Leftists with guns gather outside Arizona capitol
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Antifa Army out in public
>all of a sudden I realized the 2nd amendment is actually great
So many levels of irony in one picture
>Neckbeard with SKS
Not having this baby.
>dat feel when you are german and got a firearms license
*block your path*
That landwhale slinging an m70 would probably tip over after firing a single shot. What a bunch of retards.
Is she bursting out of her jeans due to over eating or is that a style in burgerland?
And what is up with bowl cut Betty behind the whales left shoulder?
over eating
Tactical bowlcut like DyRo..
*glocks your path*
Rich people pay good money for torn up trashy jeans.
So stupid kids follow suit.
>Dress like a antifag
>infiltrate the demonstration and mingle
>Position myself inside of their ring of armed tough guys
>Take up a Sanzetsu no Jitsuzhi stance
>Unsheathing my katana
>jump into the air while spinning, slashing their faces
>they can't shoot me because of the 21 foot rule
>Land amongst the slain antifantis
>One draws a revolver on me from behind
>"You're pretty good" he says, my eyes squint as I focus my energy
>Teleport behind him
>'Psssht, nuthin personal, kid'
>Slice in half
Why the reporter bully them
How terrified are antifags, seriously to be that
aggressive? Why do they think literally every human activity is 'oppression'?
Pretty /fa/ but could use some time at the gym.
Every single one of them is obese. Soooo scary when they can't run 100m without running out of gas.
>Why do they think literally every human activity is 'oppression'?
Because the "oppression" is just a fantasy in their heads and they need it to be real so they can explain why their lives are such abysmal failures.
Glad to see that someone made fresh bread
How many of them are actual guns and how many are airsoft?
Weren't they yelling NOBODY NEEDS AN ASSAULT RIFLE 24/7 before? It's an improvement. Next they'll start protecting freedom of speech so they can speak out against Trump.
tl;dr one old obese man armed only with a cell phone causes an anti-fa militia and their literal leader to tuck their tails and run away scared
Make racists laugh again
Pretty much all real desu
bunch of fat idiots looking to get themselves killed. Plus who is the fucking loser carrying an M44? Fucking top kek.
>50+ people with guns
>getting bullied by an out of breathe reporter with a camera
The fact that communism failed doesn't worry me, because LTV it isn't an ideology it's a science. Marx described something that is a physical law like gravity. Communism will happen inevitably.
Who wants to bet that those are modified paintball/airsoft guns?
Any takers? I bet they'll escalate it, and get plugged by a REEEAAAAL gun.
Civil war soon
Summer is coming.
The season of war is right around the corner.
I wonder how many MREs that fat dude on the right is carrying in his pouches.
I'm sure watching their friends getting raided by ICE is having an effect lol.
Jesus fuck why don't you commie fanatics just escape capitalism already?
Literally no one is keeping you here
Now that's a killdozer!
They gave him the bolt action and the mestizo mess next to him a semi-auto
I hope they realize this whole 2nd Amendment thing works both ways if they try and start shit with us.
Why the red handkerchiefs?
Are they LARPing?
Shit has already started.
They graduated from masked beatings at public rallies to a platoon of riflemen.
wasnt there talk of soros buying a shitload of arms a month ago or something?
Why would anyone not use a gun with gun rails, like a M4 in any modern warfare situation?
I think he's just larping as a Bolshevik communist.
Im calling 8 melted snickers bars in a ziplock bag.
Why is it that the commie faggots always fag it up in capitalist nations in between Starbucks lattes with their iPhones?
Literally nothing is keeping you out of all the successful commie zones across the globe.
Go live in them. Oh wait... they don't fucking exist because your ideology is a stupid cult in 2017
Commies actually mobilising?
This is what the alt-knights have been waiting for.
Kek vult, brothers.
If they really want to ramp this up into a full out civil war, it's not going to end well for them. I mean everyone on the right has been stockpiling supplies and firearms over the last eight years. These clowns just now realized that the 2nd Amendment is a tool they can use to try and cram their twisted political ideologies down everyone else's throat, which means they probably don't know shit about actual marksmanship, small unit tactics, or any of that sort of thing.
