What will you inherit from your parents?

I'll probably inherit a shitty car and that's it

Manic-Depression. I got my inheritance early!

literally nothing

Being white

One of two houses and possibly a car.

Nothing. My parents hate me. They tried to raise me into a leftist cuck who loves Aboriginals, votes Greens, and sucks Muslim cock.

I moved in with my grandfather. He's cool as fuck though. My parents hate him too. He owns an armoury of guns. Is rich because he owns his own Antique shop, and supports the most right wing parties.
He's my best friend.

A lazy eye.

The world.

mommy issues

ability to make children out of wedlock

> Whiteness
> Free college
> Something in the 100-150k range in cash and stock, 100k in property
> Probably one or two beach properties

I have two siblings. Get on my privilege level.

probably debt and a shitty run down old house

hopefully don't inherit my mom's schizo paranoia weirdness


A country full of shitskins.

i'll likely inherit 2 condo's and a multi million dollar business.

haha, i have no experience running a business so i'll let others manage it for me.

I inherited a lot of debt, so nothing sounds good to me.

100k and a bunch of guns

tfw dad is a smart fella

My parents are well to do however there is a good chance I will never see a penny because my mom will most likely outlive me. I have a host of health problems in my early 30s, and my mother is in perfect health, and both of her parents are still alive in their 90s. My mom will probably bury me.

>5 three bedroom rental properties
>2 cars
>they paid for my private school from grade 1-12
>they are paying for my college right now
>they are paying for my car right now
>they are paying for my apartment right now

Makes up for being born black I can tell you that much.

> tfw dad will never hand down his rifle to you

silverware, books, stuff like that.

A house and 80 acres.

Just watch out so they didn't scam you

Then a escalator at your local mall will eat you alive or a shitty crane will fall on your head because its China.

From his cold dead hands

nice man, live off the rental income

spend it all on rims and necklaces or something.

Two houses fully paid off. Both in Surrey, BC. (one in Fleetwood, the other in Fraser heights)

Your Grandpa sounds like a badass mofo.


i will learn enough to know if they dont scam me, but to do the actual technical things day to day i will leave it to them.

hey man, its China, if they try to scam me i can just stop paying them and kick them out :)

Are you chinese or white? Also what's the business?

5,000,000 + more or less. is that enough?

How? Did they win the lottery or something?

im Chinese and my business is bio-tech, so we make vaccines for animals to prevent things like swine flu or bird flue :^)

Nothing makes up for being black

Roughly 5 million dollars.

Absolutely fuck all.

I'm not really that bothered but it does annoy me when people at work have huge inheritances like houses etc.
My girlfriend is going to get about 100k when her gran passes.

I suppose this happens when your parents are benefits claiming drug addicts all of your life. There's no way I won't be leaving anything to my kids.


i'd be happy to be black if i was in that guys position, inheriting 5, 3 bedroom condos is a sweet deal.

also, being black in Canada is a privledge, no history of slavery either so whites there are tame.

man, i'd love to be a rich black in canada.

Only child so like everything they own I guess

After some bizarre 70% tax probably knowing my country

Not even the dead are safe here

can you bomb the three gorges?
your country needs to depopulate

One day I hope to acquire my grandpas double barrel shotgun and my dads CZ skorpion.

In the meantime I'll probably just buy my own because they never gave me shit to begin with




>man, i'd love to be a rich black in canada.

It would be better to be a rich nigger in America.

I would get affirmative action

>Americans only inherit guns

your a fucked up country lol

Think my old man did well, but we have never talked about money, i know he was making around 120k salary in early 90s, but i know he got bonuses alot, but hes never mentioned anything. If he does leave me something great, but not relying on it of course. Rather he live for long time

I will inherit a lot of money and many properties, but I am close to my family so the thought doesn't excite me in the least.

lol, nothing whatsoever. my dad married a broad 20 years younger than him.

This is very fucking sad on so many levels.

It's because their parents spend their money before they die, white people are bad with money.

my dads library thats about it

some 3,000 books

they don't have any money, so just the house I guess

2 houses probably

One house + one commercial property + 4 cars which I will have to split four ways with my siblings.


my parents?


my dad is dead and he spent his life fucking random women and ignoring his son and ex wife. when he died we got a beat down shitty fucking purple mini van and about 8 grand in cash. i saw him maybe a handful of times and every time i saw him all he did was talk about himself and about the bitches he's fucking

my mom is a professional gold digger. after she divorced my dad she went through.. i wanna say maybe 15 guys up to this point. just off the top of my head. i mean it's not that bad, i've had trips to tropical islands and random shit thrown at me. but as far as love and a bonding relationship between mother and child? jack shit mi amigo. she's currently dating some old millionaire fuck who's about to kick the bucket. he's bought her multiple cars, condos, fur coats. the works

i mean. if she did die i'd probably inherit a nice little fortune. but i can't stand the sight of her. maybe in her past she was a decent person but after getting knocked up by my dad and being the village whore for 2 decades there's not much human left about her

i'm probably going to leave once this semester ends and move across the country. chances are i won't stay in contact with her miserable ass. so realistically, what will i receive from my parents?

a bunch of sore memories of times i wished i was loved

Bottomless hatred for everyone else.


they saved and bought their home cash in the 50s, both worked a lot 100k a year starting in the 60s, invested most everything, stayed married and wah lah mega bucks, in retrospect it didnt seem that difficult.

