- Trump in Germany
- Hands Angela a $350 BILLION invoice
- Written in crayon
- Merkel's party on the rebound
- Trump's polls in the toilet
- NATO has no debt account.
- Trump in Germany
- Hands Angela a $350 BILLION invoice
- Written in crayon
- Merkel's party on the rebound
- Trump's polls in the toilet
- NATO has no debt account.
Other urls found in this thread:
Tbh these past couple of weeks has been pretty funny to follow
drumpf faggots really think that the nato have a debt account and that we have debts by the usa for protection.
Remember this? ;-P
How about you stop being pussies and get your own military, faggot?
That bill isn't for services rendered past.
Thats for when you come begging to clean out all your shitskins 1930's style, after all your women are cum rags for a bunch of niggers.
Korea should listen to its own advices
merkel: "hey holland!"
holland: "yeah merkel?
m.: "trump think that the nato has a debt account and that we own the usa a lot of money for protection!"
h.: "*rofl* what for a faggot."
said the worst korea, best korea would fuck you instantly if the usa was not there
All that delicious denial.
Worst Korea at least listens to our advice and adjusts defense spending accordingly, they'd be a parking lot without us and they know it so they at least try to do their part
Germany hangs off the NATO teat and pretends the EU has an obligation to defend it despite their half-assed contribution, hell, even you Pierres are dedicating more to defense than them
If Merkel and her Islamic migrants remain in power, Germany will be an Islamic state by 2050 according to EU statistics. Good fight beercucks. Hitler would be ashamed of you.
Also Remember to SAGE and not reply to shill threads.
>2050 according to EU statistics.
according to US statistics you guys would be a hispanic country at that time
France will also be an Islamic state by 2050 if not sooner, as these statistics were gathered before the refugee crisis
Were building a wall and deporting them, what is Germany doing? Inviting more desert mexicans!
Who is that man with the glasses?
Just walked in the door from Rock Bar in Ft. Lauderdale Fl. All Niggers ,a few cucks and spics and then me. Multiple nogs came up to me and asked if I would hire them. I said that I was expecting coke. Sad.
We've seen the bottom, Wolfgang
We know how deep the rabbit hole goes and we're trying to climb back out, you dipshits are still stuck in your delusion and it'll be the death of you
Leave EU
Pay debts
This glorious massive amerifat butthurt
Reminder that we will never spend 2% on NATO!
What a failure.
I can't believe retarded Nebraskan hicks were stupid enough to think this idiot could perform on the world stage.
Netherlands will be 50% islamic in the next 5-10 years
Nice lie, too bad for you its welk known you are already 50% non White
Ok, not Nato is important for America anyways, we could withdraw and it wouldn't affect us in the slightest, hell it would probably improve with all the less waste we would be funding, you on the other hand... See
Miss me yet?
Ay salaam alaykum, cuck
>they still haven't come up with an explanation as to how a recently elected president lost his first congressional vote while having a comfortable majority in both houses
Implying it would affect us in anyway. NATO is useless.
Its useful for germany and France since they always start wars without reason.
pay denbts
pretending obama is anything but trash just discredits you when you tell the truth about trump being trash too
I wonder how Merkel feels being given a 300 Billion dollar bill, by a man. Women never pay for shit. She must be mortified.
It's ok, she will import another 2 million somalian aeronautical engineers and neurosurgeons to pay taxes.
we so called trump wall is not even in planning or in construction yet, also we wall will cost so much that the congress will not give one dollar for this and trump will cancel this project.
>best korea would fuck you instantly if the usa was not there
I'm not so sure about that. Those gooks don't fuck around.
>mfw ICE is going to schools to pick out students with illegal immigrant parents to ship them back
impeachment when?
Feminomics, now I understand...
Pay denbts
When I fuck your mother's face.
Says the Guy with 20 trillion dollar debt
Reporting in.
Trump is the greatest failure of American history.
Thankfully Canada is nothing like that but some retards want Canada to be a disaster like America. I'm doing my best telling all my friends at university to stay strong and united. Judging from how anti Trump Canada, I think we will be okay.
pay denbts, hans
All this EU butt hurt
muh 60 %
>D E B T S
You're in the same boat hans :^)
Enjoy the end of your culture and your country. You have become completely blinded by self hatred. The west is the best. We own you in every way bitch.
muh rapefugees
at least we have a culture, not like the usa who has not one from the start :^)
even if trump deports all the illegal mexicans, who are mostly old people, all those young mexican americans and dreamers are going to out-breed Sup Forums virgins.
>muh rapefugees
pay debts
Hahaha we have the ultimate culture. We have created modern society. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and everyone tries to be like us, and fails. Enjoy your shitskins.
>implying you'll still have a culture or a country in the next twenty years
pls commit sudoku, germany is the cancer of europe.
>muh 60 %
A moron's retort. At the rate your nation is going, you will look back fondly at "muh 60 %" in 1 or 2 generations. Then again, your nation was always too fucking stupid to see the writing on the wall.
shhhhh they dont like nazis
>made it illegal to criticise any aspect of Islam
>we're gonna be okay
Leafcucks are truly the anglosphere's niggers. Dumb as fuck m8
Just gonna leave this here...
You shits owe us your lives , we should have destroyed you instead of saving you. Fuck nato , you are all useless .
Look at how many Mexicans have immigrated to United States in 50 years, and include all of the offspring they produced, tally the total, and then compare it to the total number of Arab Muslims who've immigrated to Europe in the past couple years.
Your sides will not be prepared for that stunning realization of just how fucked Europe is.
I think it's obvious that Trump skullfucked Merkel. It is a bit rude to violently ram your penis into a world leaders skull. But sometimes it must be done. She'll be ok.
Sage trolls
It will be great watching russia groundpound your "european union"
Created by the obanigger
Nothing happened here we were on vacation from 39 to 46 , we didn't murder 23 million people
SAGE and Op is a phaggot
kys nigger enabler
wouldnt mind spending these 300b on our military and remove US troops from here. Not a bad idea, we should definitely do it.
oh look, i got le eu tag today, time to larp
wtf an EU flag
remember when germany wasn't a worldwide embarrassment?
I'd rather live in Tacotown over Al-Raqqa, Heinekuk
The UK doesn't really need one, since it has nukes. The Brits just have to make sure to not be dumbasses and do anything idiotic like get rid of their nuclear arsenal. In fact, they should probably expand it.
actually, south korea would absolutely stomp north korea even with no US help. SK has a modern military, NK has 60s junk. SK might get nuked in the process, but that could happen with us help, too.
so you're another one who doesn't understand the military situation on the K. peninsula... jeeze
Trump's a cuck
You can get fucked
Enjoy Kushner's office of distraction
>the total number of Arab Muslims who've immigrated to Europe in the past couple years.
Which is...?
Russia won't do shit. Any move against the EU:
1) risks nuclear war with UK/France
2) would destroy the energy trade with Western Europe (and this would destroy Russia's economy)