It's like they never read about the Spartacist riots in Weimar Germany, because that totally ended well for the idiot commies and the rest of the world.
These idiots are the worst.
The most popular gun in America is too bourgeoisie.
Nice trips. Actually, some of the most conservative nations are former communist countries. The ones that didn't go full commie are dying the slow death. Ironic, communism may indirectly save the White race, eh?
Those red scarfs are like a bullseye.
Fat bodies moving slowly trying to reload their "clips"
It's like a disease, when the body suffers it, it becomes prepared for it's return.
Glad she's attached a 10x scope. You know, incase she needs to shoot a fucker from 80 yards out.
You're in a cult and you have 'faith' that your horseshit will work because it never has yet.
Shoo commie. Flee capitalism already we won't miss you
When you've been there once you never want to go there again.
Praise Kek
Time to counter communist larping with white russian larping? It could be fun.
Redscare the populus
Airzonan reporting in. Feels good to have escaped the city to the mountains.
>Slavshit SKSs
HAH Gay!
t. Mossberg 500, Remmington 870 owner.
>Conservative unarmed reporter bullying assault rifle armed marxist brownshirts
It won't last. These idiots don't protect principle when it's used against them. Only when they're attacked or something they disapprove of.
>"Trump is the next President of the United States of America"
This is why you can't reason with Leftists. They don't even understand how hypocritical they are.
Kek, when Trump gun nuts get up in lefties face.
"Muh feelings! I r assulted!"
When leftie gun squad does the exact same
"Muh feelings! I r assulted!"
Lefties, righties... all whiney one trackers.
Build your own world view and go forward instead of swinging to the sides.
>5.56 with that scope
Antifa don't like normie libshits much and their no gun policy. But no doubt they would ban them not long after they somehow win civil war 2.
>They graduated from masked beatings at public rallies to a platoon of riflemen.
I wouldn't say that, precisely. Are these chucklefucks really the same antifa that start riots on campuses? I doubt it
>Are these chucklefucks really the same antifa that start riots on campuses?
Yes, literally the same people.
will they use them or what
holy shit this person can't be real. this is some kind of fever dream.
90% of them would flee the second a shot is fired.
ayy what part? West valley reporting in!
What's funny is if you actually look at history, the LEFT are the ones who commit to violence and self-sacrifice and usually end up winning every fucking time, while the RIGHT are nothing but fat cowards who talk shit and never actually do a fucking thing except whine to their shitskin God "Jesus". When the right finally fights back (it's rare) they do it way too fucking late, they're unprepared, get in over their heads, and fucking get their asses kicked. (Hitler / Crusaders sitting around for 500 years before finally doing something about Islam etc.)
As we've seen once again, conservative/far-right men are complete incompetent fucking retards who can never get their shit together, never act in unity, and can't accomplish a god damn fucking thing.
Pic related.
IT'S HISTORY MORONS. I didn't pull this shit out of my ass. You all know it's true.
White mountains fella
One? Most right-wing LARP-kings are fat, out of shape, can't fight for shit, cowards. Most of you morons forget that fighting involves movement, long marches, and carrying shit tons of gear, yet you think buying a firearm gives you license to become obese, slovenly, and loud mouthed.
if you amortorize it, like ask the jews who will all burn in gas ovens this summer, then average it out over the whole globe, in the same minute, yeh, the average, at least in that mass gassing day, its going to be a hot one.
...Do I have to step up my game? I like my SKS. It's comfy.
Left wing ideology only attracts weak and inferior people, they are accordingly more prone to lash out than conservative people (just look at communism's death toll). In a fair and open fight, the right wing wins due to its higher quality people.
You won't do fuck all. Europe is in ashes. White women are getting raped to shit every day. White men are being tortured and murdered. And not one white man has sacrificed himself in violent retribution.
We know what happens when white men are attacked: NOTHING.
Oh? You still want to argue? Need more evidence huh? Here's some: South Africa. 100,000 whites genocided and white men just cower in their homes or end up homeless living in camps crying to their shitskin God, Jesus.
