Looking back, something redpilled you as a youth. What was it?
Childhood Redpills
Teachers took us on a school trip to a park claimed by Occupy Wall Street back in '11.
I saw all of these crazy, pathetic people with no ambition chanting and rioting, and surrounding them were all of these normal people living their lives and chasing success.
Teachers wanted us to learn a lesson, and I did. Just not sure if the one I learned was the one they had in mind. Greed is good.
The protestors were degenerate but Jewish bankers in Wall Street caused the 2008 financial crisis by inventing collateralized debt. Which eventually made it so all these pathetic protestors who majored in useless degrees could no longer get jobs and they voiced their pathetic criticisms after living at home for 5 years and realizing they would never be successful or have families of their own. They couldn't even tell you this because it would be (((racist))).
Just remember that next time you think people on Wall Street are 'chasing their success'
the rare real life contact with TURKS
they wer always aggressive towards us, even the few back in the 90s in our small village
they always seperated themselves from the rest, while other foreigners i knew (italians and croats) integrated into society without any problems.
When these dropped.
Rejecting the degenerate niggerdom of the mainstream is the first step to enlightenment.
MadTV, a racist dad, and being told to question everything helped too.
who /new/?
Fair point, but at the same time it helped me prioritize and mull over what I wanted to do with my life. Without seeing the mass failure of so many people starting with the Collapse of '07/08, so many people become screwed over because their jobs weren't recession proof---- I don't know if I would've become so adamant about finding jobs that I'd be good at//pay adequately. Hell without that experience I might have become a philosophy major, who knows?
Do I hate mass media for peddling lies or the swarms of idiots who believe it without a hint of skepticism or fact checking? Both, but the latter more. Same mentality back then with OWS
My asshole jew teacher talked about the holocaust all year.
>end of year assignment
>we split into two groups to make a system of government
>all the cute girls in my group literally tell me to make it becuase "im so smart"
>i have no self confidence so this puzzles me
>i really am smart tho i later found out
>could have gotten all that teen pussy if i wasn't a fag
>literally make everyone in my group accept fascism where citizens are graded and given rights based on certain things
>they all agree
>the teacher knows what im doing and fails me but not because of this
>i still graduate becuase they didn't want me to shoot up the school (this is true)
>call him a jew on last day
also used to write that he molests girls on the bathroom walls
>did a presentation on "nazi propeganda"
>whole class is laughing becuase I put jew charicteractures (fuck that word) all over the slideshow
>talk about holocaust denial while pretty much proving it to the class
>its like the last week of school and everyone starts questioning the holocaust
>he knows he doesn't have time to convince them otherwise
I didn't even know at this point that anything I said had any meaning to it, i was just an edge lord. Found Sup Forums a few months after graduating
fuck highschool I was on drugs 24/7 and never went to detention and I was the only kid who got away with it, they tested me for autism and other shit because I was a wreck and all they found out was that I had a MASSIVE IQ and so they let me do whatever I wanted.
Wasted years. Oh how time flies, I had friends back then, it feels like yesterday and its been 5 years. I am so sad. I made the nights last though, I fucking did it.
adults are garbage too.
Literally Sup Forums
whenever I said "nigger" in front of my dad he never lectured me on being racist but instead would give me a stern warning not to say that word because if a black person hears me say that he will immediately go apeshit and smash my face in.
Even when I was very naive and left wing I never liked niggers, I didn't mention it but I never understood the lefts obsession with non whites, always found them disgusting so nothing changed in that respect
Neonazi kid in hs
Going to a majority black school during the Trayvon Martin incident. Thank god that was my senior year.
Contact with niggers. Supposedly on my first day of school I had come back home and told my parents that the black kids smelled funny
I had a negative view on Black people due to the hood stereotype/culture that was presented a lot(Not a lot of blacks in Holland) Got somali friends and that changed my mind.
