Sup Forums is she a jew
no, she looks Scots-Irish
did you look at that nose
She speaks softly. Like... She has something to hide.
wtf is she hiding though? im getting bad vibes
Who hurt you?
I think she's a witch desu senpai.
Not saying it's a bad thing, but still.
so she's just femstyx then?
nah styx wears his 'tsm on his sleeve.
she's speaking softly so mummy can't hear her
this is what im getting from her, i dont know what shes gonna do next but i have to stop her
dreamy your passive agressive spells dont work here
ASMR is not a spell
her voice is not asmr. it feels like poo in loos shitting in my ears non stop desu f,am
have a (you)
Cant keep up with your fucking new idols Sup Forums,you fags now hate styx and shit so you have to get new people to idolize?
>unironically being a fan of styx
No, youtube is being flooded with alt-right women. Probably all insane.
I can tell you I never watched a single video of that sexual deviant
You mean Sup Forums is being flooded with people trying to shill Youtube channels of girls trying to get orbiters.
>Beady Eyes
>Jew nose
>Hair of Cain
Definitely a kike
I would make her a single mom
can jews even into red hair?
she claims to be libertarian
jews can into all hair types if you didn't know
cringy desu. Why can't there be an advocate for whites that isn't on the spectrum?
also this
She looks like Marilyn Manson in a wig.