Redpill me on Sweden Democrats Sup Forums
Redpill me on Sweden Democrats Sup Forums
*Shrug* no thanks, just another puppet party
zionist shills.
Anti-immigration but anti-trump. Saner than the alt-right. Scandals blown out of proportion. Weak party except for immigration.
Everything you said is wrong.
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The Eternal dane
Controlled oppositional party, they want nothing more than become cucks of the right like every other party.
C o n t r o l l e d O p p o s i t i o n
>Redpill me on Sweden Democrats Sup Forums
Not as redpilled as Nordic Resistance Movement but I guess they are a step to the right direction and I would like to see them win in the next elections and remove some kebab.
>a fucking flower
They are the future of Swedish politics.
Most of our parties have a flower, just look at
populists, kike shills, bluff
>the leaders of the party are a bunch of nepotistic cuckservatives that favours friends and family members
>purge the party of any real nationalists.
>the party leader is the most high payed politicians because he takes out a large salary both directly from the state and indirectly thro the salary from the party(money it mostly get from the state)
>also he report for sickness so that he can get away from politics for like half a year while getting even more money thro sick leave.
>gambles the money away on casinos.
>is more interested with working with the centre-right liberals (the ones that started to let in hordes of immigrants) then they are to stand up for the parties principles,
>say they are against NATO, says they where going to help the leftists in turning down a NATO negotiation, but backs out in the last minute
>got buthurt over their youth party being more radical then them (which is standard among youth parties, besides they wheren't really that extreme) so they threw them out and now have a youth party that have exactly the same oppinions as the mother party
>anybody challenging the party elite is thrown out
>the most pro-zionist party we have to the point that they accuse their former youth party of antisemitism because they was for the proposal to recognize Palestine (something that is far from controversial here)
God I hate politics, make someone a king or dictator already.
Sweden fucked up Scania forever.
Thorough political purge when?
>Scandals blown out of proportion
>Kent Ekeroth beat someone up again
>oh well he writes in a way that speaks to our base so the fact he's going to prison for beating some guy is fine. he can stay in the upper echelons of the party
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on the red (22%) party?
I think I can guess what the pink is, and holy shit, those cunts must have some massive cognitive dissonance going on.
>take out full salary from position in parliament while being busy resting after how stressful it was to beat that one guy up
only reason they have Ekeroth is because he is a token jew along that fat bitch i don't remember the name off, but atleast the fat bitch is competent.
>mfw there is no good parties at all in Sweden
>No real conservative party, only dumb socialist one
>mfw that I won't vote in 2018
I need too move from Jante-land.
Best option for Sweden.
They are far from perfect but they are the only party that normalfags dare to vote for.
dont u alredy hav a royal family
>the red (22%) party
is the Social Democrats, the party which dominated our 20th century and made the country what it is (it could probably have been prosperous under others but they're the reason we're a big welfare state)
have something like 35% now and tend to poll higher afaik, but then their prime minister isn't very popular and being the rulers tends to lower popularity because it gets so easy to attack you while not doing shit yourself (kind of like with Obamacare)
yea the pinkertons are the SJW party. I agree with a lot of feminism but they're just there to attract the gender studies majors
how do you feel about KD? I voted for them last time because Hägglund got so fucking based towards the end and it turned out they were the closest to my position in most matters
har inte så jättebra koll på kasselstrand men jag antar att det inte kan bli sämre en våra nuvarande partier
We do but they have no power just show off. But I agree we need a absolute monarchy whom is conservative and could kick out all our socialist.
>was ok and defended Reinfeldt letting in hordes of immigrants
dude he was great there at the end when he basically knew he was gonna quit. he just btfo faggots left and right, gave up all regular political theatre
so what did he do?
They were literally nazis in the 90's
Now they have cleaned up their act... Or have they
I don't remember exactly, it was just his tone. He got a bit like Trump, he stopped giving politicians answers and just said "that's stupid", that kind of thing
I'm standing with KD but mostly KDU politics. But lately they have become more cuckservative, KD not KDU, if Skyttedal would be the party leader then I would consider to vote.