8 years old I was watching a WWII documentary and they kept lecturing me about how Hitler was evil but imo I kept saying that he did good things like unified germany and uniting the people.They kept repeating holocaust and ignored my points,
Hitler is evil still though but they didnt want to admit his good aspects
I was a massive fanboi of the roman empire idk I was always attracted to Western civilization for a shitskin. Though its not that uncommon for Iraqis especially post fascist Iraq and the horrible race relations with Arabs making me kinda racially biased.
I went to a public school with lots of nogs. They would fight each other in the hallways all the time while my white and asian classmates were taking AP classes. At the time I thought it was because of >muh raycissim because that's what they taught us, but being exposed to that kind of behavior on a day to day basis always stuck with me.
>Looking back, something redpilled you as a youth. What was it?
the first redpill
I had a negative view on Black people due to the hood stereotype/culture that was presented a lot(Not a lot of blacks in Holland) Got somali friends and that changed my mind.
8 years old I was watching a WWII documentary and they kept lecturing me about how Hitler was evil but imo I kept saying that he did good things like unified germany and uniting the people.They kept repeating holocaust and ignored my points,
Hitler is evil still though but they didnt want to admit his good aspects
I was a massive fanboi of the roman empire idk I was always attracted to Western civilization for a shitskin. Though its not that uncommon for Iraqis especially post fascist Iraq and the horrible race relations with Arabs making me kinda racially biased.
>Seeing my 6 year old cousin get stabbed by a 11 year old nigger for her bike.
>Dealing with La Raza and MS13 wannabees all through out high school
>Finding out the poor underprivileged black family that had been renting our old house to was selling drugs and turned it into a crack den
>Literally the entire family, Dad was a pimp his 'wife' and his 'daughter's were all girls that he'd rent out and they were selling hard drugs to customers
When I was young my teacher taught me the story of Abraham and his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. He explained that God said his chosen people would be fathered by the first born son of Abraham.
Abe's wife couldn't have kids for awhile so Abe went to his maid and put his seed in her illegitimately (no marriage) and out popped Ishmael.
Then, a few months/years later, Abraham's wife magically was able to bear a child and out came Isaac.
Ishmael eventually was banished:
"Early the next morning Abraham took some food and a skin of water and gave them to Hagar. He set them on her shoulders and then sent her off with the boy. She went on her way and wandered in the Desert of Beersheba.
When the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes. Then she went off and sat down about a bowshot away, for she thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.” And as she sat there, she began to sob.
God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there. Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.”
Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.
God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer. While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt."
-- Genesis 21
This is who is considered to have fathered the Muslim people
Isaac, the legitimate (but technically 2nd son to come from Abraham) was the father of the Jewish people.
NEITHER JEWS NOR MUSLIMS CAN AGREE on who is truly the chosen people of God. Muslims think it was them even though they were illegitimate, Jews think it was them even though they were technically second born.
.... this is why Jews and Muslims will fight in wars and get us all caught up in their desert horse shit until the end of time.
Nice feudal tale!
>all the cute girls in my group literally tell me to make it becuase "im so smart"
>i really am smart tho i later found out
Yet you're too stupid to realize, even now, that they were just using you to do their homework.
>be 7
>go to lunch
>all the mexican kids sit at a separate table from all the other kids speaking Spanish and being shady
>they also have mustaches at 7 years old
the (((state))) and the (((police))) are not your friends, in fact, they are your worst enemies.
Obvious genetic waste doing badly in school.
>Hmmm, why dose the boy with an ugly asymetrical face and lopsided ears struggle so much?
>things that didn't even happen in the side universe
>work hard
>high school saledictorian in a class full of chinks
>valedictorian is ecuadorian kid
>get into shitty state universities while the chinks go into private instututions
asians are pretty much whites.
cut my knob into pieces
>norwegian complaining about his government
You should be nice to (((them))) with all the oil trillions they gave you
i was fucking born redpilled.
actually meeting turks
all the merchant characters in video games i played as a kid exhibited subtle anti-semitic characteristics
Visited the holocaust museum in washington when I was 11. Since then I have hated kikes.
