No (((Merchant))) thread? Fix that Sup Forums

Post Merchants.







Get fucked nazi loser.


>says the bible is jewish tricks while simultaneously showing Christ whipping kikes

What did he mean by this?




Bumping for more merchants










>deploying shekel-bot


Jesus Christ how horrifying






Bumping we need more merchants goys












Israelis do exactly the types of things that white nationalists and alt-rightists want to do themselves. Build walls to stop immigration, racially profile in the name of safety, fight to preserve an ethno-state, etc.


Hmm. I'd have sex with her


If Palestinians ever decide to wise up and seek a smart approach, good for them. And all I can do is shake my head in puzzlement as white nationalists and alt-rightists, who always make such a huge deal about having no desire to rescue Third Worlders from the consequences of their own ignorance, rally to their aid.

thnx for the nightmare fuel, i thought the bogs were the worst, i guess not





Jews are god race.

Sup Forums just refuses to see it.


But white people don't go to Israel and fund open borders groups and buy off Israeli politicians.

There are a sizable number of aimless, fatherless wanderers today.

Everyone is told, "It's not your fault. You're just as good as anyone else!"

But they aren't. We aren't all created equal.

Maybe they didn't steal yo moneys? Maybe you never earned it?


You think you kikes could change up the propaganda once every five years? That bitch is probably 30 by now.



>But white people don't go to Israel and fund open borders groups and buy off Israeli politicians.
Of course they do.
Not only that, it was obama policy to actively interfere with their elections.


Some jew haters are just sadists. Pure and simple.
A hundred years ago, they'd be slave drivers (not owners, but foremen).
Today, they're just the rapists and muggers you see in the news.



>Of course they do
>obama policy to actively interfere with their elections.

No President gave more money to Israel than Obama.


Jew haters also have a sizable contigent of the sexual adventurers.

We all know about the S&M community. Handcuffs. Whips and chains.

Some 'jew haters' are just expressing this sexuality.
You see, they're HELPLESS. No matter that the 'oppressor' is a tiny minority that doesn't fight back. The point is they get all tingly at the thought of a big, hairy Juden, taking advantage of them, and they're helpless.
Jew haters also have a sizable contigent of the sexual adventurers.

We all know about the S&M community. Handcuffs. Whips and chains.

Some 'jew haters' are just expressing this sexuality.
You see, they're HELPLESS. No matter that the 'oppressor' is a tiny minority that doesn't fight back. The point is they get all tingly at the thought of a big, hairy Juden, taking advantage of them, and they're helpless.
Jew haters also have a sizable contigent of the sexual adventurers.

We all know about the S&M community. Handcuffs. Whips and chains.

Some 'jew haters' are just expressing this sexuality.
You see, they're HELPLESS. No matter that the 'oppressor' is a tiny minority that doesn't fight back. The point is they get all tingly at the thought of a big, hairy Juden, taking advantage of them, and they're helpless.

does anyone have the mouse jew pic, i cant find it


>jew haters
Hello Hasbara, making a stopover after your shift at Breitbart?

how would I know if she was a jew if she wasn't in uniform? She looks white to me


Ladies and gentlemen, the people dropping pics of jewish russian models in IDF gear. This is what Israelis really look like.

If you spent less time trying to justify being a loser, you'd know this.

Surprise protip: no one is going to give you stuff for doing nothing. Get off your ass.



Why the fuck are you even trying to argue this in a Merchant thread?
Gtfo JIDF cancer


Kek. I'm quite successful. You on the other hand post on a chinese horse hair weaving forum for money. Nice source btw, Chaim.

Jew haters are Baltimore niggahs.

It's always de WHITE M...I mean...the JEWS.

Because it's easier than blaming the person who's really responsible, isn't it?

"Syria and Iran endanger the West, goyim. Let me express this in a way your gerbil brain can understand."

