>muhh white cockk bigger than chinkss
Can white people stop acting like niggers?
You're literally saying "asians may have more money and be smarter but MUHH WHITEE COCKK
Muhh white cockk bigger than chinkss
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Who said that?
Normalfag whites are just high-functioning niggers. That's why when they come here we call them niggers.
It's pretty much on every thread about fucking asians instead of white girls or dick measures
The only people who say that are pathetic beta manchildren.
I don't recall anyone saying on Sup Forums about dick sizes. Just that they prefer white dick, which is true.
No but at least I can make women laugh
Never met a funny asian in my life
Why are so many brazilians browsing Sup Forums when we literally have the "huenigger" meme? Just curious, how do you guys even stumble upon Sup Forums in the first place.
Whites don't say that here, it is unironically jews, along with many other posts. Ever play JIDF bingo?
Yeah... we don't say that m8. There's a few guys with an asian fetish but most of us are for white girls.
Because unlike you we are one of the biggest internet communities, get triggered europoor
>hue monkey calling other people poor
>brazil's mexico talking shit
more of the chick on the right, please.
I spit at white beta faggots with chink fetishes. Fuck you monkey. Go swing from a tree off a cliff
racemixers are retarded anyway, they are basically niggers.
Well when we see portuguese people coming to Brazil in daily basis because they can't live there, it gives us the impression that you guys are poor
The funny thing is, Asians generally view white people in a similar way that white people view blacks. Of course, like most white people, they won't say as much in public, but they will talk mad shit behind your back.
which is funny considering we rekt their shit
Whats the point in having a big economy if million of you live in poverty in the slams and 100 people probably control all that money,you disgusting inbred and halfbred monkey?
I can fuck any girl or even boy. maybe some animals too. no discrimination by me.
Ok Since you complain so much about immigrants, how about this: Dont come to our country, you europoor piece of shit
Why the fuck would I want to go to your shithole?I should tell the same to your fucking nordeste monkeys.
And btw,
I agree. I think whites who talk about their cocks are morons. Whites are better than chinks and niggers for countless reasons that have nothing to do with our nice cocks
i would rather live in a country governed by laws made by americans or western europe over every single far east country