Miserable leftist 2nd grade teacher who verbally berated me every day.
it was only a couple of generations ago our ancestors were shooting coons in africa m8
its bred into us
>they also have mustaches at 7 years old
Asians face far more discrimination when applying to elite universities than whites. Harvard is currently facing a lawsuit for this very reason.
I learned the bad guys never really pay for what they do, and that's what Religion is. It's a revenge-fantasy wrapped up together with an afterlife promise and strong cultural traditions.
I knew as a 4 year old boy that I didn't believe in God. My cousins looked at me shocked, like they didn't even know that was an option. I've just been wired that way.
I understand the moral implications of my actions, and I have a strong conscience that prevents me from intentionally hurting people. I just find it irritating being berated by overtly Religious people who condescend to me for not agreeing with them. Just because you can't see past your own system doesn't mean there aren't other systems.
This. That's why I'm thoroughly convinced SJWs were never around black kids growing up.
For me it was the realization in highschool that feminism was bullshit. Saw girls expecting men to do everything for them in relationships. Saw how women don't actually have to do jack shit in society to be accepted, other than not be a ugly fatass -and even then they still can get away with doing less than men.
That's when I started suspecting something was up, so I looked into the wage gap and quickly discovered it was all due to women working less hours and taking fewer risks. Big fucking surprise. And yet society still pretends it's because of "muh oppression" and "muh patriarchy", even though we have objective and verifiable evidence that proves otherwise.
From that point on I became skeptical of all leftist/marxist crap and it was all downhill from there. Once you realize that social rules are largely decided by and for retards there is no stopping your inevitable realization that the entire foundation is bullshit smoke and mirrors.
>I learned the bad guys never really pay for what they do, and that's what Religion is. It's a revenge-fantasy wrapped up together with an afterlife promise and strong cultural traditions.
true tbqh, the thought of all the good guys going to heaven and all the bad guys going to hell is comforting since in real life it's often the opposite
A nigger stole my pencil, and my nigger teacher didn't do anything about it.
Getting bullied by blacks in middle school for using language that went beyond the 5th grade level. Getting basketballs whipped at the back of my head by blacks at recess. Getting spitwads and assorted school supplies thrown at me by blacks. Getting beat up by blacks. Getting insulted for every little visible physical oddity by blacks. Getting school supplies and various trinkets stolen by blacks on a regular basis. Sharing a locker with another black student (not by choice) and 'losing' textbooks that I had stashed in the locker on a regular basis. Not being able to concentrate in class because monkeys too busy chatting, fighting, and spitting on each other.
All of this stunted my development. For years growing up I always assumed something was wrong with me (highly antisocial) until my retarded parents moved us out of that shithole. Too bad the damage was done and I was 9 years too late as it wasn't until my sophomore year of high school that I got to transfer to a school in a relatively peaceful, majority white community. It was nice finally being able to act normal and make normal friends without having to constantly be guarded all of the time. It wasn't until this major change happened that I realized the problem wasn't me but multiracial society and social alienation by non-whites.
*tips fedora*
All the Far-left shit people posted on facebook and fining Thomas Sowell when I was investigating for counter arguments.
this thread is so fucking gay lmao you're all so fucking gay
I was a bluepilled kid.
I got redpilled when the harpies attacked the friendly Gordon Freeman of comet landing and cool shirts.
Thats when I set on a warpath because this is unacceptable, it must end.
My mother is a shitlib who always hated me. My dad is a serious libertarian. Was interesting, but here I am. Guess which influenced me more.
south park
any kid that watched that hates jews now
>1 post by this ID
This is exactly what I mean. Cop-out response and an unwarranted sense of superiority. You claim to support a Religion yet follow none of its Tenets. You're just as much of an edgy faggot as anyone. Your ancestors would think you're a smug shithead and going to hell unless you whip yourself and say 50 hail marys bitchboy.
Same here desu, now I tell my 6 year old son.....
>Now we don't talk about black people in public ok? That's just when we are with family.
you're like 17 though dude
keep on tipping, euphoric friend-o
the gays
I lived through it, it is called Divorce.
