Pol thinks this is how things should be done

>Russia 2017
>Be an innocent apolitical schoolgirl
>Come out to buy something for dinner
>Get arrested for planning revolution

Other urls found in this thread:


Хyeвый тpeд, бpo.

>Gets raped in prison 100 times

I agree. Had Russia been more progressive country, the liberals would have been hounded by dogs.


And pepper sprayed.

>having money to buy food
something doesn't check out, Ivan

>Be a dumb moron liberal
>Want to send your kids to get raped in Luxembourg
>Go back into the 1990's as ((Kurden)) says it was good for you
>Destroy and dismantle your country because a it is bad
Go away Navanly shill, day of the rope is soon, you will meet Rockefeller in hell.

>walking outside without a male escort AND without a full burka



>Pol thinks this is how things should be done
Of course not. They should be rounded up and flattened by the Tanks driving over them.

Hysteria is a terrible malady

wtf I hate current year Russia now!

Chimping out doesn't change the fact that mother Russia is a backward, poor hellhole, you idiot.

Female prisons are brothels for rich men

Some oligarchic jew saw a cute girl and told his police lackeys to do her in, so he can have his fun

"Russia is the saviour of Europe" - Sup Forums

Exactly this.

Scratch a Russian and you will see a Tartar underneath.

They are never apolitical.

This was meant for this ->

Your argument would have had more weight if half your population wasn't doing construction and bottom-tier jobs in my poor backward hellhole to send any money their pisspoor shitskin families back home.

what would you do if your country had no hospitals, schools or roads and a mandatory army serve? While government officials dogs (literally dogs, animals) had their very own plane.

Liberals are so pathetic. Russia is shit, but it's the only Russia you will ever get. It's dictated by a large number of geoeconomical factors that make liberal democracy unneeded and risky. To mine diamonds and pump oil dictatorship is more than enough, that is the only reason why Russia has always reverted to it.

>Normie: What is the American government (CIA) going to do to counter the Russian involvement in the 2016 election?

Basically, the CIA will help encourage Russian dissidence to protest and get beat on camera by Russian police in what will be effectively a "Russian Spring". Western media will air the Russian protest and call Putin a tyrant. Putin will not give a shit and things will go on as normal.


I would move somewhere else lol. You can't wish things into existence, dear liberalfag.

russia's to nice on hippies fuckin look at them


This is how deportation should be done. Heave, ho, toss them over the border, and point guns at them so they run in the right direction.

>authoritarian police state

pick one

First time here?

>Be a paid NGO activist
>Try to subvert your home country because reasons
>Get BTFO by security forces maintaining the rule of law and denying you the ability to subvert

wtf when they arrest you they literally carry u away......

>get food
>get beaten for revolution

This is truly communism

Any russian who complains is lazy. there is so much richness in your country and all you have to do is go out there and take it

but you rather cry about corruption on the internet


Do you understand that these guys on your pic will have attorneys and honest court?

And that in Russia you probably won't have both?

Nope. But still find collective autism of pol funny and entertaining.

Maybe if they have the money to pay for them. Public attorneys are not good.

>honest court
Oh I am laffin.

>Read description
>Still implies that one can just take something in Russia

As i thought only ex-commie countries will understand what's really happening in Russia.

In fact, soviet nomenclature still rule and own everything. They just call themselves diefferent (in public only).

Are we live in the same country? Mine got free medical care, including dentists.

consider a thought:

oligarchs aren't corrupt. They are just the only competent people in Russia. After 90 of bureaucracy there are hardly any able people left in your country.

The oligarch saw richness infront of him, and took it. He did what every normal person should have done.

I have friends who work in Finance in moscow, who work in banks, private equity etc. there hardly is anyone competent in the entire Russia. They love any good people there, and they'll hire you immediately. Do you think they don't love their country? Do you think that a 75 year old billionaire all he wants is more money?

the problem is, most ivans don't try. most people just come with the preconceived notion of "corruption", so they have no idea what actually is out there.

stop thinking the world is out to get you. it isn't - go out there and take part in it

