Why is the oldest born child the most selfish, bossy,and spoiled kid in the birth order?
Why is the oldest born child the most selfish, bossy,and spoiled kid in the birth order?
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people in big families are fucking dicks in general
cuz i can get the younger fags to do what i want
why are younger siblings ALWAYS cucks?
I noticed this too, it's as if they believe they are the 3rd parental figure, or they just have autism.
The oldest in my family is backstabbing fucked up retard. It's like hes a psychopath.
Because the family fortune is mine by rights.
All those who oppose me are my enemies.
I've always found the youngest child in a family, or only children, to be spoiled, entitled brats. Even in adulthood.
>getting cucked by your older siblings this hard
Project more, OP.
Parent's have no experience how to deal with it yet, and how to say 'no' when necessary.
It's basically a fact that if you're a younger sibling, ESPECIALLY the younger brother, you're a fuckhead and a cuck. Sucks to suck, huh?
Oldest in my family, male, is a bit bipolar in the sense that he's serious as hell one moment, then the next he's giggling like a retard
Second oldest, male, is a bit of a passive-aggressive prick, and also a leftist, though I think his heart is in the right place
I, male, am a bit hotheaded, and I'm probably the furthest right in my family
The youngest, my younger sister, is kinda bitchy and sassy, though she's fun, and she's only 16, so I hope she grows out of it
Because we deserve to be.
This guy gets it.
>when you realize humanity have been royally fucked by birth order, and no social hierarchy can save any of them from it. And that the elite is made up almost entirely of over-compensating younger siblings, and psychopathic older siblings.
> Why is the oldest born child the most selfish, bossy,and spoiled kid in the birth order?
Parents usually spoil the first child, and give up after that.
That's a typical misconception, one that older children usually bitch and moan about because they want more and more attention, money, whatever. In the very early years of childhood, it might be possible that the youngest gets more attention because they need it. But who gets the new toys? The oldest. Who gets the new clothes? the oldest. Who gets the nicest bedroom, the nicest clothes, who is given the newest video game and domination over the family computer/gaming console? the oldest. As time goes on, and as things like toys and video games don't matter, it's seen with plain old cash. This has happened to many people when i've surveyed this. The oldest would get the most money in the teen years if compared to their younger siblings.
it seems like all of the mental illness in the us is closely linked to birth order
feeling left out, OP? Did your parents not renew your xbox live subscription?
t. ungrateful fucking youngest bitch sibling who fucking ruined what was a good thing going
Eldest child here, my younger sister is way bossier, and my brother, the youngest, unfortunately more spoiled.
You can't really generalize this, it will obviously depend on the upbringing
If your children would not shed blood for one another, you have raised failures
Yes. They spent all their money on their oldest child's bullshit
>twf I'm the youngest of 5 kids by well over a year
>tfw I'm 6' at 15
>tfw none of my siblings ever top 5'5"
>parents asked me if I wanted a little brother when I was around 7
>tfw I said no
Close call. It is a FACT that younger siblings are the absolute worst. My only regret is that I denied my father the chance to go raw that night.
True, you can't really generalize this. But you should actually think and evaluate your upbringing and your younger siblings upbringing. More times out of the other, you'd find that the oldest does get more spoiled which in turns leads to selfishness.
Younger siblings can definitely be bad, but you are such older sibling material, you could have definitely done it. Nothing shouts "older brother material" than wanting all of your parents attention and money for yourself and not wanting your (potentially) younger brother to be alive because you're too selfish to want it.
>First born master race
Feels good, mang. Going to inherit all that shit
Younger shit bird detected. You'll be better than your big bro one day!(no you won't)
>Oh, trust me, i will. It's quite funny (and sad at the same time) seeing the first born child, who happens to be a millennial, go out into the world and try to be mature adults. It's bad enough they have the shitty characteristics of a first born, them being millennial and having millennial characteristics does not help them with succeeding in life.
Who are you quoting
t'was an accident
I am really not sure it is possible to agree with this. The oldest child is actually expected to be an example, to babysit, etc. And the oldest child is born to people who have no experience being parents and often introduce an element of stress that the parents cannot handle. No, I am sorry, this just does not ring true.
That is not true. The youngest never has to babysit the eldest. The youngest never has to share their toys with the eldest.
