Filteries Thread

Filteries is a political compass generator geared towards your ideal state rather than your personal philosophy. Filteries recently had a semi-major update, the first in months.

Pic related is mine. Yes, I am a commie. No, I don't want to take a ride in your helicopter.

Post your results!

shill your gay ass website somewhere else

Because no one would ever share a website unless they're getting paid. That's why the /r/Sup Forums mods are so rich.


are you trying to create a society that will collapse?
you're doing a damn good job

Communism is inevitable.

Not when there are people Unwilling to work
A lot of them in fact

I tried but I'm not that great with budget type stuff

I got:

Ethno-Clerical Direct Democracy
Theocratic Conservative Nationalism
Mercantilist Social State

13% deficit. GTFO commie trash.

Perfect government incoming.

I was the same way when I first tried using the site.

>tfw you've taken the monarchy pill

I see that you're a centrist.

Monarchists always seem to assume that their king will share their exact views.

True, but in a democracy, the chance that people of opposite views will rise to power is even more likely, unless of course you live in a society in which most people hold close to the same political values.


In a democracy, as long as there are more people with your views you'll win, and if there are more people of opposite views you can go fuck yourself because the majority will be happy. In a monarchy, one person of opposite views from you and you're fucked.

There needs to be an option for "One vote per family"


Primary school only teaches the core stuff for life, the rest is up to the individual on what to learn.

This is how I'd have voting for decisions occur:
Family Vote < Group Vote (Town/Suburb) < Larger Group Vote (City/State) = Decison

Since I assume that the father will decide, that's probably close enough.

I'd like to limit numales voting that's all :P

>Shotguns illegal
For what reason?


name one (1) thing wrong with this
pro tip: you can't

friendly reminder that if you're not EXACTLY where i'm at on this you're not a real Sup Forumsack

just your average chill christian ethnostate


I made that specifically to be as unbalanced as possible while still remaining as close to the center as possible.

"Poverty benefits" is for cucks. Either say 'fuck the poor' or go full commie, don't be a pussy.

Everyone who has spent enough time researching history and the dynamics of politics would agree with me

Technologically-oriented government is a compounding investment - it's an investment that re-invests the profit into future investment (i.e technology) that only snowballs. That is specifically the case in the current century, when we're about to colonize the rest of the solar system and derive insane material abundance from doing so. No other ideology or set of laws can achieve that, only science can


if there was a "charity is a better form of social security" then i would've picked that instead

Then pick no funding.

I'm not sure I could make a more stereotypical classical liberal chart.

I've been trying to think of a response to this for 10 minutes or so. All I can say is... federal monarchy?


This is what my girlfriend went with for whatever reason.

Here's how its done