how do you feel? are you more successful than ever?
Anybody quit the jew liquid here?
Drinking a cold one as i'm readimg this but things have been going particularly well for me as of late.
The last time I got drunk I called my friend over from across a bar and told him he smoked too much Marijuana.
At first I worried he would think it was weird of me then I thought it was hilarious how brunt I was.
found the gook
>Implying Gooks can drink.
I tried tapering off but ended up tapering up. Not for me but a lot of people are good with it. Now I'm not thinking straight.
I thought I'd be three months sober by now. I failed you Trump, I failed you Sup Forums
The only jew liquid is soda.
sober since halloween. 24 years old. my life has actually improved quite a lot since i stopped drinking alcohol.
Haven't been drunk in years, but I've had a few drinks now and then.
no booze since 08 and then it was only once since 05
Up until 4 months ago I used to come home from work/class and get drunk alone playing World of Warcraft.
Haven't had one drink since then, started working out, grades are now higher than ever and I feel great.
might try to cut down to 75% of current consumption, maybe even 50% if i can start obtaining the herbal hebrew with regularity again
if you're going to black out or pass out which is basically what i do every weekend night there's really no point in consuming additional drinks in the interim period between where you've drank enough for that to happen and when it hits you, these are the drinks i really want to stop drinking
Guy who recently hit 1-year sober here. Failing is common, the most important thing is picking yourself up afterwards. I must have relapsed 5 or 6 times before I was able to do it for good.
The key for me was developing more sober, social hobbies. I now often go biking and kayaking with friends, along with visiting art museums and seeing theatrical performances.
The biggest challenge for me getting sober was dealing with social pressure from my friends, who were all heavy drinkers as well. I thought the best way to avoid that was to stay home, which led to boredom, loneliness and an eventual relapse when I did finally decide to go out.
You need to develop new, healthy, habits to replace your old unhealthy ones. Join a gym, learn about art, take night classes in cooking/dancing, etc. Finding sober social activities will really help ease you into a life without alcohol.
After quitting alcohol, I feel better than ever. I've lost 15 pounds, am more attractive, happier, and healthier than I was before.
You can do it, user.
You're going to be on reddit typing conspiracy theories and not being able to sleep for a week consider not doing anything. Dont climb high objects for a dopamine rush, you can work though.
Alcohol is a central component of every single white culture.
if you feel like its a problem , its a problem.
quitting for the sake of quitting and doing boring old people stuff because "Muh sober healthy activity" makes you look just as bad as an alcoholic.
never try to be something you´re not.
pursue your dreams , do it just do it but don´t cry about it in public and pretend you are happy when you are more miserable now then before quitting.
I am not Catholic, but this year I wanted to participate in Lent. I have not drank any soda or a beer since March 1st and I will complete the 6 weeks. Here is the best part, despite really wanting an ice cold beer in a bar or a coke, I have lost 12 pounds due to the lack of sugar and running.
Okay, and look at where we are today as a race in that regard? Maybe there's something to be said about putting an emphasis on a drug that kills just as many if not more compared to other substances.
Retreat into your mind, a person who can do that is invincible. I was laying in bed today and my dad came in. Freaked out that I was laying in bed. I can only imagine the inner diologues going on in his brain but he is sick.
I quit, became a fit
now I haven't werked out in over 2 months....
on the bottle, it must go forever
>Okay, and look at where we are today as a race in that regard?
There's no relation, you fucking idiot. We've been drinking alcohol for thousands of years, and you're going to blame the political changes of the last 50 years on it?
>Maybe there's something to be said about putting an emphasis on a drug that kills just as many if not more compared to other substances.
People who drink moderately, are happier, heallthier and have a longer life expectancy than those who don't. Just because you're weak faggot who can't control your alcohol consumption, or a loser with no friends, doesn't mean alcohol is bad.
I'm the loser yet you fly off the handle at a moment's notice as soon as someone questions a substance. Right. Looks like someone has a problem and they are touchy about it.