You haven't even tried proving how I'm wrong. Every child is expected to be an example. It's common as fuck for parents to tell all of their children "Please get good grades, please be nice, please don't say curse words". It isn't a first born child thing. Lol first born children complaining about being an "example" is funny, since they are bitching about people not wanting them to be destructive cunts. Babysitting is also true, but it usually comes with money. Not always, but some parents give their kids money for babysitting. either ways, the oldest is more spoiled so babysitting for all of the new stuff should be a good trade off. Parents don't introduce an element of stress to the first born. Are you serious? The first born is always given whatever they want, usually to get them to shut up or calm down. It isnt until a few kids down that the parents feel comfortable saying "i can't afford that" or don't bother buying things for the youngest to get them to shut up.
In my case, I was much more subdued. No partying/drinking until I hit grade 12, my siblings started doing that before I even did. Another anecdote to explain my situation
>sister going to summer camp in Germany
>parents take her out to dinner before she leaves
>she wants a new blackberry
>parents won't give her one
>doesn't say a single fucking word to them he whole dinner
>parents cave and get her a blackberry
And keep in mind that at this time, I did not even own a cell phone.
My brother figure skates, which costs hundreds of dollars each month, new pair of skates every few years costing upwards of 1000$, meanwhile I would get a used pair of skates for hockey for ~60$ , and my parents said to me "you need to get a part time job user" to this day my brother has never worked a job and he is 19 years old.
I'm not mad or anything, my parents raised me well and I never wanted for anything, but it was clear I got a different treatment than they did, even my siblings have acknowledged it
Babysitting isn't a bad trade off when you consider many parents pay their kids for doing that shit OR that the oldest usually do get new crap. In fact, you kinda proved my point by saying (or implying) that the youngest doesn't share toys but the oldest does. The youngest doesn't have to share their toys usually because the toys belong to the oldest, or the oldest declares the family toys as his/hers. So sure, the youngest doesn't shae their toys because they have no toys, they have to use their older siblings toys. The youngest only gets toys when the oldest grows out of them. Not only does the youngest have to share, but the youngest typically doesn't have the ownership or control of the toys like the oldest does.
If the mother has taken care of herself since conception of the pregnancy, the first born from the mother receives the most nutrition and health benefits.
Stannis was the middle child though
I'm the oldest. I'm quite conscientious, empathetic, frugal/least demanding person in the family. However, people thought I was autistic all my life.
My sister 8 years younger is very selfish and doesn't give a shit.
However, I keep telling my mother to change her passwords to my sister's birthday and put some portraits of her. Doesn't help that I'm so likeable and she isn't.
>no partying/drinking until i hit grade 12
Does that have to do with the rise in cell phones? The cheapening of cell phone plans? Parents can easily know where their kids are now. Were you in a situation like that? phone plans have become cheaper and phones themselves have evolved. Also, you mentioned that your siblings started doing partying/drinking before you. Did they even have your parents permission? lol
With the blackberry thing, did she even have a phone before? Going to another fucking continent with no phone isn't a fun thing to do. Was she a minor? Were you an adult? IF you were an adult while she was am minor, it's fucking justifiable if they buy her a phone and not you. If your brother is 19 years old, i assume you must be 21+. Why should they buy you, a grown adult, crap instead of buying their teenager crap? Your younger siblings might be more spoiled, but again i'm being given this information and anecdotes from the eyes of an oldest child
>Babysitting isn't a bad trade off when you consider many parents pay their kids for doing that shit OR that the oldest usually do get new crap.
t. Someone who hasn't had to babysit retards like yourself.
We get it m8, you're a complete failure and its everyone else's fault except yours.
This is wrong
He/She usually ends up taking care/protecting the younger ones, and always get the blame.
The youngest, in many cases, gets spoiled and gets away with all the shit growing up, blaming the older siblings.
I have so many IRL examples of this, where the youngest turns out to become a jackass even when grown, spoiled, always blaming others for their shit, as that was what they did when they grew up
number 4/5 here. I agree. Probably has to do with parents financial wellbeing increasing with age, and your having elder siblings to rely on.
Also oldest of 4, and yes I am still very bossy for their own good. Over protective I shall admit
I have literally babysat mentally challenged kids before. I have babysat normal kids before. Easy fucking job.