I used to dread going to school. But when you actually go to a school and community where people share your goals for the future (AKA, not breaking the law, finding a career, not making enemies) you realize it's not actually school that's the problem but your peers that have made it a living hell as a result of their genetic inferiority. It was great to open a textbook at a public school that didn't have wads of bubble gum tucked between the first page and the cover. It was nice to not have pages ripped out of your book. It was nice to not have to share textbooks with three people in your class because the Dominican kid's parents sold it for drugs. It was nice to finally come out of your shell and be yourself without some nigger, puerto spican, or hispanic calling you out for being a goofy cracker. It was finally nice to have friends that had common bonds that went beyond 'being the white kids.' It's really nice walking down the street without having to watch your ass because some angry nigger decides to pick on the white boy. Living and being educated in a multiracial community is nothing but fear, depression, and loneliness. You really have to live in that garbage to get it. It sucks. It's miserable. I still think it fucked me up a tad bit. I still have a lot of issues regarding socializing and being a bit too reserved (effect of being in fear and watching every little word that comes out of my mouth, no matter how insignificant said words could be, for the first 14 or 15 years of my life.)
No, faggot, I'm 23. Age has nothing to do with your willingness to accept reality. You think the Earth is flat and NASA is a psyop too?
Always raised conservative, but when I got to highschool, noticed some things were "off" about the holocaust.
Why were the Jews kicked out of everywhere since forever?
Why didn't the Nazis just shoot them?
Why were they being tortured for fun one minute, then the next being given extra food and bed rest for being sick?
I tried to internally justify it, but it never seemed right. I should have spoken up about it, more.
Another history teacher tried to redpill us on some other stuff, like how McCarthy was right. I didn't fully appreciate it at the time, but it was still interesting, nonetheless. He also liked to rant about how the Kennedys stole his family's spot at the premier Irish-American political family. He was a pretty fun guy.
>they literally reduced him to tears because he spent his life on science to make rockets and didn't have time to give a shit about third wave feminism
Story behind the gif?
You believe in nothingness.
Niggers. On how bad they are and how ghetto culture is a huge problem in California. Turns otherwise normal people into assholes.
Got redpilled when I was 16-17. Through offensive humor. Was very bluepilled before.
Conan novels and dodging Lebanese gangs.
>Ohhhhh, I member!
"Wizards" aka Jews and women, always causing problems for Conan. Also jungle people.
When my dad taught me to aim for the temples, nose, throat, and eyes when I was 5 if a pedo tried to take me.
Working in a school for semi-retarded children (MBO niveau 1 for fellow dutchmen). Fucking nignogs aren't even that stupid, just fucking lazy.
Lol, a leaf
And some leftist cunt will probably say I'm overreacting. Maybe they grew up in a nice cozy neighborhood and their parents coddled them a bit too much. Maybe they actually did in fact go to school in a multiracial, shitskin resettlement community in some leftist shithole of a town but never left, so they never really experienced the contrast of living in two differing worlds. If the latter is you, you're probably fucked up and just don't even realize it. You've become used to living in social disharmony. Being on guard and having a restrained mind because you don't know if some retarded shitskin (or low-quality white) with nothing to lose would take offense and literally try to inflict suffering on you is a relatively new concept in the American way of life caused by lax border control and forced integration.
Literally me. Moving out of the ghetto and into a white community was such a culture shock. Its not even the same world. I fucking love having rich white people who have never spent a day in the hood lecture me on equality. They have no idea how niggers really are animals beyond saving. Jesus Christ I think I have hood PTSD. The fucking monkeys man, the monkeys
>this thread is so fucking gay lmao you're all so fucking gay
ID ends in bye........
Explain please. How does an 11 year old go full 1488 from listening to sad stories about the holocaust?
When I started delivering pizza at 18, listening to right wing radio (primarily Savage) during my shifts and getting stiffed by every nigger that ordered pizza
First year of high school I was presented with KONY 2012 and the 99% posters in the halls and being greeted by angry teens with no sense of direction or reason for their angers towards these agendas. My black friend would get called an uncle Tom for mocking them.
