Increase your defense spending to levels agreed in the treaty. We will no longer pick up your slack.
Germany pay your debts
But then they won't be able to give as much money to the "refugees"!
Yes Germany, man the fuck up. Big bad Russia is at it again.
pay denbts, germs
Go, go! Allah will provide the weapons when you arrive at your destinations!
This is not acceptable Germany. We are more than happy to let Russian wolves rip the flesh from your fat asses if you don't increase defense spending.
Seriously Germany, you are pathetic. This isn't a joke anymore. Donald Trump is president now, we will cut your chord without a second thought.
This is beautiful
united soviet states of murka is too bankrupt to afford it's bolshevik army occupation of other countries.
Japan and South Korea are next to be free'd from this whittu piggu vermin
Payback is going to be sweet
Germany already gave rocket tech, nuclear tech, labor camps, and propaganda.
I wouldn't give a shit if this happened Hans. Soon Russia will be at your door and Akhmed will be fucking your women. You seriously better dig down deep and pay your debnts Germany.
Most germans would love to see the US army go. And indeed when Obama pulled most of the forces it was celebrated. These threats sound like a promise to most of us.
>ignoring that Germany's on track to have their payments level in 2020 like was negotiated along with all other NATO member countries, and they're also the second highest paying into it
>thinking you can just write up a bullshit 'bill' and hand it over and whoops gotta pay up
what's it like being a child, i miss those days
It looks like a big fat bitch, there's a female dog walking past too which is weird.
Yeah this kind of strategy is pretty similar to how Arabs run over your people with trucks and rape your women. Just ignore it, most people want it in fact. It's not even a bad thing, it's 2017 don't you know that user?
The German army is an absolute joke you ungrateful prick
Nice political insight. Refined and nuanced like american wine.
Putin knew that Merkel has a huge phobia of dogs from being attacked when she was a little girl.
Whittu Piggu Go Home!
Most of us dont even want US troops on our soil
If you want to leave, then be our guests
We know you won't though, so we will keep spending 1% on defence while you get cucked by your goverment
That chart isn't showing the truth. You gotta look at how much the countries spend per capita.
Here is the top five countries who pay the most:
1. United States,
2. Britain,
3. France
4. Norway.
5. Denmark
>implying Germany isn't under military occupation since 1945
>implaying Germany has any choice in hosting american nukes and airbases
wake up burger retard
Yes first you ignore the problem and then when the simple thinking American points out the problem is still there (Russia) you just put up your nose in arrogance.
>I'm the one being arrogant
pay debnts Hans
Keep ignoring the issue at hand, you have no military and Russia would destroy you in 60 hours without us.
yes germany, build a military
why would Russia want to invade Germany?
>US is the only ally
I'm talking about the US threatening to close down their bases and I was telling you how it's not an effective threat because most people here wouldnt care.
But apparently you can't think past nato=good otherwise russia nukes the world.
remind me, when did germany complete their obligations under the treaty of versailles?
the same reason the muzzies are
to rape the women
Silly Hans, they are two separate issues. We will continue to occupy your land, fuck your women, beat you up in parking lots behind your bars.
But you must increase your defense spending or you no longer have the luxury of NATO's defense, you will be forced to spend a lot more than what NATO asks for, and doing so will cripple your cute little welfare state where no military is required because we do all your defense for you. Right when you just brought in millions of worthless, illiterate third world rapists and terrorists. What a shame hans, truly poor strategy. Some of the worst. Should have read art of the deal Hans! Should have learned strategy from the best, Donald J Trump!
In 2005 or 2012
>EU Flag
oh. so shortly afterwards
For the tax...
>t. virgin niggerfaggot
you are an idiot.
Best sex tourism (cheaper than military invasion) is in Ukraine, Belarus and the southern Balkans if you wanna take the chance.
It's really sad to see a great country like Germany fail to even pay what it owes. After everything America did for Germany post ww2.. Making her the woman she is today. Won't even pay her debts. Sad.
If Germany spent the necessary % of GDP to actually build a military their welfare state would collapse. It would collapse with millions of third world illiterate Muslims running around raping their women and their media covering it up. They literally cannot build a military and they rely on NATO to defend them. The arrogant Hans will laugh at this but their smarter bean counting Germans behind closed doors know this all too well.
Time to pay Debnts Hans!
I'll call your bluff, America. If you leave us to Russia, we will just become their little brother. Works for us very well.
First of all, with Russia as our hegemon we can free ourselves from American influence. This is mainly affecting the areas of information, internet (through Germany much of web traffic is routed), journalism (you know the lying media that's interconnected), Washington influence on the EU and Germany. Plus our territory is actually an important base of operations for your military influence in the Middle East. Here are airfields and hospitals and supply structures.
With you giving up on us, all that is gone. Even more so, since Germany is the big fish in the Europe sized pond, whosoever is allied to Germany is dominant in Europe.
