How can you seriously argue against feminism? It literally just means equality for both men and women. How can you not want that?
If what it means is untrue, then wants are irrelevant. Wanting men/women to be equal would not make it so.
fpbp. Feminism is an ideology which puts freedom as being more important than life itself.
"Feminism is not about equality its about promoting the interests of women. Nothing more. Saying "feminism" is about equality between the sexes is like saying "White Pride" is about racial equality.
The thing we Sup Forumsacks hate is RADICAL feminism, the kind that says
>MUH #killallmem
>hurr durr her body her choice
>Gender is a social construct!!!!!!!!!!!!
But men and women aren't equal.
>implying 3rd wave feminism is actual feminism
This is true. Modern feminism is just another lobby. There is no moral/ethical core to it, and lately gives off an extremely toxic spirit. No humility, no sense of empathy. It has become self centered and childish.
That's some weak ass bait. Still a bunch of retards biting, though.
... kinda like women.
Feminism has done its job in the western world. From here on out it's about egalitarianism for anyone that's sane and cares about that stuff.
Any modern "feminist" that isn't primarily about improving women's livelyhoods in third-world shitholes is dead to me. If you aren't out there trying to stop female circumcision, forced-burkas, etc then you are not a feminist.
Feminism was originally to promote suffridge, social equality etc... Obviously no reasonable person would argue against equality of opportunity between the genders. What feminism has become is a burnt out shell of what the ideology used to be, and is now full of overweight, undereducated she-banshees who listen to memes and fake statistics so they feel like they have purpose and a "cause" to fight for in their otherwise purposeless lives. Its tragic and incurable. We must quarantine and let it die out.
(((equality))) while castrating all white males and trying to forbid us from peeing while standing up
No thank you
men don't need access to abortions you fucking retard
feminists are so fucking stupid
One of my ex girlfriends would tongue my anus and in exchange I could fuck her ass and cum in her mouth.
Women should not have the power to vote because they are not eligible to fight in the military, because they are physically less capable. Giving women the power to vote is emblematic of the problems with feminism, namely, that it is about divorcing women from the consequences of their actions- fat acceptance, free sex, free abortions, etc. etc.
All of feminism is trash
Because men are better than women, duh.
>How can you seriously argue against feminism?
Because it's wrong.
>means equality for both men and women
The gravest iniquity is treating unequal things equally. Cunts are not man's equal, they are non-person things made to be owned by men.
Not allowing them to vote when their day to day is directly affected by elections is 3rd world shit tier politics.
>Obviously no reasonable person would argue against equality of opportunity between the genders.
No, any reasonable person would argue against it.
>What feminism has become is a burnt out shell of what the ideology used to be
No, it's the same now as it's always been. Thinking otherwise shows you know nothing of history.
Feminism is a tool undesirable people use to poison the relationship between the sexes.
It's like if you're not invited to a party, so you burn the house down so no one else can go.
>"The gravest iniquity is treating unequal things equally. Cunts are not man's equal, they are non-person things made to be owned by men."
In Finland women are called 'pillunkantoteline' which translates to 'pussy carrying rack'.
Because anything a woman says is automatically wrong.
You are a fool. Truly traditional political thought perceives that it is the family which is the molecule of society, not the individual. Has nu-Sup Forums not taken any of their redpills? Has this board truly degenerated so much?
Every comment in that image feels like it is said by other women and not men. Using shaming tactics and appealing to emotions.
I generally don't care enough to comment on anyone, unless they get directly in my face for some reason.
Men and women should have the same possibilities and choices, totally for that, but saying that men and women are the same is wrong both on a moral and scientific level.
Point out a law anywhere that really oppresses women and i'm all for it.
There's no fucking need for feminism in the first world, go to pakistan and india if you want to do something meaningful.
3rd wave feminism is a walking contraddiction, you guys are embodying the archetype of the tyrannical mother and demanding freedom from something that doesn't exists
Btw if it's about equality why in the fuck is it called feminism and not equalitism or smth like that?
This^ ans the only correct image the woman should be is the bottom left
The definition of feminism has been distorted. Where some seek equality others seek supremacy. Quit being a dumbass.
What exactly neo-feminism has accomplished?
>implying there's different types of feminism
What has any feminism ever accomplished?
Because that's not the case
Claim =/= Actions
Modern feminism, as well as the modern left in general, are pretty much completely responsible for making fascism cool and rebellious. I call that an accomplishment.
The last panel is all stuff feminist women would say to her. I've never heard of a man making fun of a woman for being a housewife.
Feminism is cancer
>The thing we Sup Forumsacks hate is RADICAL feminism
the other kind isn't called feminism anymore and never should have been called so.
Feminism probably had good intentions to start.
Marx pushing jews found it easy to manipulate the women and their cause though. and use it to push their own agendas.
When will men have equal rights in whether or not an abortion should take place?
>not realizing that this literally applies to everyone
I want nĂ¼-Sup Forums to leave.
All feminism is bad.
All waves of feminism have only the purpose of initiating the next wave. They cannot be seperated or picked and chosen upon.
Feminism is nothing but Jewish infiltration with the purpose of lowering western birthrates, destroying the family, making tons of shekels by pushing wages down through supplus labour and inviting in a ton of immigrants.
It is nothing else but this.
Pic related
> say something nice about men?
> SEIGE in all fields
Ahahahahaha, eat shit.
Feminism was always going to happen, but it's scope and effects were heavily manipulated to cause what we see today. The hole ideology needs a rethink not only because it screws men over but because it screws women over too.