Why is this board always about american poliTICS.
USA is the scum of the earth.
>mother of harlots and abominations
America is the laugh of the world.
Post if you're not from USA
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off australia no one likes you
i like australia
Make amerricar great again.
>Why is this board always about american poliTICS.
Because they're pretty much the only politics that matter desu
The entire world pays attention to our politics, barely anybody here gives a fuck about whatever happens in New Zealand, nor should they.
Because we're relevant unlike you frodo
>post if you're not from USA
>no free speech zone faggots
What's some interesting and relevant news from NZ this time of year?
Does anyone have that gif that goes with this pic?
That abomination is a leaf, you sheep fucking faggot
don't you have a sheep to fuck? shoo, only real countries allowed on this board
I like Australia.
Nzer dumbass
But typical to confuse the two when you're american.
>the world is yours
Clicked expecting roachpost, disappointed by Maori shitposter instead.
I just googled it and this is apparently front-page-newsworthy stuff over in in Australia Jr.
whats austraila?
looks like kiwis arent great at jokes
Always hillarious
Don't you have a civil war to get to?
No you're just pussy faggots
I like Australia desu
dumb frogposter
Australia is boring - why can't we have mass shootings like burgerfags. It'd make news channels worthwhile watching.
Seriously though I dont understand how Americans can like their country. Its nothing but (((corporate))) fucks and force feeding fast food filled with chemical crap. There are really no good things about America as far as I can see.
America is love.
dumb tea lover
Because you banned guns cunt
>non american thread
>mostly Americans feeling left out
I don't love tea and nobody loves you
You've got to go back
Australia is meh
Because fuck you that's why
wew lad
what happens here?
thats japan
Go back home chink
But their gonna make america great again! Lol when was it was?
So stop obsessing about it then you irrelevant fag. Get on with your life and do New Zealand stuff.
>There are really no good things about America as far as I can see.
Nearly every type of climate can be found in America. If you like nature, it's in America, and while most of the people live on the east or west coast, the rest of the country is practically empty and verdant.
t. Idaho, fly fishing capital of the world
>Kiwi can barely speak english
I know you guys are getting colonised by China, but fucking hell.
I thought it was Madagascar
Grow the fuck up, kid. The United States is the most important country on the planet. Everything else revolves around us. Noteworthy occurrences in other countries are a rarity.
>I don't love tea
Chavs pls vacate these premises.
Is New Zealand pretty much Australia's Canada? I'm getting that impression here.
I fucking hate chinks so goddamn much.
no thats a kids movie
Azerbaijani-American alliance when?
say that to our face you fucking muslim kiwi. we will throw you in gitmo and let a general molest you because thats what our founding fathers would have wanted
The level of arrogance here is fucking hilarious
T. Pajeet McChang.
Fuck moar sheep cunt.
Mid tier bait
>be murican
>follow media
>hate the left or right
>complain on intergek
>believe in a frog god
>hope for the best
>still cucked
Essentially. Smaller, lesser known and yet way fucking better.
show some gratitude, you would be speaking russian or be dead if it weren't for america
America is #1 my dude, sorry if that's a tough redpill for you to swallow champ!
Pretty much.
Ohh so what was the movie about the animals on an island then?
New Zealand...Let's see what's your country known for...besides being the pussy little brother of Australia...
*Google* what's new z
Second suggestion is
"what's New Zealand known for"
Most interesting fact a cursory google search gave me...
"New Zealand has a strong hold on the international trade in sheep meat. There are presently around 9 sheep to every 1 human in New Zealand (the population of New Zealand is 4 million)."
So sheep, being pansies, and wasn't some fantasy movie filmed there because they didn't want to do it in a developed part of the world?
fuck off roo youre the best thing to come from you're country was crocodile dundee, at least he died like a man when you're government took all the guns away
At least you wouldnt be infested with niggers
Austrians vs Americans. Who has more weapons and who like their country more? America.
We our hate the political parties though.
That's not true, the Lord of the Rings movies were filmed there. That has to be their biggest claim to fame.
Shit the fuck up Bogan America is based
>lots of religious fundamentalists
>can say nigger and won't go to jail
America is paradise on Earth, I would go there in a heartbeat the second we become a Republic
>Why is this board always about american poliTICS.
Americans are half of this websites userbase so they outflood everyone else most of the time
Sup Forums is a better place if you want to discuss non-burger politics in peace
We have a really good environment with lots of unique and interesting places to visit. Fucking nature man. Shits dope.
Australia is like our cousin we don't want, but we have to get along because that's how normal people deal with other countries. Tino rangatira tanga
it's boat not an island and it's noahs ark
Yeah the only way we could be more embarrassing on the world stage is if we voted a reality TV star to our top government position because he totally gets our poor people :^)
>Tino rangatira tanga
The fuck even is this nigger speak
We have Mt Druitt, check mate atheists.
>USA is the scum of the earth.
lots of movement
>the flag
>a good thread...
>oh no! N.Z
Long life to this thread!
>mother of harlots and abominations
Was that from the Torah, Bible or Quaran?
Who even is New Zealand's leader? Do you guys have a President of your own or do you still have a king or something?
Dont go so harsh on australia please.
The most interesting things to happen to New Zealand involve other countries.
explains the balrog
Auscucks have contributed nothing of worth to the world. Nothing. They couldn't even create their own flag.
>All of North America is the United States
I mean it really should be, but it isn't
I think it's probably better to not be known as the most shit country to ever exist.
But you can try make it better again! I'm sure trump will help you fags.
Australia's flag has more stars. I can respect that. They win.
>holy shit goys (((Trump))) said a thing!
This is considered interesting news for an Amerishart.
Tony Abbot is prime minister of New Zealand here's his picture
I hate that poem written by a Jew 50 years later being constantly parroted.
Has anyone noticed that during the absence of the Ukrainian leftist/shitposter/shill we now have people from New Zealand posting the same shit with the same writing style? I just noticed that yesterday when I kept seeing the same flag posting the usual leftist shit 20 times in each thread.
>Trump says thing
>Another country's currency drops in value by a large margin
We are the loyal servants of the One True God Tim Shadbolt.
Woah are you talking about the triforce?
>Being this illiterate.
Typical Burgers
Live long and prosper obi wan Kenobi
I can't believe we've discovered this deep state shit. We need to make a general
>shitpost about America
>never been to America
>There are really no good things about America as far as I can see.
it's not our fault your a proxy country with no
way to defend yourself fgt