>i really am so smart
>proceed to make retard level grammatical errors
i can also literally feel the delusion as i read your post. it reads as if even you are trying to convince yourself of your imagined intelligence.
>i really am smart tho i later found out
>I put jew charicteractures (fuck that word)
>really smart, can't spell even with google
You're standing on the same foundation as I am. At least I recognize it for what it is.
Typical retard response btw, I believe in lots of things like the human capability for kindness and empiricism, just not a supernatural creator that there's no good reason for.
this would make good pasta
>I'm really am smart tho later i found out
>"..I put jew charicteractures (fuck that word)"
>2nd grade, jumped after school by black kid for no reason from behind.
>Mom always raised me to treat everyone equally.
>Got taken into the (Black) principals office.
>Black kid lies and tells black principal he did it because my mom called his uncle a nigger.
>??? No idea who the kid or his uncle is.
>Black Principal scolds me over it.
>Principal explains to me what a nigger is
>Concludes I was dealing a bunch of niggers
>Nigger principal suspends me for one week.
Teacher sat me in a corner for asking why feminism wasn't called eqaulism if it was about equality
Tie between my sister dating potheads that cheated on her and failed classes and my closest group of friends shunning me for no apparent reason at the start of high school.
Said friends are now all typical millenial liberals, sister's ex boyfriends are doing terribly, and my sister is now probably more conservative than she's ever been and doing well at her job.
That one's a brain-twister. I've tried to figure out how they justify this one as well. They have a bunch of reasons why it's good for everyone but should still be called Feminism.
Why the focus on females? Why is it not Egalitarianism? Humanism? We agree that Meninism sounds stupid, so why do we still use Feminism?
Lived in the South and traveled to the North.
Yes, dipshit. Being able to read and write in your native tongue is an indicator that you have at least a very basic level of intelligence. Conversely, being incapable of writing in your native tongue is indicator that you haven't even met that low bar.
I kekd. What a bright kid
This so fucking hard. The fact they have to frame it with a prefix of "femin" is a dead giveaway it's not about equality but about a female power grab
Was already redpilled on most things but this made me hate liberalism in general. These are the same cunts who complain about "muh internet harassment"
>Muhammad and a monolog discussing Islamic violence were the only things south park ever had to censor
yup, this. nothing redpills you faster than growing up around blacks
South Park really was the greatest cartoon of its time. It got an entire generation of teens and young adults to identify with a fat Jew-hating asshole.
The funny thing is Matt and Trey are pretty much blue-pilled centrists on a lot of issues, but they still make funny ass shit.
>Be me, blue pilled white, blond haired, green eyed kid in my 7th grade history class.
>Jewess teacher is teaching us about the holohoax and asks everyone in the classroom to stand up.
>She asks the jews in the classroom to sit down.
>She asks all brown skin people to sit down.
>She asks all the yellow skinned, and red skinned people to sit down.
>Then she asks all the white people who don't have blond hair to sit down.
>I was the only one left standing
>"If Hitler won the war you'd be the only person in this classroom that wouldn't be sent to the Nazi deathcamps" .
>Bullied for the remainder of Jr.High/Highschool.
Was made to watch this in middle school. It's meant to be about da ebil whoite man opressin' the black fellas but in reality it just makes the abos look like fucking retards who need white people to keep their kids alive.
>Movie opens with coon family sitting naked in a small clearing in the dirt
>This is their home
>da ebil white man comes and takes the half caste kids away
>Grandma coon starts beating herself over the head with a rock for some reason
>The abos continue sitting naked in the dirt doing nothing
>Meanwhile the evil white man is teaching the poor oppressed half caste kids to read, feeding them, and giving them clothes.
>Half caste kids escape the evil white man and run off into the desert so they can continue sitting naked in the dirt
He believes in nothing, that is correct, he does not trust something that has never spoken to him. Maybe it has spoken to you in some religious ecstasy fueled dream, but he had spoken to very very few of us
Canada sounds retarded.