Racially conscious movement in the Cascadia bio region, Pacific North West, will you join us?
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Nice copycat
Already a thread, or the flag? I didn't design it friendo, take it up with someone else
Grew up in bellingham before it became a trendy shithole.
Man you guys have sucked all of the beauty, all of the joy of western washington. remember camping with family and meeting up with some other family doing the same, or some oldtimers who were really cool to talk to.
Now it is full of snotty hip dweebs with thousand dollar REI equipment and it pisses me off.
If you got ops in Eugene I'm down
North Western Front. Its not going to happen we have way too many liberal Subaru driving hippies.
I'm not involved, I'm East Coast anyways, was just posting to see people's opinions. I heard about Cascadia from the Red Ice interview, was saddened to see that Cascadia is essentially a degenerate hippy movement and the alt right appears to be a small, small contingent
lol this shit again
never mind that most of the pacific northwest looks like this shithole
East of the cascades looks like this. yakima...
Most of the PNW is east of the cascades
And that's how I know you have no idea what you're talking about. Knowledge-LARP detected.
You can both fuck off, the Northwest is full. The real Northwest!
??? All of eastern washington looks like that. I like some parts of eastern washington, the petrified forest near vantage is pretty awesome. Nothing can beat western washington, though. Lived all through that amazing state. Problem is that it is lived in and run by faggots. And yes, Yakima is a shithole.
I meant in washington state. East of the cascades in washington state looks like this, man.
see all that stuff to the right of the big brown strip? the majority of the image? yeah, thats east of the cascades
A large portion of northeastern oregon looks like that too.
I'm from Eugene myself. How's it changed since 2010 or so? I remember calling this black kid in the sheldon high school swimming pool a nigger as a little kid and he was devastated, though it was provoked. The (white) lifeguard went apeshit and I got kicked out.
Still feel really bad about it desu. He didn't deserve an attack on his blood. Northwestern White children are fierce though, what can I say? We're the one demographic of White warriors who actually walk the walk in this country left. We feared nothing back in those days... not even LARP. Though most of the shit we did was quite stupid.
oh so montana is now part of the PNW? Why not include the dakotas too? Maybe even wisconsin?
Haha! Thank you!
Most of Sup Forums are WAfags
see this thread
This is the worst honeypot i've seen in ages. You couldn't possibly make your website more facetious and clean.
as bizarre and strange as this may sound, that is a comforting thought. :-) From Spokane, myself, but damn do I miss living on the western side of the mountains. Only cool thing about spokane is it has more traditional washingtonian types.
>Only cool thing about spokane is it has more traditional washingtonian types.
No, everyone east of the mountains hates Washington and may aswell be a different state.
>tfw Jay Inslee and Kang County ruins your state
It's full of beaners and white liberals now
Fuck California all the way up its shit ass
Thinking of moving to Oregon, can i get a quick rundown?
portland is boring and decrepit
bend is fine if you like high plateau climates, medford and the rest of the valley is pretty nice
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Fuck off we're full. I can't wait for Cascadia when we can evict all you non-native hipster bastards.
I live in eastern Oregon, this guy is full of shit
Separatist movements are fine as long as they seek to do so by democratic and legal means. The full Cascadia plan, a nation created from Alaska, BC, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, would require a constitutional amendment to allow national referendums on permitting states to leave the union followed by a national referendum on the matter. It would also require a similar approval process in Canada. So, you know, good luck with that.
But King and a few other western WA counties make it so most of eastern WA can even afford basic infrastructure, so suck it.
Don't move here fucko. We're full... all due respect.