Nobody cares, fuck off and kill yourself. I'm assuming you're an American cocksucker so you'll do what I say

shlomo defending rich guys

Aside from the world map, this is the most jewed thing I have ever seen

Keep assuming, Tyrone Gonsales

>52% """"white""""(20-35% real European)
>white kids are already a minority in their age group
>quarter of said whites has injun, polish semite or negro blood
>media/education/banks all run by the jews
>fight wars for the jews on the other side of the planet
>mutilate their sons genitals cause mr rosenberg said so
>white guilt over slavery worse than nazi guilt
>worships niggers one month every year
>adopting niggers and chinks is a normal american practice
>elected nigger twice over white guilt
>normalized coalburning
>normalized homosexuality
>in the process of normalizing trans shit
>home of radical feminism
>ground zero for all modern degenerate anti-white propaganda
>black culture dominates their arts scene
>blacks dominate their sports scene
>highest guns per capita yet still they get bullied by shit skins the most out of any western country
>at the front of pushing the islamophobia shit
>clockboy gets a free scholarship to top universities and white house for bringing a old clock to school despite the family being on record for race baiting
>biggest shooting ever gets ignored because the shooter was a mudslim
>tolerates a black domestic terrorist group
>almost all food is unnatural shit created by monsanto

I'll let you in on a little secret, regarding successful people. They LOVE helping others, they love mentoring, they love other competent people.

When you come up to them for help in a professional sense, for advice, for guidance, they'll help you no matter how rich they are. Men, successful men, love guiding the young.

a 75 y/o billionaire. He has only a few years left in his life. Do you honestly think all he cares about is how to make more money? That's just absurd, and irrational. You can't pretend to know what these guys think, because you can't possibly know.

I'm just offering a different view point

>what would you do if your country had no hospitals, schools or roads

Where's that? Those rich urban centers where hipsters with danger hair march on clown parades? Give me a fucking break. It wasn't a protest against corruption, it was a mass act of virtue signalling exactly like Occupy and anti-Trump women's march

Your jimmies..

Then what's the fucking problem? What are you even bitching about? How many litres of vodka have you had? Kill yourself if you're so miserable because your faggot loving idol got his ass locked up

You want everything for free. It's not gonna hapen.

I got asperger's, im 24y old, and make 3x my district averange income.
I even fuck girls i want to fuck because i invested 2 years into pickup and social dynamics.

What's your exuse to be stupid?

I can't fucking take this anymore, this fucker is a walking stereotype

This is how I feel about Mexicans

We have non functioning hospital, schools, (shittiest railway in Europe), Shitty roads, rapefugees, mandatory army service.
Step up your game Ivan.

>the problem is, most ivans don't try
Sadly, this. That post/flag combination is pretty hillarious though.

>protest in Moscow
If this is anything like protests in Melbourne those riot guys are doing god's work.

There was a cop who did that here and we never heard the end of it.

The media dubbed him 'Sergeant Pepper'

He actually looked a bit like this guy and had the same non-chalont demeanour

You are strongly assuming i wrote something about oligarchs. Whist ITT i clearly mentioned that 80% of money flow in Russia are controlled by Putin's cronies, who got their riches just because they were friends with Putin. For example:

-Gazprom (owner of all natural gaz in Russia) greatest example of how incompetent top-management of company can be.

-Rosneft (largest oil company in Russia). May even compete with gazprom with incompetence of top-management.

I don't have anything against talented buisnessmen i just want them to invest in Russia. But not using sticks, scaring tactics and crimesters-in-law as Putin do. Instead of it i want Russia to be real nice place for buisnessmen.

For another example i have small IT buisness and strongly considering to move to Ireland or Estonia, though technically i have everything i need for my buisness in russia : competent men.

>Oy vey goyim, Oligarchs dindu nuffin!

>Be an innocent apolitical schoolgirl
>Get arrested for planning revolution

dafuq kinda jenkim you huffin'

Thats what i want:

>I don't have anything against talented buisnessmen i just want them to invest in Russia. But not using sticks, scaring tactics and crimesters-in-law as Putin do. Instead of it i want Russia to be real nice place for buisnessmen.

from this ->

>reeee police pigs
>revolution executions ahaha
>we the people all others are scum
>police and soldier pigs lalala
>ok i'm in police bus
3min later
>I apologize for any insulting comments i made regarding police officers, military and other russians that i may have offended

>Super jewish name
>Crasy jew on avatar
> Starts speaking lies from the begininng
>assuming this is not a kremlin bot or just some prankster fake account

Shills gonna shill.

>thinks conscription is bad
>teaches how to follow as well as lead
>ie discipline
>teaches invaluable survival, orienteering, and combat skills
>gets you into/keeps you in shape
>gives literally every single young adult a living wage
>career opportunities

Every country should have conscription. 2 years minimum starting at 18.


nice thighs

How do you know they are incompetent? Have you worked there? Have you looked at their balance sheets? Who they are hiring?

you're 100% assuming. You know absolutely nothing about the innerworkings of the company yet you continue accusing them. Stop. Focus on yourself.


you are correct

in russia (and even in shiity ukraine) youth competes with middle aged people, youth has better education and opportunities. old generation (in majority) has no investments and are simply illiterate in modern economy (due to ussr).

sticks are "results" not the "reason"

there is a proverb and jew knows it "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces". that is why nobody ever will talk with liberals, they will be beaten, because they are STUPID PIGS.

police does good thing in russia. liberals need to learn how to formulate coherent plan and proposals

survival? combat? Are you insane? You literally have to drain puddles with shovel and paint grass green. They didnt teach you anything. And you may consider yourself lucky if they let you touch AK once or twice. And at the end of serve you teeth will fall off because food they call soup is water with onions in it.

