Is he our hero for killing a nigger to show white woman why black men are bad for society.
What does pol think of him?
Everything about this guy screams MK Ultra. He just happens to go to NYC, a white man with the intent of killing a random blackman because he is afraid of race mixing and gets caught and publicized? This is too perfect for the left i'm sorry.
qt on the left
is it really so hard to believe?
you know you browse a board with plenty of people who would kill because of race mixing right?
it's too perfect down to him loudly confessing to the world that black men scare him for taking his white woman. It's perfect fodder for liberals, politicians and race baiters alike.
No one here would actually kill anyone shill. People here say stupid shit but thats as far as it goes.
But doesn't pol argue for the end of niggers, race mixing and destroying threats?
He is proof that white men are the real terrorists and threat to society.
just like when some stupid mudslime scraems allahu ackbar at the top of his lungs HMMM SEEMS TOO PERFECT FOR THOSE REBUTTLICANS fuck off idiot who cares some dumb white dude killed some fucking street urchin nigger
What about the gunman that went to ping pong comet to find the basement where CP was going on, later found to be untrue?
>Kills a poor and elderly black man
>This shows how black men are bad for society
I'm a little confused how you're making this connection.
yeah he sure showed us.
Sup Forums is not one person
>later found to be untrue
First of all that guy isnt from here second he did jack shit.
That is what he claimed in court, he wanted to ward off black guys from white woman
Fuck off disinfo kike we are onto your games.
you can't even fucking argue it dude quit being a fucking dumbass and think
ah. This whole case just seems sad to me.
Innocent black guy getting stabbed to death.
Military vet who seems to have a lot of mental issues and from what I've read has had a hard time connecting with people offline.
Your argument is duhhhhh im right you are wrong fuck off kike. This is clearly a case of CIA MK Ultra reprogramming the guy probably was delivered his trigger word at random and ran to NYC to kill a black man and when caught blamed his small white dick which the media and race baiters love to hear.
so wait a inute if my argument is duhh i'm right you are wrong what's your argument
Im giving you my argument kike this was MK Ultra brainwashing. He was a dormant drone who got called when needed.
needed for what you dummy
It's perfect fodder for liberals, politicians and race baiters alike.
Cool that Dupont Tyvek didn't pull their sponsorship deal.
Usually when there is a hint of controversy the corporate sponsors run for the hills.
fuck off unpaid intern from shill MSM
I hope you enjoy getting raped by your fat spic bosses while you work for free to undermine your own country
you cancerous cunt
yet this news story will die off within the next week and everyone will forget about it
weird huh?
look at the narrow mouth and nose - some kike nigger with mkultra / abusive mother / drug abuse shit going on
burn the left
I wish I had a job so I move out of the basement but nice of you to have good thoughts about me Greece, how are the austerity measures doing btw?
Have we started the fire?
>perp walking
I've never understood why criminals don't make life miserable on their handlers. You have nothing left any way, why not be a fucking asshole? Don't walk or even stand. Make them carry you.
OR...act calm and normal and out of the blue take one foot and smash it as hard as you can into the knee cap of the person to the left or right.
What are they going to do? Sue you? Put you in jail?
Just like you
not an argument
They will beat you at the jail or arrange for a rapist.
>implying this doesn't happen any way
It happens to people who piss off the cops.
You "fall down the stairs, trip while getting out of the car, are accidentally locked in a cell with a 300 pound rapist" and other euphemisms for the police beating you half to death and then sodomizing you with a flashlight.
Most black men date black women
Because at this point reality is setting in. Youve gone from an edgy cunt stalking niggers in Jew York to a deer caught in the headlights and the sobering thought that youll spend the rest of your life locked up with niggers has sunk in. Youve lost all control of what happens to you from this point onward.
just like your internship; a ton of shit, no money
I don't do internships, I have more self respect than that but you didn't answer, how has the EU been treating your country.
>the intern thinks that's Sup Forumss arguement against internships
How is Turkey doing btw, I like their kebabs and they have been very useful allies.
Would Greece agree to give back Cyprus to the Turks, would help out world peace.
Are you a Dago by any chance and do they were Togas there?