is trump the most polarizing president ever?
Is trump the most polarizing president ever?
No, Abe Lincoln was
No, Trump isn't polarizing, it's the lugenpresse that is polarizing. Trump is just their target as they whip gullible leftards into a frenzy
Sup Forumsarizing
is this some kind of a joke?
> Abraham Lincoln caused states to actually cede from the union
>is Trump most polarizing president ever?
I can't even.
He's not Obongo, so no
> pic unrelated
> sage
Come on pol you are better than this
> SAGE ALL Yankee threads
> pic is not related
If only he lived to send them all back.
In today's social climate yes...
But so would pretty much any other president in the history of America. If Trump came twenty years earlier I doubt he would have to deal with the inane shit he has to deal with on a daily basis in this era.
do women really flash their boobs at trump?
You are a garbage human being and you should kill yourself. I hate you scum who make and use these horrible edits.
Please stop posting this picture of Maki. She is sweet and pure and she would never do something like this. This photoshop edit is fake and unnecessary
why are you smoking you are underage i'm contacting your school
Based leaf gets it.
Even if Trump started a civil war he still wouldn't be as polarizing as Lincoln
Not really. Polarizing would imply half the people love him and half hate him. With Trump it's more 60/40 favoring hate.
polarizing can also mean you either love or hate it instead of something in between or being indifferent to it
>country of origin
>pic not retarded
narrative is imploding
>Be Donald Trump
>Be given a small loan of a million dollars from your silver spoon father
>Pretend your entire life that you're a self made man
>Be involved in so many shady business deals that you don't even know or care who you're fucking over anymore, as long as you get rich
I implore all of you faggots who think that Donald Trump is a good man to look into his business dealings over his life time. The man has a long history of doing fucked up shit like not paying contractors after the job was done, setting up businesses he know would fail and pocketing investors money, and a whole lot more. Trump is human garbage, and if you think he gives a fuck about making this country great or cares about the average hard working America, you are fooling yourself. Join reality with the rest of us.
I wanna see Maki raped violently
> Be loaned a million dollars
> Turn it into billions
> Run for POTUS
> Win
> NEETs in their mom's basement call you a loser and an idiot