nobody on Sup Forums has ever explained this to me
Really makes you think
nobody on Sup Forums has ever explained this to me
Really makes you think
> what is perspective.
The moon is pretty far away. It doesn't matter from which side of the earth you view it. All angles from the Moon's face to the Earth's is are close to zero.
Beats me really is spooky. Have a bump
Holy fuck! What the actual fuck?! Seriously?! We actually have people on this board who are autistic enough to find a flag in the middle of fucking nowhere by using astronomy, triangulating flight paths from contrails seen on the live stream, and honing in on car horns....but yet are somehow still retarded enough to think the Earth is flat?!
That's clearly the sun in the Australia side.
Sup Forums is a mixed bag of autists and retards.
My sides are gone here. I mean....didn't any of these people pay attention in science class during school?
pics taken at different times maybe?
>admits Sup Forums is the bastion of intelligence on the internet
>does not take their word when they tell him the earth is an oblong ovular convex plane.
>Science class
Guess you believe sex is a social construct and global warming is real too? Don't question the (((Simon))) & (((Schuster))) textbooks, goy!
Flat- Earth psyop is used to "muddy the waters" of new or under- performing critical thinkers. It preys upon surface level details, and today's fuckwits are prone to only skimming the surface yet drawing conclusions.
I have never seen children that argue the Earth is flat. Only future gender- studies majoring teenagers and aging out- of touch dinosaurs believe this crap.
Even the flat- Earth shills can't be that ignorant.
Yeah but it can be dis-proven instantly by flying pole to pole, live stream, Eric Dubay on board the aircraft, only stop to refuel/have a ciggie in Antarctica then continue back around.
This isn't exactly expensive either, jet fuel costs about the same as car fuel and the military jets are 100% capable of doing this.
You'd be hard pressed to find children who will claim there's only two genders after attending (((school)) these days
Ask a child with no education. They will tell you boys have a penis, girls have a vagina, and the earth is flat.
On a round spherical earth, which is what we are currently inhabiting, a person in Florida could possibly see the moon in the sky at the same time someone in Perth sees it.
>Sup Forums is a mixed bag of autists and retards
my favourite kind of diversity
Yup, and when retards harness the power of autists, you get pizzagate.
>Yup, and when retards harness the power of autists, you get pizzagate.
found the shill
shoo David
No flat-neck-earther will debunk your image.
I fucking hate retarded people.
Because the Earth is not flat and the Greeks proved it 2500 years ago with a stick and the sun, maybe
It's been really fun watching Alex Jones crash and burn, but in all seriousness, we can't let this man get a hold of Russiagate.
They found the flag because some waitress posted a pic of Shia while he was in Tennessee.
Really makes you think...
this one is also great, really activates their almonds
The Jews are using fancy batman projectors to flip the moon.
You actually believe that's the sole reason?
In a fist fight, who wins?
This thread can't be real.
If this shit were true.
Sunrise and sunset would be exact same time everyday. The sun would be in the exact same spot at the exact same time everyday.
In before:
>sun varies in speed
>flat earth wobbles
>illuminati specifically designed the number of hours in a day to trick everyone into thinking the earth was round for shits and giggles. The nautical almanac too!
>mohamed discovers the magical realms of astronomy
Just go blow yourself up or smth
>pics taken at different times maybe?
user.... .... Think about it for a second user. When you're looking at something really far away, like really far away, and then you walk to a different location but stay parallel with the object, do you see a different side of the object? No user. To be able to see a different face of the moon then America does, Australia would literally have to be somewhere out in space. Only one face of the moon can be seen from anypoint on earth because only one face of the moon is actually facing earth. You cannot see the side of something far away when its front is facing you, nor can you see its top or bottom, only the part that is actually facing you.
People explained this to you hundreds of time, there are articles in internet, there are studies about it. You are just autistic baiter. Sage
Damn So Earth really is Flat...
Sometimes you can see things far behind mathematical horizon. Another effect well explained by science and constantly used by half-brained protestants.
why has no one ever found the edge of the flat Earth or posted a picture of what it looks like underneath or a picture of another planet that's clearly flat rrrrrrrreeeeeeee
Could you stop bumping this shit you retard?
Also I forget, ----> reported and sage
They think the world's governments patrol the entire antarctic circle with coast guard.
They think Earth is the only flat body as deemed by baby Jesus.
You cannot argue as no excuse is too ludicrous to them.
I remember reading on wikipedia that the moon rotates around its own axis at a rate that means it's always presenting the same face towards the earth.
from different places? I guess one earth diameter isn't that much on a cosmic scale
Gave them a starting point
u do know light bends?
>I have never been on a domestic flight that cruises above 30,000 feet and if I have I certainly didn't bother to look out the window
The retard, any day of the week. An autist would try dance around like Naruto, but a retard would just fucking wail on the cunt
the moon is very far away my kind sir.