Kill 'em all

Lots over a million. It'll all be too late when they pass though. I don't have many friends, I've never had a girlfriend, I mean I spend most of my time on here. My parents are my best friends anyways I hope they live long lives. There is a good chance that when they pass there will be no one I love and no one who loves me.

Nothing, my parents are broken ghetto dwellers

An old violin woth maybe 1000, an old piano worth nothing, some books and some pity money.
Those fucks won't even give me their payed off house and it makes me pissed as fuck, it's not like they need to sell it to pay for the funeral or anything. I just don't fucking get WHY they wouldn't leave me the house. And then the pity money. They have the funeral covered so why the fuck do I only get some fucking pocket change when I KNOW they have bank. Like what are they gonna do with it? give it to my loser brother or sister that constantly leech off them, or my other brother who can't even be fucked to call them once a fucking year because his bitch wife doesn't like them and he's a pussywhipped bitch? I'm the only one out of us who's doing something with myself and treats them like a mom and dad should be treated, and I need a fucking house once I'm out of the military. NOPE. I'M ON MY FUCKING OWN, LIKE ALWAYS.

So I guess the bank gets the house. Thanks pops.

Fuck loads of agricultural land, 3 houses and a few cars I have no idea about how much money I will get though

Shitty genetics (have those already), hereditary diseases and a bunch of debt. Nothing else. Don't really care for the most part as I fucking hate all of my family and await the day I never have to deal with any of them ever again, but it is irritating when most of my friends have sums of money/houses waiting because their families aren't dysfunctional fucking retards

>Lots over a million.

I'm sure there will be many (((girls))) to instantly love you, user

Jack shit. My parents are dumb as fuck and did nothing with their lives. My mom's a good person but broke and I haven't spoken to my father in years

Implying it won't be stripped away soon

this is all I inherited from my parents.

Feels bad man.

They aren't even poor. They just prefer my sister, even though she's a total braindead sack of shit.

bottom line its their fucking money, you
deserve none of it. make you own cheddar
lazy entitled fucks then when the worst
loss in the world happens anything you get
will be gravy.

Maybe a house and some properties back in Bangladesh.

Why will it be stripped away?

Not bad if you manage to keep it or just sell it

Well, retardness really spreads in your family, you are in the military, that's equally retarded.

Do you ever dream about jumping the Indian border

>Those fucks won't even give me their payed off house

why do white people hate their children so much? I never understood this, they would rather have the bank take their house than you? Why is this?

sheeeit my man. your story makes me feel a little better about being a single dad. my kid's mom acts exactly the way yours does. told that skank to fuck off forever.

Literally nothing.

PSA to all wanna be parents! If you're going to have kids, actually be parents. If you don't wanna deal with giving your kids a good future, guess what! Don't become parents! It's that simple.

Some possessions, no wealth, debt if that passes to family members.

Various debts they haven't told me about and some shitty antiques.

About the same, but without the siblings to have to share it with.

On the downside, in a couple of years there will be no one left to talk about my childhood.

Nothing. I'm much better off financially than my parents

Hopefully about $1 million in assets. That's a best case scenario though and is based on current expectations of house prices, exchange rates etc. If the UK's housing market and the value of the £ both crash then I've got nothing.

Depending on when they die probably between a million and two million in cash/assets.

My father has been a really successful self made man. It'll hopefully all come in when it's not life changing for me due to me being on a good career path already and they hopefully have another 25 years of life.

2 apartments in the centre, 2 cars, a fucking paraglider.
>t. middle class

Yah I'll fucking say. My moms a fucking socialist and doesn't BELIEVE in leaving stuff to her kids, or helping them at all really, she expects the fucking government to help me with everything like it did for her. And my dad goes along with it because he's passive. It's fucking ridiculous man. What the hell am I gonna do with a goddamn piano when I don't have a house?

The Will to Triumph.


Their fcking anger. Why are they so angry all the time? I pointed out that I live on 2.5 acres in Freedomland, the same as the cost of a new truck... arghhhhhh.

The best inheritance there is.

Best answer.

I'm pretty much this too(parents were solid middle class), but it still pisses me off that the only reason my parents bothered to have a kid was to continue their family tree. After I was 7-8 it was pretty much hands off for them and they kicked me out when I was 18. I got so fucking lucky on so many levels that I was smart enough to focus in high school and focus on job training (IT) instead of focusing on getting into a meme college. I'll tell you what though, I definitely will make sure I give me kids as much opportunity as possible instead of being a hands off cunt who only provides the bare necessities.

it's probably for the best man. the older i get the more i realize that most women aren't really worth as much as i thought when i was younger. i mean there's so many statistics about single mothers vs single fathers

A house probably, maybe some money but no idea how much to be honest

Two businesses and a couple of properties

Around 300k and bipolar disorder with a dominance on the depression part

At least I'm well educated

I will only have kids if I can provide a decent life for them (private schooling and making enough money so their mother can stay at home). If I can't manage those two things I won't have kids.

I figure but by the time I inherit there will only be the worst kind of women left for me. Single moms looking for their GIBS and the last thing I'm going to do is let some chick make off with the money my parents leave me. I don't think a million or two million would even be enough to lure some early 20s qt for marriage. Personally, I think truly rich people are 5 million (all assets) and above.

Amen to that Maplebro.