That means NATO would severely weaken if not dissolve within one or two decades.
Furthermore Russia offers a lot for Germany. Lots of ressources, a big population to export into and land access into asian markets.
Russia is also already poised for taking over the Middle East. Allied to Russia Germany can stop worrying about all those civil wars there instigated by America. we can ally with Iran, cut Saudi ties.
The US can't afford to cut ties with Europe and Germany. You guys would lose too much influence in the world. You'd be left with South America and the Pacific. In the Pacific upcoming nations like China are already taking their share of influence. From South America you need to distance yourself from, with a literal wall, to not balcanize within 50 years.
>Silly Hans, they are two separate issues.
So in case of war your bases would just sit there completely silent and unaffected by war
>We will continue to occupy your land, fuck your women, beat you up in parking lots behind your bars.
Good argument 10/10 convincing
Rest is just inane gibbering. In case of war guess where France and Italy and Denmark would preferably fight? Anywhere but their own land. So we'd probably get a european alliance and fight on polish soil because they would be the first one to be invaded, then german.
>thinking they will do it
they are already instituting a new EU army, they have a HQ and staff and everything now
they will never pay debts, they will instead invade Poland and Hungary for not being achmed friendly
cap this
>if you wanna take the chance
Do you think Muslims think about 'taking the chance' when they pull your women into an alley and gang rape them? They probably know they will get community service and never have their faces or names in the media. Seems like a good chance for some ficki ficki huh?
Can I get a quick rundown?
Is trump saying Germany owes money to America or NATO?
I love how he hands the paper 1 day after greek independence day.
Trump is the master at trolling.
>little brother
Just like North Korea is China's little brother. Sounds like a great master/slave relationship
Good luck!
You won't be free from Satan who controls Rome which controls the world.
>I'll call your bluff, America. If you leave us to Russia, we will just become their little brother. Works for us very well.
You're scared shitless of them. We hear it all the time.
You overestimate your usefulness. We've crunched the numbers and because of your sand nigger problem you're doomed to insolvency and social chaos inside of 3-5 years now.
Pay debnts.
If Germany would become a republic in Russia, it would get Prussia back I guess
such administrative reshapings were common during USSR, like Ukraine getting Crimea so that it is easier for it to be operated
defense againgst whom? i dont remember germany beeing at war with anybody, also there is no need for americans to have army bases here. honestly everybody would be happy if you decided to just go.
>luxury of nato defense
Maybe if you do that you can stop being a bunch of fucking cucks.
America is holding the alliance together by increasing defense spending to balance for Germany and other shit tier nations spending little to none on defense.
>He's gonna make Germany pay for the wall instead of mexico.
>defense againgst whom?
Germans really are quite pathetic. It really is true what they say that good times make weak men. So naive and frail. Nothing like you forefathers at all.
>It's really sad to see a great country like Germany fail to even pay what it owes
check out this :
14 TRILLION ! maybe you should touch you own nose.
>america enters packt with West Germany during cold war to fight commies if they invade or nuke somebody
>reunification and fall of communism
>germany forgets about military and spends money on social welfare
>germans come on Sup Forums for years to mock america for military spending and not having free health care
>trump says enough, germany has to increase military spending, and that nato might be obsolete
>germany shits pants
they're fucked
Pay up Hans we have a wall to build
Germans have no ability to decipher sarcasm or irony, these social interactions are above them. Poor weak little liberal autists
This. Pair your fair share or start learning russian
Damn you're bitter, it's like talking to an actual dailystormer author.
Can you think in anything other than stereotypes and address the arguments being made in a non snide manner?
>2020 like was negotiated along with all other NATO member countries
2024, and that was because upon review in 2014 they were all failing to reach the agreed upon spending (the goal was always meant to be 2-20%, not 2-20% by a certain year).
The money is for the US covering Germany's shortcomings in the security of Germany, as well as a big fuck you to Merkel.
not an arguement
>weak men
what an insightful thing, coming from the country where 'genderstudies', lgbt- community, feminism, etc. are an actual thing. could this possibly be a rare sight of the so called 'delusion'?
the krauts spend about 1.3 % of gdp on military, if they cut refugee spending and put it towards military it will suffice. Also they ran some 30b surplus last year which should be about 0.8% of gdp.
Their Debt to gdp is lower than yours, the krauts will manage.
>>>>the southern Balkans if you wanna take the chance.
Clarification for american education:
The russians can go get their dicks wet in the southern Balkans but risk getting VDs.
nice pepe
America, as due to consistent failure to contribute NATO has already made arrangements with the under performing members. America is now charging for the slack they had to pick up.
Because they're assholes.
The argument has been made, USA spent to cover you and want compensation.
What is the counter-argument?
pay debts achmed
stop wasting energy here on Sup Forums getting mad
you need to work harder to pay debts
also volkswagen's fucked
why dont you paid yours ameridebt
Hence them wanting the debts owed to them.
