Judge OK’s Petition for America’s First ‘Genderless’ Person

>The 27-year-old formerly known as Patrick Abbatiello, now legally designated agender, also got legal approval to change names, now going only by “Patch,” no surname. That name also serves as a pronoun, Patch explained to the local NBC affiliate this week.

>“Even gender-neutral pronouns don’t feel as if they fit me,” Patch said. “I feel no identity or closeness with any pronouns I’ve come across. What describes me is my name.”


its obvious this person "patch" is mentally ill. why push him that much further towards suicide? these faggots need jesus. and so do you.

this degeneracy is ramping up full speed ahead.

Yeah that's not a serial killer name, nope no sir...

These people are so fucking consumed in themselves. Good fucking christ.

the most special snowflake. Until others do this and then they'll have to go even further to show how special they are

Someone else should assume his exact gender and name and make it known to him.

>When you're so friendless that you ice yourself a nickname


Just ignore them and the media outlet that feeds us information about them.
If you care about him he wins

Activating Triple Face Palm Of Death..........

Sooo if we lose, we actually win?

Whatever. This is America, right? The whole pitch is that you're supposed to be whatever you want to be. Patch, Santa, Jesus, Snuggle Bunny, I'll call you whatever you want me to call you. What do I give a shit?

>why push him that much further towards suicide?
you have to keep going until you succeed

What a fucking autistic snowflake.

I hope ww3 happends, and everyone is nuked to a crisp. north korea do something already

Ignoring him is a loss for him and a win for us

self obsessed egomaniac

I get really angry reading this, and I'm not even entirely sure why. Is it the fact that this faggot is acting like an attention starved teenager despite being almost 30? Or is it the fact that the everyone, even the government, is letting him do it?


The shadows come to dance, my lord, dance my lord, dance my lord," he sang, hopping from one foot to the other and back again. "The shadows come to stay, my lord, stay my lord, stay my lord" He jerks his head with each word, the bells in his antlers ringing up a clangor

Pretty ridiculous but I really don't care, he's not infringing on my rights.


It's all of it plus more, when you look at the larger picture and connect all the dots it is infuriating. He's acting like a faggot child, the government is allowing it, our society is encouraging it, the jews promote and encourage this to fuck over our people, etc, etc, etc.

The day will come.

Look at this tripfag autist right wing SJW, cringe

Why the fuck do you need to feel closeness to a pronoun. It's just a way to refer to someone. I'm not demanding that all male pronouns in all languages across the world should be changed to the Dutch version just because I grew up with it and are most familiar with it.

I think you are trying to understand the actions of a delusional person who doesn't use common sense as a foundation of his mental processes

>you will never be a teen growing up in this stupid genderfluidLGBBQT world and get to go into the girl's locker room in highschool and look at boobies by claiming you're a girl

Says the retard that believes in moral relativism. Doesn't hurt me her derrr

Y'all motherfuckers need jesus.

By moral relativism do you mean the constitution and libertarian values buddy? You can go be killed by fascists for being a Sup Forums degenerate

>“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”

Someone tell this muppet that 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a fucking training manual.

For young people, this toying with genders serves as their outlet to rebel and challenge old guards, and plays into a history of sci-fi becoming real via transhumanism, cyborg appendages, sex as hedonism advancing to anti-sex, anti-primal enlightenment.

If you're over 25, however, you have experience observing patterns in our culture, to trace who and what are pushing this "evolution" via media, academia, and entertainment.

It's the constant stripping away at what defines as naturally as human, the taking away presented as the gaining of something, creating new "rights" via dismantling the order that protects and states those rights.

The ability to become "other" and an individual not through action, thought, expression, discipline and living, but by altering and redacting language and semantics. Reality subverted by language and passivity rewarded as protest.

Is there an envisioned end game? Is it truly chimeras of animal DNA spliced with human DNA, rendering human rights obsolete? More and more it seems mental illness is the prescription for "revolution." Endgame as chaos, the assault on adulthood and security and balance as a new flesh. This shit is demonic. The great untethering. A smoke screen of confusion, but for what?

>clearly a man
>has aposematism hair
>doesn't even shave
wew sean king and rachel dolezal have a new pal

>“Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power”

It's the logical conclusion, really. You can't get any more specific than a name. He is currently the most unique.

KEK is Christian.

You're literally part of the problem, you contribute to the slippery slope of the normalization of shit like homosexuality > transgender > pedophilia - bestiality is in there somewhere.

You're breaking apart our western society through your indifference faggot.

I want to be genderless too!

>“The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”

Why? How much attention do you really get out of being an unrelatable faggot?