.....A black couple offered to pay my bus fare
An Arab guy with his white gf offered to help me report to the police
And an African Black guy chased after the bloody bastard
This is the power of diversity
.....A black couple offered to pay my bus fare
An Arab guy with his white gf offered to help me report to the police
And an African Black guy chased after the bloody bastard
This is the power of diversity
Other urls found in this thread:
Really ticks the tock on my grandfather clock.
did the teenaged white girl and her 50 year old vietnamese boyfriend make you supper after?
bugger off ya tosser
all those fuckers are stealing your wallet everyday through the power of government coercion and welfare :^)
Today I had a massive shit.
Wrong ya wanker! It only happened today
And do you know who always make the loudest noise and harrass passengers on public transport? White male chavs
Every single time. Not the blacks, not the asians, not the Refugees. It's whites that are the problem
Today I saw another shill thread on Sup Forums.
Why are you lying?
You could be doing so many things better with your time.
Don't rush into anything, get some rest first, take a nap
Get some sleep
mmm nice warm bed
Except I didnt. You plague
You are only fooling yourself.
Take a break, get some rest
>My single anecdotal experience outweighs the mountain of evidence that is contrary to it.
Really jerks my braincocks.
What are you? Racist?
lel here u go for the funny fake story
nice made up story there, biscuit.
When shit goes south, the Muslim would be the first to have you against the wall and drill your skull with 7.62. The black couple would spectate, and the african would sell your body parts in the black market.
Do not insult my intelligence. I expected this from a canadian, not a brit.
Need some diversity m8
U dont even know the part of the net u are. Go away normi
Crime is just a product of poverty as i'm told by the left often. It would seem that the government is providing more to forigners than to white lower class people then.
You literally cannot win with this argument.
Yeah, race isn't the issue, religion and culture is.
Normies are coming to take over. Get used to it
>the power of diversity
>people of other races doing the same things white people would do
So powerful.
Let me guess, everybody on the bus clapped too? So brave not chasing after the shit who stole your wallet too?
Fuck off you multi colour haired muppet and kys
So apes are considered normies now?
I love rumors!
Facts can be so misleading, where rumors, true or false, are often revealing.
Explain the White chavs who are well off that go around harrassing everyone on the streets?
It ain't arabs, blacks or asians
It's whites
Jesus that sounds terrible. Why the fuck are all those shitskins in your country? I feel for you, man. Stay strong.
thread theme
Ikr those fucking white shitskins gotta go
>African chased after
>didn't catch him
You know how I know you're a liar?
You can't try to larp as an opposing view here after you've used sarcasm and satire. Everyone sees through it.
Sounds like some gay ass Facefuck post.
fuck. now i love diversity
You're wrong, nigger. You have to go. And you will go eventually. Besides chavs did nothing wrong stealing already a stolen wallet from a subhuman
Get out of the UK you disgusting shitskin
Fuck off stupid
You still pay their welfare with your obscene taxes.
He's right. We need to let all Afrinigs come to the UK and USA. All whites will be deported to Africa.
Yknow, the country with untapped mineral resources, massive farmable areas, and some of earths most beautiful places.
Once we turn it into a Utopia, and Niggers have destroyed the UK and USA, what are the odds they'll want to come back. Face it, if whitey was such a problem, why the fuck do shitskins and niggers follow us around like a bad smell.
Things that never happened.
A liberal's wet dream.
What really happened:
>Get wallet stollen by a white guy
>Some black couple pass by and laugh at me for being a faggot
>The Arab couple look at me in disgust and even threaten to allahu Akbar if I beg them for money again
>Ends up getting chased by an African rapefugee cuz thirsty dindu.
>This is the power of diversity
GTFO kike.
My Dads next door neighbor is Lebanese Sunni, in a neighborhood where it's 60% Arab, 30% Asian and 10% other.
He used to service my car free of charge. Me and him one time got a $850 sound system from the wreckers out of an Evo 9, he installed it for me and said just give me $250.
When I looked after my dads house when he was overseas for a couple of weeks, he used to cook me dinner every night and bring it over to me, and sometimes invited me over to have dinner with his family, he didn't even make his wife wear a hijab.
If it wasn't for this encounter with the Muslims I would most likely be discriminatory af towards them.
Whitey is evil! Now let us into your country Whitey.
Do one you baitposting jew.
so minorities regardless of race commit more crime?
Sleep shill is best shill
>In today's episode of things that never happened
is this the plot of the new lord of the rings?
Then so something about it.
Drive a truck into a group white people, pussy
My friend already did a couple of days ago in London
really makes me think
>Not the power of your imagination
>Chavs don't get out of bed until after 12pm
Nice try, faggot.
I'll take things that never happened for £500 Alex.
Too bad youre lying
So it was just a normal white guy acting like a black man in a racist way?
well fuck my almonds just got all activated up in my shit!
nah its you being a fucking liar.
Sage in all fields
Sounds horrible. Perhaps you should move back to your own country where it's far more civilized and the living standards are clearly better than a country of and by those awful white people.
can't argue with that
>'Things that never even happened' by butthurt lefties
Lardeefuckingdar you cunt
A shill with more than 1 post by this ID. Are you the elite of shariablue?