Are they about to be executed and thrown down the river?
They must be about to be raped then stoned, there next to the river so they can be desposed of accordingly
That's littering.
>muslims holding hands on the graves on their enemies
>a muslim extremist ran over people and stabbed someone
>how do we fix it?
Wtf i love muslims now.
Muslims sure are weird.
In America, we know this as "cancer." Not the meme, the disease acts exactly like this.
why are they laughing?
notice how it is all light-skinned, arab muslims in the picture, when all the terrorists have been niggers and Pakis?
Proof that race is more important than religion.
Oh look, taqiyah through a body language.
Their PR consultants are getting really good these days.
No it's cool man. They're biodegradable so it's fine.
Wait, isn't this against the sharia laws or something? They should be accompanied by a man and should cover their face in public
>"Oooh shit, the Brits are waking up! Quick, lets hold hands"
What a joke. They're only doing this to gain sympathy from the population. This is probably the first time they've done this.
get back to us when they start openly denouncing terrorist acts, and the tenets of wahhabism in general at home, and in their local mosques.
As usual, UK is the moderatest of them all.
>area full of normal people
>normal people killed by muslim
>now the area is full of smiling muslims
I guess terrorism works.
>Oh look, taqiyah through a body language.
Basically this, i guarantee you they were ordered there by the imams who know how easy it is to fool libtrads.
Someone should run them down and then watch the shitstorm as the media openly spins the old double standard
now if only someone would drive a car down the side of that bridge again
>he din do nuffin
>he a good boi
Half of them even have hair showing. It's forbidden for muslims to show hair so they are clearly fake muslims.
Muslims dont even hide their disdain of the west anymore. I hate racism, but the arabs and their curse of islam that they brought on the world makes my blood boil. Talk to some of them, and the honest ones will tell you quietly that they enjoy the fact that Christians are on the run, and that they enjoy the protection of the godless liberals, while all the while hating them.
People dont even realize that they (like the jesuit order of the catholic church) can lie or deny their faith if under duress... How cowardly and servile can you get? COWARDS!
Never a truck of peace when you actually need one.
Islamists are worse the Radicals.. Islamists are the smart Radical. It's just about time with them and they're winning. I saw numbers floating around the officer the other day that pegged Germany as Islamic by 2050.
>White Muslims.
>these women are white in the usa
Doing this was fucking disrespectful desu. This was an act of antagonisation. They were doing this to rub it in our faces that Islam has conquered and is taking over. Blood is still drying on the pavement nearby, and they're stood there smirking, shoving their regressive, misogynistic hijab in our faces.
This isn't a sign of peace, this is a sign of war.
Look at it this way. When we see Muslims get beaten up in Europe, we all cheer, why? Because we're beating them back. And it's the exact same for them when they beat up Christians. They've always wanted Europe, and now Europe is right inside their hands, they only have to play their cards carefully now.
I can empathize with an enemy, and understand his desires (though they are obviously against my interests and desires), and I can even respect that enemy.
What I dont like is the crafty dissimulation and sneakiness of the damn muslims. They are so full of shit it pisses me off.
Nah ISIS is speaking about a new branch of Islam in the west. One pushing harmony with the kafir. They're creating a political buffer. It's true some peaceful Muslims but they number in the low millions. we're dealing with 360m Wahabi. Red pill mother fuckers.. Intel 10 Years.. paid to play.
> one, two, three, cheeeese!
> muh democratic hijab is so nice
Leftist propaganda tells me that most muslims are secular then why do so many women wear hajibs?
Notice only women did this?
All the men are planning the next attack.
We should just banish all muslim men
They are indeed, full of shit. It's actually quite incredible how easily the West is falling for it (Well, except Eastern Europe)
The only thing that is protecting Islam is political correctness, if PC disappeared tomorrow, I think Europeans (the ones that aren't cucked) would just firebomb every Mosque in sight.
Those are all white liberal SJW cunts. The one on the way left doesn't even know how to put on a fucking hijab. She literally took a table cloth off of a table and wrapped it around her head.
Virtue Signaling: The Picture.
There's eleven of them.
It's a statistical anomoly, not a trend.
Look at how the pic was set up to imply the whole bridge is swarming with them. I bet a Jew took this picture.