I personally think that KD is a 12%-party but they need to abandon the Alliansen and the whole open-your-hearth thing to make it work. Only focus on conservative values and ideas with some influence of Christianity values.
Tbh I wouldn't even mind if they held secret meetings and cosplayed as nazis and burned books
Pro-Israel, but really it's the only party that has a chance of winning and fixing the immigration problem.
In the end but that's to late. Just show that he was too weak.
But he also was best dressed in the Riksdag.
>Vänsterpartiet 8%
Borde va lägre
Thanks, I guess.
>Sarah "USA should be more involved in the middle east" Skyttedal
>Sarah "i stand with Israel" Skyttedal
>sarah "i support Marco Rubio" Skyttedal
>Sarah "i want TTP/TTIP" Skyttedal
>not a cuckservative
she is even worse then SD
Kike-loving banker shill social ladder climbers.
She is till better than SD though, they're just some dumb hilly billies except Åkesson.
Lol like AfS is going to be some major party in Sweden.
>AfS 2030
Rösta på Kasselstrand istället, KD kommer ändå att åka ut ur riksdagen 2018
Sweden, do whatever must be done to close your borders and remove kebab. Hurry the fuck up with it too.
Är ens Kasselstrands parti registrerat?
De kommer inte göra någon som helst nytta förrän typ +15 år om ens det.
Alternativ för Sverige är dödsdömt.
you have to begin somewhere dumbass.
KD won't be in parlament for long and even if they stay they will never grow
Have you read the sticky? It's the first example given. Fortunately for OP, the mods are all leftists and kikes, so they enforce absolutely dick.
Voting for AfS is just stupid as voting for KD.
när folk inser att SD är samma skit så kommer de förhoppningsvis kunna växa
it's stil a hell of alot better then voting for KD or abstain from voting
*när folk inser att SD är samma skit som alla andra partier
KD can get bigger if they're going their one way and leaving Alliansen as I said before. Their politics need to stand-out more and profiling conservative values now their just cucks for Moderaterna. That's why they're losing all the voters because their politics is just the same as all others.
The leftish and the right parties in Sweden is drifting slowly the center.
What country can one move to that is fucking safe?
I rather abstain.
>hurr durr you have nothing to say then
idc our system is broken anyway and full of socialist. Why even care...
Japan, but you can't be a dual citizen.
>>hurr durr you have nothing to say then
you don't, you are part off the problem
Funderar själv på Tjeckien, Schweiz eller Luxemburg för tillfället. Beror på vad du söker för land.
>mfw when I coming from a wealthy family
>mfw when
That problem is...? Sweden has been broken for ages. This country is like unfixable just a playground for socialist and other cucks.
Lol weeboo.
Japan is just fucked up.
>not a cuck
Haha, idioten är väl en tjockis som sitter hemma hos mamma i Hökarängen och tror att han är Allan..
Vote NMR for kommun and SD for riksdag
The economic crash landing is coming soon anyway so politics might be too slow
>Nepotistic as fuck, blind loyalty or family ties is almost a requirement to reach any position of influence within the party
>Is shit-scared to be thought of as racist so they purge anyone with nationalistic tendencies beyond civic nationalism
>Is for what they call "Open Swedishness", ie Mass assimilation, as long as they follow Swedish customs they're Swedish
>Officially anti-NATO and Eurosceptic, though that has wavered lately, now they're sort of against it though they never put it in clear terms
>Pro-Israel to an insane degree
Still, it's better than nothing. Though I have this nagging feeling that if they got any sort of power they would pull a "True Finns", IE sell out immediately and become another bland cuckservative party who put personal gain above the needs of the country.
>muh pride for sweden
>Thinks AfS will play major part of Swedish politics
> huehuehue fun huehuehue
Why even live...
>>Thinks AfS will play major part of Swedish politics
no i don't
Why should I vote for AfS then?
>hurr durr cuz they're nationalist hurr durr
>vänsterpartiet 8.7%
this is fucking bullshit
because it's thanks to cucks like you they never will be relevant
Haven't you thought that they never was nor will be relevant at all?
