Official /WApol/ thread
Sound off, Washingtonians
> PS Fuck Bob Ferguson
Official /WApol/ thread
Anacortes, soon to be burlington reporting in.
Bonney Lake reporting, FUCK BOB FERGUSON
I've been seeing a lot of washinfton threads the past few days. Did I miss something?
T. Tacoma
With the amount of backasswards shit happening here, probably drove us all to this.
Fuck Jay Inslee and Ed Murray desu familia
We're organizing...
I saw one earlier today and have been carrying the torch the rest of the day. I think seeing the Inslee, Murray, Ferguson, Sawant, etc kabal has taken its toll. Were a socially liberal state, yes, but very conservative traditionally speaking (King County is a special cuckception).
Olympiafag reporting
Vancouver Division here.
Threadly reminder than Washingtonians are lost causes and your only hope is to move to a real like midwest or southern ones
It isn't 3am here, and considering that WA is rivaling Silicon Valley for tech nerds and start ups, as well as having a large base of anime fans - it may surprise you to know that active Sup Forums users in WA reaches the hundreds. I know at least 10 anons irl before I knew they knew about it.
I will not abandon my birthplace. The cancer will only spread if we keep abandoning and giving up territory.
Look how cucked we are in Seattle, under the bridges it's like an African village
WSU here.
That tranny fuck who got our whole apartment IP range banned for posting has ass on /k/ is gonna get his ass kicked if I ever meet him.
>wanting to leave your state and let it get worse
You are the real cuck
Never abandon Cascadia
Sammamish reporting in
this. washington is beautiful and there's nowhere I'd rather live (although oregon is a close second).
I'm not about to give that up just because we have too many cucks
Your birthplace is shit and has no relevant history. It's better to consolidate power than spread too thin. Your state is over run by cringe communists and no brain liberals. Might as well move to a decent place like Alabama or Mississippi and have white children and endorse abortions for nigger babies
Olympiafag #2 reporting
how long will it take to clean the swamp, WA bros?
I wish to leave this shithole but I have no idea where to head to. I have lived in UT, CA and MA so far. Where the fuck can a man homestead nowadays?
Oregon is better than Washington. Prove me wrong.
>pro tip: you can't
by the swamp you mean the south sound right ...?
Idaho looks comfy as fuck, thinking of moving there. Also the midwest is amazing as well but you have the huge problem of Tornados
no income tax
*mic Drop*
Damn, my coworker rides in from WS everyday using that path. Ill have to show him this. Thx.
Go Cougs. You need to move to College Hill. Best year of my life, with exception to frosh year at Stephenson North, was living off Maple.
Tennessee, Kentucky, and North Carolina are cheap and great, just live in the small parts away from nigger towns. The key is avoiding ciites since that's where the apes dwell
Are y'all happy with the results so far?
No sales tax in Oregon though
>I hate this state
Some really really based fellow anons, but that's just because it's a liberal hellhole filled to the brim with degeneracy.
I can't wait until Trump cuts state funding so all the spics go back to Californians.
And the Californians. I work with two, one is a jew the other is a "tranny" converting to judiasm. Fuck this state.
ATTN WAfags that are sick of seeing their beautiful state get raped by leftists cucks:
VoL is active in the area and collaborates with other groups regularly to partake in antileftist activism.
We focus on community, anticommunist ideals, and patriotism.
If this interests you, feel free to join the discord and you will be vetted by a mod within 24 hours.
Capitol Lake fugg
How's College Hill compared to some of the "On Campus" apartments? Living in one right now.
you can see deep down in Inslee's eyes when he talks he knows he's fucked up big time
>wanting to move to a poor nigger-infested shithole
He proabably already knows. Use it as a chance to redpill him by saying we need a more center or right wing canidate for mayor to clean up the homeless problem.
Thats why big purchases are made in OR and goods can be brought back to WA. I dont mind the drive and I drive an econobox.
I did North Campus Heights (bomb shelter looking places past the rec; i think they have a different name now) because I was poor for even a college kid that year. I also lived in Cougar Crest - IIRC thats the name of the apts on top of the hill above the Zzu.
College hill is by far the best place to live in Pullman. Walkable parties, on bus routes, Heros and Sports nearby, just uphill from downtown, on best side of campus without doing the 1000 hill incline coming from the dorms. Also, most importantly, close enough to enjoy the Greek life without having to be one/pay to be one.
It's all the Californians moving up here and ruining it. The liberals have always been here but they used to be more reasonable. Remove Calbabs
anybody here go to CWU?
Des Moines reporting in. Spics will not take over the area!!!
Whatcom County Reporting in
Any Everson/Nooksack/Sumas here?
From Tacoma here, work graveyard security shifts in Seattle. Tired of all the antifa fags spray painting and tagging their stupid stickers on my property.
Federal Pen reporting in
A quick rundown.
>traffic will surpass california in a few years
>fags infiltrating this state from every corner of the libshit sphere
>republicans are dnc shills and or neo cons
>the roads were built in the 50s then never repaved
>fastest growing state in terms of wealth
>the government has NO FUCKING MONEY
>taxes double every year
>cost of living doubles every year
>shit job market outside of the sound
>beyond corrupt government
>freeways and trains covering a 30 mile stretch are a trillion dollar affair
I've lived here my whole life and everyday I hope Best Korea nukes the former state of Washington into glass.
Horde your land and homes then sell for a 500% profit in 10 years. It's too late to save this place.
>a decent place like Alabama or Mississippi
holy fuck
at least put some bait on the hook
>Muh Roads
Where we're going, we won't need roads
Soon brother.
Czech'd and kek'd
Okay I joined the CIA honeypot larping club , stay safe faggots