Just why would you get this
Degenerate tattoo thread
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Well there's honestly a good chance that tat will get him a lot of pussy. Probably not from wife-material women, but pussy nonetheless.
As long as he makes his money somewhere that won't mind, this guy is probably self-destructive enough to not care.
Meh I did it
Tragic how many beautiful girls get STUPID ass tattoos.
Degenerate tattoos are like round circles.
Average pol user
Reminder that in the Bible it states that you shouldn't have tattoos
all tattoos are degenerate
>be a blond haired aryan girl
>this is on your ass
Not liking Ray Romano is pretty degenerate.
That spic must really hate white people
>implying there are non-degenerate tattoos
holy fucking redundancy batman
Peer pressure. His so called friends encouraged him to get that shitty tattoo, you dumb fucking kike.
>Just why would you get this
It tells the world that he likes chicks and is a tough guy.
Guess you've never been out of your country.
Ever heard of cultural tattoos?
Most pacific islanders.
Oh sorry white people have no culture.
>Just why would you get this
Face and neck tats help guarantee that a liberal remains perpetually unemployed and collecting welfare benefits, while they scream about the "discrimination" that holds them back from the six-figure job they went to liberal arts college to earn.
Atleast that cocksucker can almost justify that shit to himself.
I'm probably 0/50 of people in real life responding with anything beyond "I don't know, I just like them".
You take the bible literally?
pause for breath
Why pretty girls do this to themselves i will never know
>savages from the pacific islands
gypsies are a "culture" too, doesn't mean anything good about them
Whole new level of a blow job, how many could you fit in one face?
the bible states a lot of things bub
Turbo gay
Looky here bois we have us an Old Testament faggot
why would you post such obvious bait?
you just wasted seconds of your mortal life which is terminal and nonrenewable, and i did too answering it. right now im wasting time of my one life i'll ever get, my one shot at existence- just to respond to your shitposting. how does that make you feel sir? you fucking tell me you cocksucker :')
He looks out of place outside of a corner office in downtown Manhattan.
Yeah the Maori ate their enemies
Like to see you face a tribe performing a haka without shitting your mamas breast milk
I wonder what the suicide rate is for these "people"
I bet they make safely to age 60 without ODing on heroine or blowing thier brains out about as often as trannies
this illiterate faggot has the same rights as everyone else
retards getting terrible tattoos is how we mark the stupid people for sterilization on the day of the rope
He will never get laid again from that one tat alone.
Think he has a jovial upbeat attitude, fun to be around, always cracking jokes?
>always cracking jokes
>If you could understand them
Fucking degenerates, I swear
If they shot their head I think they would miss
Hi, I'm here for the job interview.
>Like to see you face a tribe performing a haka without shitting your mamas breast milk
already happened, breh
(don't go googling the score for that game though)
>hey daddie!! heres my new boyfriend i meet at the music festival last week! Isn't he handsome!?!
he can suck 3 dicks at the same time, genius
if you are white shoot yourself
So if he tries to chew shit just falls out of his mouth?
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
I winth to a pathy thith one thime. Man youth thoulda been there...
What a retarded faggot
Maybe he just really likes pussy. I'm gonna go with he loves pussy more than he loves a paycheck, because no respectable organization would hire him.
But that's not what these tattoos are? How is a Maori tattoo the same as chewbacca and a mexican flag, or a whole in your cheek the size of a baseball? It's not ....
Half cast m8
Excellent, you'll fit right in. Here's your free money sir.
Someone on Krautchan Sup Forums actually did this. He posted proofs that it was permanent ink and not just marker or something.
Site was shut down 3 days later.
>white people have no culture
>that tat will get him a lot of pussy
No, no it won't
>Sup Forums tattoo degeneracy thread
>0 queen of spades tattoos
You guys are all dips.
Fantastic. I was looking for someone to play one of the paths of Pain in the live action Naruto movie.
>Star Wars has and will always be part of my life
top fucking kek
I'd seriously bet IQ and beauty are inversely correlated to an extent in women. What a fucked world this is.
>being so butthurt you come here to post this
We're never going to stop until politically correct "anti-racists" are wiped off the planet, along with their jewish funders.
I don't have any, but I can understand WHY people would get tattoos. They think it has some deeper meaning or whatever.
I cannot fathom what rationale these people have for cutting giant holes in their faces. Do they not realize they'll never be able to use a straw again? What could possible possess you to do this shit?
Pussy isn't worth disfiguring yourself over, and it's not that hard to get that you'd have to. The type of girls that a neck tattoo would attract are the easiest girls anyway.
They advertise their mental issues to you, I don't see the problem
I remember the Portuguese qts in the crowd from this game. This was the last RWC the ABs choked out of.
sup uce
Looky here, boys. We have us an "I don't follow the only part of the bible that contains the direct word of God" faggot.
I mean the Bible says Jesus will have tattoos upon his return.
Rev 19:6 "On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords."
Is cultural tattoos the same as these white scum?
Read up, its sacred, not anyone can get these tattoos unless you have the right bloodline.
>White people getting pacific islander tattoos don't realise their cursed for life. Haha bloody pakehas
>white people have no cul---
this is one of the cases where it is not degenerate
Excellent. Glad to see the extra's for the new Hellraiser movie are here.
hu? Homophobia much??
This was covered in a recent episode of VICETV's Pins And Needles, a show about tattooing etc. Basically when everybody's getting tattoos and its ho-hum, "how do you rebel" (and be a snowflake)? That was the question they asked, and then they cut to people getting their tongues cut in half and other retarded shit.
Basically its just upping the ante of snowflake syndrome.
I've literally never seen an old Downie before. It's fucking weird.
kek i dont care its gay i just think it was a stupid reason to get it
looks like an ayylmao
I've wondered this myself and the only reason I can think of is mental illness.
Facial tattoos are a weird one too - unless someone's Maori and it's some tribal thing, why would someone do that to themselves, and immediately limit where they can go and what they can do? Not that I like the Maori tattoos either, but at least there's some justification for it.
*block your path*
> I am Iron Freak.
White people are culture, nigger.
From the thumbnail looks like a monkey.
> not wanting to shock Jewish QT's with your giant Swastika tat
>when you run out of metal
It's so they can be the prettiest girl in a clique.
Women eventually realize that they can't be supermodel beautiful, so they do what they can to be the hottest one out of a small clique of people. The gamers, the punks, bodymod freaks, motocross, you name it: every woman in it is only there so they can be queen of a tiny kingdom.
Fuck Xcom, and fuck human people.
I know your kill phrase.
>people getting their tongues cut in half
I got a blowjob from a girl with a split tongue once. It was literally the best head I've ever gotten.
I have hand tats and make over 200k AUS a year. So what?