, havent touched that crap, or coke for 3 years now
the cocain users i´ve met where the lowest order of scum
and i hung around lmao weed hippies for years
It's like one hundred doses of caffeine at the same time mixed with an extraordinary self-confidence and will to power.
It's a big money drain considering how short it lasts and how expensive it is, if you are dead set on using an upper you will get a better deal on amphetamines, but I don't recommend that either
it's only like that the first few times, after that it's hell, you just dont realize it until your teeth have fallen out
crack is more addictive than cocaine and more cheap. It's one of the worst problems of São Paulo.
Anyone who says that has never touched drugs
It may take 1 time to get you interested in using to the point of where you get addicted
Well I did it 3 times and I'm not addicted.
These kind of drugs are exactly this: you are always trying to feel the same wave you felt the first time. (onda, don't know the best translation for this).
Why has no one called this newfag a newfag yet? Fucking nothing but leddit these days.
Anyways, lurk moar newfag.
I've taken it plenty over the years only when drinking. Getting too drunk a line or two usually levels me out. Got fit in the last 2 years so I haven't touched it since. Not addictive to me at least. Horrible hangovers if you go too far with it.
>At least cocaine is natural
being a naturally occurring alkaloid doesn't make the isolated drug itself "natural". there is nothing natural about the process used to create the drug itself, and now that the Mexicans are involved, it's impossible to get pure cocaine any more. what they cut it with now can't easily be removed by the end user either.
Idem. But this is more an excpetion than the rule.
obviously cocaine is a lot of fun to try. that's the entire point. it didn't get insanely popular in the 80s because it made people taking it feel like shit you dumbass. that's the whole problem with it. it's a very addictive euphoric drug that's also very cardiotoxic.
that sounds exactly like you just did straight up amphetamine cut with non-psychoactive powder and zero actual cocaine.
And good luck bringing cocaine here without being killed by PCC.
its lost of fun but you'll only want more. it doesn't last long enough
i really want to rape and fuck with my mind, brainwash, every single holiday Israeli IDF girl I come across while her boys are too drunk to pay attention and just go down and lick her cunt out, just drink it.
So you want to try coke? I know coke. I tell you, the above is 100 times bigger rush.
Meh, it's not that great. It just makes me feel more energetic, makes one of my nostrils go numb, and gives me an awful taste in the back of my throat. 2/10, would not recommend.
WHat is a crossed-out post?
Its decent then?
Does cocaine lie?
Don't listen to all the losers ITT, OP. Cocaine is very fun and you won't get addicted unless you do like five lines per day.
Go outside and get some fucking cocaine.
You need go to Columbia and experiment with it. Over there it is $1 per gram of pure cocaine.
You will never ever know pure cocaine anywhere in the world. Up on the carribean coast, Cartagena...Santa Marta. You can snort it with the poliice to help them write out a traffic ticket for you.
I'm on it right now!
It feels great. But then it feels paranoid, you act weird, and then you want more.
One gf and I did an eight ball in two hours and spent the entire rest of the night fighting, arguing, and bickering. Left a real bad taste in my mouth.
There are better stimulants with less yo-yo effect. Adderall, vyvanse, even ritalin.
And for the love of God, avoid all women who are into it. A cokefreak woman is a dangerous and unstable bitch that cannot be trusted. You don't know how many cocks she sucked to get her lines, its just not worth it.
What it can really do, if you mix it with alcohol, is fucking kill you.
It's practically impossible to not have a fun time on coke, especially as a first timer. Don't let it become a habit and its all fine, I personally think the addiction potential of cocaine is vastly overstated, though I know some people who graduated to crack after years of heavy usage of powder cocaine.
I like it. I'm pretty socially awkward so I use it help me cope. It is expensive. Personally I don't have a problem doing it in moderation (I don't have to do all of the coke I bought in one night). I doubt you'll get hooked on it once.
Coke and alcohol is supposed to be bad, but who the fuck isn't drinking when they're doing coke unless you're that much of an addict that you're not partying.
Adderall is pretty based too.
>should it be avoided or is it something that can be fun to try.
Pretty much both.
Cocaine purity these days is terribad and other stimulants are cheaper and more fun. But they all produce the strongest cravings and they never really go away.
Tried really high quality coke and it made me really uppity and uncomfortable
It was kinda fun but did not live up to the movies
Also the comedown was fucking awful and not even worth the experience