Typical first born complaining about (easy) labor.
What are some irl examples?
because they had a single mother who let them do whatever they wanted
I can give tons but in one example, 3 brothers, two looks identical and are often confused.
Older brother is calm, never really done shit to anyone. Youngest is a spoiled brat in his 30ies now, no responsibility at all, jackass to everyone, no friends. This stems from childhood. I remember him accusing everyone of all sorts of shit as IE, borrow away his older brothers toys, trade, then when it was found out he couldn't blame his brothers so then he blamed you..
In fact with this one it got so bad he actually had to move to another part of the country at Jr. High because everyone beat him up for being a liar and jackass. No gf, no kids. His brothers have settled.
Another one
3 brothers here too. I still remember the little shit always causing shit, going to his mother, then we would all get bitched for shit we hadn't done, because for her, he's still the baby. In grown life now, he's basically still a spoiled child. If you offend him, he doesn't hit you, he basically just goes..... from childhood to tell his mom how bad you were....
The mother always believes the youngest, and they exploit it. Doesn't apply to everyone ofc, but I know so many examples of this. Not in my blood though, my youngest brother isn't like this at all, he's calm and hardly done any shit his entire life while I've been a handfull (not against my siblings, never)
Yes she had a phone before. She was traveling with a group of 3 other people her age and accompanied by an adult responsible for the four of them. She was Probs 15 and one year younger than I was. My point with this though is that I had smaller expectations of what my parents should provide for me.
The point I'm trying to make with drinking/partying is that my parents where stricter with me than with them, held me to a higher standard of behaviour. My sister was often really rude and bitchy to my folks, just hormones n shit probably but she was always the "wild one", and she has agreed with me before when I said our parents treated us very differently. And after my sis and I carved the path it was easier for our little brother to follow
>jew mad bro?
Also never since the age of prolly 15-16 have I really asked my parents for anything......
The two youngest ones have been extreme at this. Gibs xbox, gibsmedat computer.
I earned my shit, all sorts of job since 11-12. From selling fish (no joke) to old people, mowing their lawn, delivering newspapers and commercials for local stores lit walking around all over the place in the weekends, garden work, draining garages, so I could buy my self some shit.
None of my younger siblings did this.
sigh fucked up day rhythm here...
>My father still says to this very day
user, you have never asked for anything from me.... (even when your life has been shit)
Also I completed school with top notch grades, I don't really count nursing as school as both my sisters are, but they struggled with the grades both
Heather... My big sister... The druggie thieving cunt.
inb4 fact
I always thought the youngest was the most spoiled.
t. Only child
It's not unlikely(if this is not some meme I'm to tired to remember) if you were older, she wouldn't have done drugs.
You would have hunted down the ones selling shit to her, and made it really clear
>you don't sell drugs to womyn
My uncle, again older than younger uncle. He used to do drugs and it was a hell for him. Older uncle lit broke druggies arms, for selling him shit at a young age. He started smoking the herbal kike at 13 or so I think. So people were afraid of this.
>Fuck now comes that pissed off bull again
>He's gonna take all my drugs and burn em/flush it down the toilet and break my what not
When I was a kid one of younger uncle's druggie friends stole his car, older uncle, his first new one
Broken everything, he got in a car with his mates and tracked every druggie(not so many here then) there was, oy vey there was his car, that didn't end well
Middle is always the most useless and youngest is always the best person all around as if they learn from the fuck ups of the others.
As a first child, it's usually because the parents ask/expect you to help out with the younger kids. Doesn't matter how much younger the sibling is, it almost always happens
This really, you're mother hen, watching over them since a child. Some shits beat them up, you go give them hell. Also applies to younger cousins.
>One chance in life
>Be the first born
Feels good man
>Im the oldest
>never worked just stayed in school then CC
>very frugal, super penny pincher, i put a jew to shame on saving money
>never asked for much or anything at all
>always quiet and would play by myself
>sis is demanding of everything/bossy
>complete opposite of me
I don't know OP, my parents have described me as an angel that asks for nothing and my dad has called me a jew for being so frugal.
Why do you type like a retard?
your brother should have beat you more faggot i know i would have