>failed at every job
>seized power using murder, lies and fear
>led Germany, a country that always lost wars anyway, so meh
>blamed everything on a tiny, oppressed minority
>lost, after killing a sizable percentage of his countrymen and blaming the dead for everything
>dindus to this day love his Super Dinduism
>crowned King of the Dindus
>failed at every job
>seized power using murder, lies and fear
>led Germany, a country that always lost wars anyway, so meh
>blamed everything on a tiny, oppressed minority
>lost, after killing a sizable percentage of his countrymen and blaming the dead for everything
>dindus to this day love his Super Dinduism
>crowned King of the Dindus>vegan
>failed at every job
>seized power using murder, lies and fear
>led Germany, a country that always lost wars anyway, so meh
>blamed everything on a tiny, oppressed minority
>lost, after killing a sizable percentage of his countrymen and blaming the dead for everything
>dindus to this day love his Super Dinduism
>crowned King of the Dindus
>failed at every job
>seized power using murder, lies and fear
>led Germany, a country that always lost wars anyway, so meh
>blamed everything on a tiny, oppressed minority
>lost, after killing a sizable percentage of his countrymen and blaming the dead for everything
>dindus to this day love his Super Dinduism
>crowned King of the Dindus
>failed at every job
>seized power using murder, lies and fear
>led Germany, a country that always lost wars anyway, so meh
>blamed everything on a tiny, oppressed minority
>lost, after killing a sizable percentage of his countrymen and blaming the dead for everything
>dindus to this day love his Super Dinduism
>crowned King of the Dindus

Yeah, it's never jews. They've only been ejected from over 100 countries.

Kek. That pic always gets me


Hi, everyone!
I also dindu nuffin! And de jooz dey done sto all my moneys! All I be doing is hanging out on de porch and joooooz!
It's ok though! I ALSO love thinking about being dominated by a tiny minority!
Tie me up juden! Yes! Tie me up and spank me!1! I am a naughty boy!

"Open your borders, Taco Tuesdays and telenovelas are just the beginning, goyim, I mean, senors."

>implying it's easy to blame the Jews
Shill harder


>be beta
>no gf and none in sight
>hate everyone cuz girls don't like us
>find the smallest minority to unload our problems on
>its safe, they won't hurt us
>identify with germans, who also always lost
>become omega man

Gas yourself already, subhuman

You're never going to turn anyone on this bored. If anything, you'll make people hate jews more.


>start crying because mean man is here
>thank thor he can't find us
>jack off thinking about being found anyway, and spanked for being naughty boy!
>oh gods yes!1!
>juden! judern!!! oh im cumming!1!

>start crying because mean man is here
>thank thor he can't find us
>jack off thinking about being found anyway, and spanked for being naughty boy!
>oh gods yes!1!
>juden! judern!!! oh im cumming!1!

>start crying because mean man is here
>thank thor he can't find us
>jack off thinking about being found anyway, and spanked for being naughty boy!
>oh gods yes!1!
>juden! judern!!! oh im cumming!1!

>start crying because mean man is here
>thank thor he can't find us
>jack off thinking about being found anyway, and spanked for being naughty boy!
>oh gods yes!1!
>juden! judern!!! oh im cumming!1!

>start crying because mean man is here
>thank thor he can't find us
>jack off thinking about being found anyway, and spanked for being naughty boy!
>oh gods yes!1!
>juden! judern!!! oh im cumming!1!

a fine rundown

>Ok, everyone, I think that mean old poopyhead is gone! Cocks out!
>Ok, visualize: big, burly, hairy juden! oh no he sees us!
>oh juden no plz don't hit me! oh yes!11 gods yes hit me! hurt me! yessssss
>gosh darn it! now i have to go clean up. and mom is calling me for bedtime.
>Sorry guys see you tomorow!1!

>Ok, everyone, I think that mean old poopyhead is gone! Cocks out!
>Ok, visualize: big, burly, hairy juden! oh no he sees us!
>oh juden no plz don't hit me! oh yes!11 gods yes hit me! hurt me! yessssss
>gosh darn it! now i have to go clean up. and mom is calling me for bedtime.
>Sorry guys see you tomorow!1!

>Ok, everyone, I think that mean old poopyhead is gone! Cocks out!
>Ok, visualize: big, burly, hairy juden! oh no he sees us!
>oh juden no plz don't hit me! oh yes!11 gods yes hit me! hurt me! yessssss
>gosh darn it! now i have to go clean up. and mom is calling me for bedtime.
>Sorry guys see you tomorow!1!

>Ok, everyone, I think that mean old poopyhead is gone! Cocks out!
>Ok, visualize: big, burly, hairy juden! oh no he sees us!
>oh juden no plz don't hit me! oh yes!11 gods yes hit me! hurt me! yessssss
>gosh darn it! now i have to go clean up. and mom is calling me for bedtime.
>Sorry guys see you tomorow!1!


Post some here too please (/his/)

>muhh innocent jews dindu nuffin
Not even you believe that.