Britfags, quit trying to tax my tea
Britfags, quit trying to tax my tea
I'm ever so sorry old bean.
>Americans get triggered because of tea taxes
>go to war
>George Washington gets elected
>okay now whiskey will be taxed :^)
Meanwhile based Canada wouldn't have any taxes until World War One on tea or whiskey or anything
God bless Canada
fuck england
You're our bitch
He just got
>C A N U C K E D
>breaks up the greatest empire in history over a tea tax
>taxes tea in the end anyway
The start of American stupidity, then they imported 100 million Italians and Irish and still insist their 60% white
>Greatest Empire in history.
>Refused to work with Hitler to make the world great again.
sorry to use a newfag meme but pick one.
Then the first, Hitler lost and we dont deal with losers.
Hitler is an Aryan we should have nuked him in Berlin
You only get the first if you lie to yourself.
A leaf.
Stupid queerbeck cunt fuck off, we should have wiped out every single German on earth this would have made the earth 1,000 times better than it is today, things could be going exactly as they are now and it's still would be better because there would be nomretarded autistic German atheists shitposting on here
>not a meme country
>Canada is the number one exporter of asbestos in the world
>Canada fights against third world countries attempts to make asbestos illegal
>Canada is single handedly going to wipe out untold numbers of foreign brown people with cancer
What are you doing?
Canada is the silent hero, we are assassinating foreigners you go in and bomb them and everyone hates you
I'm not French-Canadian or German sorry to disappoint you. Maybe if you understood the importance of Germany throughout history or how they got duped into 2 world wars and solely blamed for both.
This leaflet is so angry
image is starting from the false primes that the official claim is all 6 million jews were killed in a gas chamber like all dishonest holocaust denial material
Fair point leaf
German history
Become a country 4 years after Canadian Confederation
Chimp out and go to war
We fuck them up
They get angry chimp out again invade everyone
We fuck them up
Russians raped all sense out of the Germans turning they bring in a trillion Muslims into Europe and want to place sanctions against Canada and Hungary.
Wow fuck Germany they've done nothing, the best thing to come from Germany is Prince Albert, we need to make Saxe Coburg and Gotha a British Crown Colony and put a British prince on the throne
Yeah I'm angry we didn't just nuke every German city leaving them rubble was too kind
Canada was great until it became americanised, which paved the way for liberals
Canada is going through its angsty teenage phase right now, give it a decade and we will be back to our good old racist, sexist homophobic ways
>mfw a 100 years ago Britain and America was complaining Canada deports too many people
You neglect to mention why they "chimped out" or that Britain was totally corrupt by that point and had no reason to go to war with Germany other than fear mongering and "for fun."
God save the Queen, cause she's bound for hell.
Shut the fuck up stupid chink
Don't like the queen? Get the fuck out of my country
Britain did nothing wrong, war with Germany is always justified we need to go to war with them right now!
>we will be back to our good old racist, sexist homophobic ways
When this happens can I come as a humble refugee
No, Anglos only
We didn't even allow Greeks in back in the 1900's we had anti Greek race riots in Toronto. The police even got involved or just ignored the rioters.
That's not my pic, I'm Scandinavian
Then you're definitely not allowed here, we don't need any scandi atheist homos here
I'm not a Chink either. It's impossible for your small brain to wrap around the fact that I'm whiter than you and look down on you.
I'm so white I could lie naked in the snow and you wouldn't be able to pick me out.
Why are you talking about yourself being naked faggot? I don't give a shit
I beg to differ. You're talking in circles now.
Blah blah blah
When you come to the realization that Germany was the last great Empire, and the old money families of (((Great Britain))) ruined the world, I'll be here to say I told you so.
You don't drink tea anyway faggo
you don't even fucking like it
Hahaha, where do you think we got most of our technology?
We just stole German advancements like guided rockets and hired all the German scientists after the war. You see how angry and triggered you get when I remind you of history?
You've been programmed with holocaust guilt and blind patriotism and you're not even interested in the real history that's there for anyone willing to break the surface lies.
Quit throwing it into the bay then.
It was never about the tax on tea (which did not go up by any significant amount in the first place). It was about paying taxes without any representation.
t. Anglo-American who *sips tea*
This is what happens when you let euroniggers in and don't castrate them on entry.
> after the war
Why did they loose in the first place if they are so great you moron.
You're a Euronigger and all you're know for is chocolate.
They lost the war because they tried to free the entire world from shadow governments but everyone teamed up against them because they were lied to.
What a bad argument.
Quit crashing your planes into our harbors
>holocaust guilt
Euros came to Canada and made being a fag illegal
Got rid of the death penalty
Changed our flag
And ruined our country
Not an argument.
> but everyone teamed up against them because they were lied to.
> tried to free the entire world from shadow governments
Not sure if canadian education, stormautism, WE WUZ or genuine mental illness.