Why are you swedecucks even arguing like it matters? Sweden is dead, you should be looking for emigration destinations, not arguing over the corpse of a cucked country.
all the swefags that are talking shit about SD are communist cucks that love ahmed cock.
Jimmie Åkesson is the hero we do not deserve, but the hero we need.
Every European country is worse than Sweden is, so there's nowhere to emigrate to, not that anyone would really want to anyway. Like I said earlier, only option is Japan but then you'd have to give up your citizenship. Every other country is still shit compared to Sweden, but you already know that living in Hungary.
Du är efterbliven.
He's a surrender monkey (french faggot) NOT OUR KING REEEEEEEEE
Wow, du bör VERKLIGEN ta livet av dig, den där "magiska" sandnegern i rymden är orsaken till att Europa ser ut som det gör idag. ALLA KYRKOR MÅSTE BRINNA!!!!
>muh jew
what are you trying to prove
you rather have arabs than kikes?
tell me one civilized country without jews
you can't, so fuck off
Ingen av dom hör hemma här. Alla sandnegrer (det inkluderar dina kära näsor, idiot) ska stanna där dom hör hemma. Folkförrädare.
The living standards of a country is measured by its ethnic purity, not how much welfare it can provide to aliens from its GDP.
This kind of thinking destroyed sweden. Hungary will be long around after swedish language and culture is just an interesting bit of history for those living in swedistan.
Hoppas din syster blir våldtagen av några niggers. Må Allah vinna över dig ditt skräp.
Well I don't know any place that has more ethnically pure Swedes than Sweden. And no I don't want to move to Hungary.
come back to me when you have a plan on how to achieve that
your white-race larping utopia ain't gonna happen. whites are becoming a minority. I rather have a small minority of kikes than arabs overtaking the demographics which is what you're contributing to. nice job Sven, eat your gröt and ostmacka in your cuckhed while sandniggers take over your country, passive and a little bitch like always.
Why do you think cucks like a swede would be accepted? Sweden is literally turning into a meme here, the butt of every joke. Young kids favorite comeback is "atleast I'm not swedish!" now.
>Well I don't know any place that has more ethnically pure Swedes than Sweden.
Dont you get it? Swedish as an ethnicity is DEAD. Stop deluding yourself, you will have to assimilate to some other country anyway.
>Literally a third world slav mongol trying to tell me I'm dead.
Fucking moron, they are obviously pro-Trump even though they don't push it that much. Their so called "scandals" is some peripheral politician within their party writing something online and they are the most popular party within 3/8 areas - not only immigration. Plus all polls show them to be the biggest or second biggest party.
Come on swedecuck, are you really to try and deny it? When "sweden, yes" is a meme? When you're literally choking to death on migrant cock? When even your "anti immigrant" party is a bunch of kike-loving limpwristed faggots? When your demographic status is the worst in the entire EU and muslims will be a majority before anyone else even without even more migration?
Who are you kidding sven, yourself?
they are neutral
and if you think they're pro trump you've been fooled by the media just like CNN fools retards in your country.
you don't even know how cucked this country is. take your media and turn it up to 150 and then you have swedish msm.
even saying anything positive about trump would cause huge headlines in every msm newspaper. it would hurt their chances to get more votes.
besides Jimmie has already written in wallstreetjournal that Trump is right about sweden. thats your proof he's not anti trump.
Isn't Goran a Serbian name?
If so this guy is literally the ultimate race-traitor cuck. Put him in a fucking oven.
It's Göran and it's the Swedish form of George
echos pretty hard.
Learn to pronounce 'Ö'
In the late 80s and early 90s they were a fringe party backed by skin-heads, at the time New Democracy was the mainstream anti-immigration party but they are long since defunct. Then in the mid to late 90s they started cleaned out the party and took steps to clean up their image and have run on the platform of reducing immigration and preserving the welfare state. On economic matters they are similar to what the social democrat party used to be. They are the only party to my knowledge that is pro-Israel, the rest of Swedish parties are pro-Palestine. The party are civic nationalists and not ethno-nationalists.
Since they are the only party that will reduce immigration it's important to vote for them, however as long as the other parites conspire to block them out of influence they can't accomplish much.
Fuck off.
We where always more Swedish than danish.