>all women
>the most passive and subjugated gender in Islam that rarely go full snackbar.
>no snackbar men in sight
this act doesn't mean shit
can tou find out how many were actually there?
>pic related
>guiness world record for the longest bombchain
>We should just banish all muslim men
Who wouldn't want a T H I C C Arab grill grinding on them? Hhnnnnnnnngg
thats literally all the muslims the can shoot
see pic related
same group with all white people lol
Why though? What does anybody gain from this?
If a relative of mine got crunched to death id seriously prefer if hey just bought me a coffee and a sandwich, what the fuck am I going to do with a bunch of shitskins holding hands on a bridge? How does that help me?
>do nothing
And Islamophobia police raid in 3..2..1..
>It took two wars and the entire world to conquer Germany
>England conquered without a shot fired
This raises a good point, why ARE people taking men? Wasn't the old saying 'women and children first'? Wonder how many men would refuse to let their wives and daughters into a country if they couldn't also come in.
>notice how it is all light-skinned, arab muslims in the picture, when all the terrorists have been niggers and Pakis?
>Proof that race is more important than religion.
no agenda on your part, right ?
No truck of peace came for them?!.... BAKA
Coming from you that's fucking rich Frenchie.
...Oh God, I can't believe I said that. Man, fuck multiculturalism.
It makes them feel better about their people killing their welcoming hosts. Most of them are happy about it, just want to be put in the screen cap
Canada's not.
We take the women and kids.
Military-aged male?
Please make your way to Germany, France, Sweden, or the UK.
Anyone know why a Jew was calling in threats to Jew community centers? I can't make any sense of that just reminds me of false flags.
It is embarressing. The muslims arent stupid, and they are going to totally take advantage of the liberals who bend over backwards for them. The arrogance, the pride, and complete lack of empathy of liberals shocks me. They cannot admire an enemy, they cannot admonish a friend... They are so shallow and so out of touch. I cannot even call them immoral because that at least requires (negative) character. We are fucking doomed.
remove kebab
Shadilay oh mighty kek, if doubles pls make make bridge wreck
>mud terrorism
>imam gets on tv to say he dindu before officials can
>narrative established
>solidarity for all in accordance to sharia law
They going to turn the Thames into the fucking Ganges if that happens.
I'm sorry we fought for the wrong side in 1917
I wish they'd do that on Tower Bridge as a boat was coming through.
They were there only 5 minutes, why should I apologize when they aren't even trying?
Why is it only women doing this? Why aren't Muslim men doing this?
I'll apologise when they renounce their satanic cult.
Oh wait, they won't do that. They're too scared of being murdered.
>daily reminder they're only doing it for that muslim woman that walked by looking "shocked". Not for the kaffir that were actually maimed or killed that day.
I like how a small group can represent the whole.
where are the men...prob at the mosque getting radicalized.
They're claiming the bridge as a war trophy.
An even smaller group then.
So if you stand on a bridge while holding hands it automatically means you condemn something?
Well that's because they don't have guns.
>muslims claiming territory as theirs after a terrorist attack.
>muslim women celebrating on the scene of an attack
All 9 of them?
How many muslim is in the UK?
the bridge is now a sacred moslem place, blessed by the blood of their martyr who committed holy jihad on the infidels.
or something like that
i wish they all didn't wake up in the morning
Where is your truck of peace when you need it.
It worked, articles on the Internet are now full of
>oh honey, it's a nice gesture, but you shouldn't have to do it, we know #NotAllMuslims
Look at pictures, and it's mostly converts and young britain-born mueslis. Fuck, I bet they older ladies are Ahmadiyya anyway.
>supporting a religion that promotes violence harsh enough to cause you to go out in public to try to save your reputation
oddly enough these women could ALL be owned by 1 muzzie they are all his wives
>only women
>haha we are holding hands
>look everyone we are all friends here teehee
This makes me want to join the terrorist's team.
Now wheres the bloody car when you need one.
MEDIA DECEPTION: It's that easy
>bunch of muslim """""condemn""""" the attacks
>bunch of muslim do a terrorist attack
>cries of deus vult backed by a car engine in the distance
>muslim sets up go fund me after attack
>only muslims gave 20,000 pounds!
>so peaceful!
evry tiem
This desu
Clearly the british people could learn a lot from french history