What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this, can we breed the blacks out with the over male populated China?
Is this a good thing?
What are/ pol/'s thoughts on China annexing Africa
Look up Jean Ping
Africa is being Jewed by the Chinese.
Do you think its possible that china would help the blacks to have a better standard of living in africa then they do in America in our lifetime?
I doubt it, but anything is possible.
Fuck off. The Vietnamese are based.
the ooga boogas will attack, murder and rape them if they try to acquire wealth, land or holdings in country.
best to strip it all and move it back to china for processing. dont build there.
No, Africans actually hate dealing with the Chinese and want Europeans back because at least whites developed their countries while they exploited the resources. Chinese just takes it and thats it
Pretty okay with that senpai.
China will grow larger
When the Africans realize they are becoming second class citizens in their own countries they will rise up like the LA riots...
the inevitable chinegro will be produced -_-
"I bee-oud fo CHIIIIIINAHHHH... :)"
>West becomes mudlimes that hates Jews
>Jews chased out of West and no longer recieve shekels from USA
>Gooks take over Africa
>Gooks (China) becomes world leading nations
>Gooks become infiltrated by Jews
>Jews becomes hated by gooks
>Gooks form national socialist government
>Gooks complete the final solution
>Gooks end the Jewish plague
>Gooks master race
>Gooks kill European Mudslimes and niggers
>Gooks lead the world into a new space age
The white mans age is ending. The age of the gooks is beginning.
id prefer them to annex africa than new zealand but its already too late for us.
Gooks will annex everything.
Only if they can create a few Rwanda style genocides or introduce a superbug or two
Africa needs a massive nigger culling to prevent them taking over Europe, perhaps china has a nigger breeding program for that very reason?
If Africa rises, China will rip their country apart like a cloud of locusts. It will be like the genocide of Rawnda x 9/11
Why should we care about what blacks like?
I don't mind that, desu desu. At least humanity will exist if the Gooks win. With Jew/African ending we're going to be stuck on this rock forever.
China has a massive batchelor problem, and without finding wifes to their single male population, and wives, they might become as antisocial as the arabs become.
I guess to them, marrying them off to nogs is preferable to having to detain them a few years later for antisocial behaviour.
From what we have heard of all nations directly bordering the chinese, the Chi-com are pretty subhuman themselves.
If we breed the chinaes with the blacks will that help the black IQ issues?
I can't wait to see how the Chinese react to their own people being ethnically cleansed.
We know white people helped the niggers.
I wonder if literal communists are as affected by cultural marxism.
yes but lower the chinese iq
with both their mentalities combined, you'd have super savage people
I don't understand. Chinks hate niggers.
The chinese men are known for there low testosterone, so it would be interesting to see how this plays out. Most of China's men that are of age to marry can not marry, this could have major effect on how china handles international issues. They would be more predisposed to going to war just to get rid of all the single depressed men who need some pussy
The niggers don't like them and the Chinese don't mix with them.
Everything they build is of piss poor quality.
I don't trust chinese.
I don't like niggers.
Good man.
To answer OP'S question, free wife, good work that probably pays enough. And China's men having problem With getting women.
Best case scenario: Chinese get so sick of niggers they create an ethnovirus that wipes them all out.
based chinks will do what whitey cannot anymore