I also get really violent on this shit.....
When I drink, the police is always near
Liquid jew is soda you retarded cunt. Alcohol can be called the distilled or hoppy jew.
If you're acting like a fucking idiot, what do you expect? This autistic, conspiracy-fueled, puritan bullshit needs to get the fuck off of Sup Forums.
You're the one acting like a fucking idiot, maybe you should have another you fucking cuck. Go back to /leftypol/
You're seriously a straight edge faggot who claims someone else belongs on the left?
thanks user, you're an inspiration
Materialistically, yes. Emotionally no.
Hey user, what do you think of slowly waning myself off alcohol? because i drink a large amount every night. If i was to go to every second night to start with woudlnt that be massive progress? as thats a 50% decrease right..
I feel its unrealistic for me to just go cold turkey.
Sounds about how I've experienced it. I'm moving to a new city pretty soon, with a girl I've met twice and I know nobody. Planning on stopping completely when I move.
New changes and opportunities. I'm somewhat terrified of it, but it'll be good. Plus she's cute, so I might as well try for that.
I stopped drinking a year ago, i turn into norwegian alex jones.
I've been slowly going off of it. Went from two liters of vodka a week to a few beers every few days.
I know I need to stop. It's difficult. I'm just using the excuse of moving as a deadline.
but thats really good mate. A few beers every few days is not too problematic yno.. a few leters however is a big issue.
So congrats. You show that you dont need it and if you really wanted to could cut it out alltogether. I feel like a slave to this shit man
You can do the same kiwibro. I don't know shit about your situation, but you can. Bigger changes in life make it easier to do in my experience. I only started because my gf of 4 years left for some guy she'd known for two weeks.
yea and although ive had a drinking problem for many years, it spiraled out of control about 6 months ago when my hot as fuck model-looking Russian girlfriend just walked out and basically disappeared into thin air. So its been a literal nightmare, and drinking just submerges you into more depression. Its only nice for the short time you're drinking it, then leaves you all used up and sickly. its just such an easy quick temporary escape i guess.
And i feel like a complete degenerate going to the piss shop every day and standing in line with the other lowlives getting their alcoholic fix.
I'm quitting the liquid jew as of right now.
and i really admire trump for never drinking. It says a lot about a character when they just decide to NEVER do something that is socially acceptable and personally gratifying, because they are bigger than needing that.
I know what you mean. It sounds cliche, but hobbies help a lot.
Personally, I found it difficult to stop without a major change in life, which is why I'm stopping when I move. Needs other weight behind it.
It's a temporary escape, but it could easily become permanent. Don't let it happen.
if he's being honest about that, I really respect that. Personally, I've tried just about everything under the sun once. I lost most of my friends to heroin, so I decided to experience that, and it was absolutely terrible. I felt like the biggest, laziest fuck that ever existed, I don't understand how they could enjoy it.
I'll stop when they make opioid water legal again.
I think a lot of it comes down to parenting and genetics. You probably felt more aware and therefore guilty of your laziness. its a good thing.
Did you become hooked on Heroin for a bit?
DO you think its a bad idea to stop drinking based on your new situation?> Because im thinking, if it for some reason turns to shit in your new place with your new girl, that will be a perfect relapse time right? But yea I know its easier said than done. Im a slave to the habit myself.
which one? water or alcohol?
Never tried it again, it felt like complete poison. Cocaine was interesting, but ultimately expensive and useless.
It is possible I could relapse, but I'm thinking not. I've put too much thought into this to disappoint myself by doing that. Besides, even though it is likely I will never get with her, the idea of it happening is motivating enough.
Second time I met her, she ranted about about Canadian shitposters. That's enough of a signal for me to clean up my shit and get to know her.
What do people consider to be a drinking problem? Getting drunk multiple times per week? Drunk on any weekday? Hungover at work? Getting shit faced couple times per year? Drinking two beers after work maybe twice a week?
I drink maybe two beers every few days, not enough to get tipsy. That's not considered a problem by anyone's standard right?