And where are the jews hiding?
You know those Masters of War, Bob Dylan despised - He would know them, jhe was a jew.
I would like to see them fight head on with me.
I mean in a civil war. I just want to see what Butthurt fights like.
He would probably come over to try and hug me and drop his weapon while I butt shoot him in the face. And then get his home address out of his pocket, go find the street he lives in, then shoot every single fighter-aged male dead in front of every woman and mother and grandfather and wife. Then these punks will know what a civil war looks like.
Re-read what you just said.
>Left wing ideology only attracts weak and inferior people, they are accordingly more prone to lash out than conservative people
You're right. They have the numbers by fucking far.
>(just look at communism's death toll).
Most people would call that winning. They've decimated their enemies.
>In a fair and open fight, the right wing wins due to its higher quality people.
You fucking Deus Vult larpers STILL don't fucking get it. This is the incompetence I'm talking about...You don't fight fare. They never fight fare. In war, you aren't supposed to fight fucking fare. "Rules are for my enemies". You jackasses still think war is about shiny armor, lining up with flags and charging valiantly at your enemies as they do the same to you. It's not. It never was this way and it will never be this way. Mad? Think I'm a shill/Jew whatever? Afghanistan and Vietnam. The Bolsheviks and the Chinese Communist Revolution.
This level of stupidity is everywhere on the right. And it's why you fucking idiots keep losing. The last 100 years in America has been an endless string of battles won by the left and lost by the right.
Pic related. Some light reading for you. Maybe you'll learn something. (doubtful).
Wow, pretty edgy, bro.
They don't fight that way. They never will. You're an idiot to even think they'll fight in that manner. What they WILL do is break all your dumbass rules, they'll fight dirty, and they'll fucking win. Again.
The right is so retarded. You guys have such a terrible grasp of modern military tactics, you're unteachable, and frankly continue to double-down on bad strategy. It's why the left has just dominated the USA in the last 100 years.
Did this fag-ass LIbtard G.I. Joe spanner man think about what could happen to this life if someone publishes this encounter on Sup Forums?
Time to nail the flags to a new mast. This cuck fucker Luke Skywalker here.
Reminder to report them to Trump's ATF:
Haha, oh boy.
I wonder if I can get these retards to start firing off rounds with nothing more than walmart fireworks LOL
Look at those edgelords.
I am glad they getting their Luke Skywalker uniforms out.
Is this the SOROS militia?
I just want to see their faces when I shoot their mother and father dead in the civil war.
Faggots like you will hang from street lamps as an example. I have no qualms lynching leftists.
those are not bad
More from this guy.
So this is how they push for gun bans now?
Get to it, then, instead of typing tough like some faggot tween. They will keep pushing and,without your tough words being real life actions, your "ideas" and "values" don't mean dick, do they?
You got a dumb fuck white supremacist as president, drop the fucking victim complex already, no one is doing shit to you
We should get /k/ on this
Oh look, the white trash with an 85 IQ can't fucking read.
How in the hell did you come to the conclusion I'm a leftist? I'm pointing out your stupid tactics.
I came to this thread with FACTS. You've brought FEELINGS. Like a shrieking woman.
You mean the "white supremacist president" who's married ALL his children to Jews, and filled his cabinet with Goldman Sachs stooges?
Maybe you should have gotten a college education instead of a six month stint at Trade School? Just a thought. I feel like I'm talking to stupid children right now.
>white supremacist
You sneaky little fucks do nothing but call names and make up outlandish bullshit in order to *sound like* you aren't what you are: liars and traitors. You're not "allies" to """POC""" or any toss up up letters that just simply means "fag" in any other rational mind. You're tools. And what's worse is, you know it, and you don't care. You *feeeeeel* good, don't you? It makes your little vermin heart flutter to not be "racist". But you're a fucking tool for people who happily enslave you. As it stands, people like you are masochists, and you enjoy being enslaved. Made to atone for your sin of being white.
You're a sniveling little shit. You have the heart of a sniveling little shit. Your "allies" know you. And we have your fucking number.