Germany has been so independent from American interests since WW2.
There's a Succubus thread on /aco/ right now.
It's about time Poland gets fucked again. But this alliance between Germany and Russia would be more like Russia Iran.
We don't actually give a shit about Russias military. Poland is worried, Finland is worried, but we're fine. We have to pretend a bit. Our relationship with Russia is also one of the points you can really see how much control the US still has over our politicians. They're currently all more or less aligned with the US. Apart from some opposition members, of course.
Our refugee problem is actually a a financial boon for our economy. Think of it as a massive government program, similar to what happened before. Only this time, instead of building Autobahns, we're creating a massive pool of uneducated, cheap labor. We finance a service industry for integration. That may look bad, but Germany has the industrial capabilities to maintain its living standards in a material sense. We won't go bankrupt. In fact, weakening our money is great for our export economy.
Cmon, thats basically German funding.
>debts owed to them.
sorry dude thats not how you spell "the chosen ones"
>completely ignores the statement
>however proceeds to shitpost about paying an imaginary debt, so trump will be able to continue this riddiculus project
even if there would be a need for germany to pay a 'debt', spending such on the trump wall would be enouthg reason not to pay.
also ist quite amusing for trump to act in a similar fashion as erdogan, who, in desperate need for a 'sucess' to show of to his voters, tries to throw dirt on germany. last months have been anything but fortunate for your presiden, sad!
Most germans would love to see the US army go. And indeed when Obama pulled most of the forces it was celebrated. These threats sound like a promise to most of us.
In case of war guess where France and Italy and Denmark would preferably fight? Anywhere but their own land. So we'd probably get a european alliance and fight on polish soil because they would be the first one to be invaded, then german.
Germany's on track to have their payments level in 2020 like was negotiated along with all other NATO member countries, and they're also the second highest paying into it
>This is a baby German boy
>ebil russia
if they wanted that money back they should have structured it as a loan and not as military spending towards their empire status, feeding the (((military-industrial complex))) and getting in all kinds of pointless wars.
Avoiding Iraq would probably save USA 2 trillion that could've gone towards growth and americans.
pay debts
are you srly autistic
your neighbors are probably 7/10 and yet you waste your libido on cartoon bitch while you could have the real thing right now
>could've gone towards growth and americans.
It would've gone to niggers and nigger accessories, don't lie.
How can you tell under the Burqa though?
>american education
The greeks border Turkey which has a huge military so, of course, they spend a shitton of money to be sure they can hold the line until reinforcement comes.
Because unlike
the turks are and actual threat.
no u
it could've gone towards gas chambers and death camps for the blacks too if the right wing didnt do a botched job at ruling and eventually becoming nigger enablers.
Where you coming from the Eurosnob flag? Just curious.
ECB, Frankfurt
>also volkswagen's fucked
nah, also thats an desperate attempt to 'bring down' the german car industry, which is doing great by the way, with the target to provide a better standing for local (american) buisnesses. let alone the fact that its quite hypocritical from americans to be upset about some little extra emission, not like anybody would care.
a nice case of abuse of the governments power for the sake of 'big buisness', chances are that some americans will see this as some kind of win, rather than evidence for corruption.
Don't know who to support to be honest. Drumpf seems to be in the right here but don't want to pay either.
You think that was a serious reply to somebody totally serious telling me the world is controlled by Satan via the papacy?
dunno dude i been told germans have weird sense of humor
Can't tell if ironic or just goym.
Still confused that other countries want us to build up our military....usually they were pissed when we did. Make up your mind!
it was americas free choice to provide military support for all the years, just because trump doesnt agree with the actions of the former presidents, doesnt mean that there is any need in particular, to pay an nonexistent debt. reason for that is quite simply that there was never the intention to make the other allies pay (from the view of usa). just because trump is desperate for any little glimpse of succes, after the last months have been quite an embarassment for him after the big proposals. the straw grasping is pathetic.
It was UKs free choice to brexit fourt Reich too.
What seems to be the problem?
I'm actually serious. Germany is a regional power, but not a global player. That our ally is dominant over Europe is only logical therefore.
kek thanks
>Liberals going batshit all over the government whilst stomping on the Constitution is Trump failing
>not actually responding to the ledgit criticism in my post
>rather bringing up something barely related
there is absolutely no issue with brexit, i dont mind brits shooting themselves in the foot. however, keep in mind that 52 to 48 is not a 'big win' by any means with the majority voting for the brexit, beeing old ppls who wont have to suffer from such rather bad decisions. anti eu shilling was very intense appearently many out of thouch with reality ppls seem to have fallen for a bad meme. the logic of 'oh eu is doing things i dont like, but instead of trying to change things from the inside, lets just throw a tantrum and walk away' seems repelling to me.