>posting fake instead of original



>middle aged people,
>due to ussr
Hello. USSR was 26 yeras ago. Current 40yo were schoolkids back then. It's time to stop blaming the past already maybe.

Lol, retard you only get rich if you have connections.

Even if you literally discover oil in your back yard it will be taken away from you and if you resist you'll get throw in prison. All the riches belong to Putin and if you have anything you better share it with him or have everything taken from you.

But i guess you would know about taking other peoples shit wouldn't you, hope you and your family get bombed you ignorant cunt.

stop lying, everything cost money. I have to go around without a tooth because its cost 60k rubles to make one, in government policlinic.

Why do you want to be rich?

Are you some kind of a faggot?


No one is innocent faggot. No fucking one!


Man, why'd you show me the original? I would have laughed my ass off if the fake one was original

I did metal ceramics on half of my jaw for the same money. In private clinic in Samara

Bullshit. I had free surgery in Пepвaя Гpaдcкaя.

middle age is between 45–65
old is >65
you should learn how to read.

>How do you know they are incompetent?
>Shlomo thinks no one compares companies investment strategies, dynamic of changing prices of all company assests and all othe stuff

Obviously your buisness is selling kipas, if you are making such stupid claims.

Look on blue line, its anoverall capitalisation in $. Gazprom was the richest company IN THE WORLD. Now it eats shit. Still they keep invest in football clubs (not just in Russia, in Germany too for example) in stupid olympic games etc etc.

Gazprom is a real symbol of modern Russia - crasy incompetence, crasy arrogance, wasting money on stupid projects no matter what.

Arrested for not rushing b. CYKA BLYAT!

>there are russians so bluepilled they actually defend their current government

>Africa-tier country thinks he know better

>wasting money on stupid projects no matter what

So it's like Google with gas.

Sure thing. She just happened to be smack in the middle of a protest
>retard you only get rich if you have connections.
An excuse for lazy retards.
>will be taken away from you
Only if you're a low IQ subhuman

Maybe in Russia but that's because Russia is painted rust and corrupt shithole.

Germany for example had mandatory military service until 2011. 3 months basic training and 3 months at an assigned post. They got free health care, housing, food, and free travel between their home and their posting as well as a daily stipend.

Liberals thought this was somehow a bad idea and so they abolished it.

>middle age is between 45–65
You'll be dead by 65, middle aged grandpa
Hohols went full crazy?

this is talk i had with surgeon.

Most idoitic comment on pol for this day.

Most of Russians have an antidote for colorful revolutions for now, especially after seeing what happened in Ukraine and where it is now. So it won't work. However, the most vulnerable ones are the young population that just got out of school or is still there. Those have been and are being brainwashed through social media. Just like CTR / ShareBlue on reddit, etc.

Afaik - and it wouldn't surprise me - US spends money paying Russian bloggers and forum owners for certain narrative. Money comes from either Broadcasting Board of Governors or through people like Soros. Then there's tons of foreign Russian speaking media out there in EU. But I don't think it's a threat to Russians, because there was and is already alternative, or liberal, media in Russia.

Mind translating ivan?

i have good health and i will live >90 for sure

That depends, Occupy protesters were still sentenced to jail time in 2014. All of the kids from yesterday's freak show are already free, and let's not forget how the only man injured yesterday was a cop.

I'm honestly at a loss why would a Russian liberal want to be persecuted by American justice system, given how they treat public disobedience WAY more harsh than ours.

>Not jewish puppet

pick one retard.

>Idiot implies only social media brainwashes, whilst state media always tells truth

he is just said i need 20k rub for first step of dental procedure retards in this thread claiming is free.

He isnt

'Give me your money'
'ok go to prison'

And retards like you really believe what the Russian government says.

It doesn't matter how smart you are, if you don't bend your knee you will get fucked.


Nobody fucking cares, Soros shill.

people living in russia care, thats why they are on the streets.

Literal kike who tried to fuck over Putin politically and not pay taxes.
You're a retard if you think you cant make money in Russia. Or that connections magically sprout out of nowhere.