The white race

What makes the white race so much different from the others?

i believe our skin is whiter than theirs


Thanks for creating all that porn and making our countries rot from the inside.

Many Asians have very pale skin as well as monolithic civilizations, are Asians white?

We can eat lactose.

yes. east asians certainly are. they are role model immigrants - no crime, no violence, hard working, pay taxes etc.

Asians are yerrow

Because there's only 1 person in this picture that I would want to call in an emergency.

Overall it would seem less inbreeding.

look at our gifts to humanity.

Most of them are hardworking cultured people, especially japanese.

Except the fact that its whit?

tiny little penises

They are descended from the neanderthal that populated europe

hat about the arabs?

>gifts to humainty

Addictive substances
Mass killing devices
Equations to support mass killing devices

It's very cowardly. Constantly talks shit and doesn't do a fucking thing to help each other. Never looks out for it's best interest.

But really, white men are by far the WORST leaders of the MODERN world. In America for example, white men have lost every major battle for 100 years straight. You would think they would adapt and modify their terrible tactics. But they won't. Deep down they are so cucked, they would rather continue to lose until they're annihilated

White men who lean right are virtually unteachable. You can tell them exactly what they are doing wrong, why it's stupid, and if they FEEL that their actions are wholesome, virtuous, and honorable, they'll continue doing it, even if it means everything they care about and love will be destroyed, including their own women and children.

The white race is finished. I've come to terms with it. My only goal is to extract as much as I can from my fellow white men for myself so I can live a life of comfort and lavishness, while they suffer for their stupidity.

Asians can be degenerate but so can whites, obviously. Japanese are genuinely Honorary Aryans.

There's actually a list/graph out there of which countries have contributed the most to society/humanity/advancement in the past 30,000 years, and the top four are France, Germany, Italy, and England (not in that order), and then #5? Japan. Japan's only less evolved than 4 other countries, and is more evolved than most of Europe.

I'm against race mixing but I'd much rather my future children be dating a Japanese man or woman than a nigger or spic. I'd almost be okay with it, since our IQs are basically the same, and Japan is one of the few truly honorable non-white countries.

I swear to Allah, get a jaw and some chin you goddamn colonial.

I mean look at it this way: Africans are left alone in the most rich in materials continent on the world for 10s of thousands of years and they still live in goddamn mud huts. Japanese get two nukes dropped on them and now are one of the best countries in the world to live in.

At the very least, it's not fair to say all non-whites are the same. That's incredibly insulting to Japanese and some other east Asians.

Unfortunately that's part and parcel of building more efficient things. War has been a part of human history.
I didn't realise my spelling of humanity, I'm not totally retarded, only slightly.
"equations" Yea right like that Einstein prop jew.

Efficient forms of farming food and raising livestock freed mankind from the long slog of time spent gathering/hunting to feed the clan. Freed him to think and create.
Ponder the meaning of his existence, explore, learn, expand consciousness etc.

I agree they are real MVPs. I like them more than some european nations.

If life was a RPG, we would be Jack of all trades, master of none. We do, however, excel at working together towards a common cause.

In short - we are civilized. "They" are not.

>the white race
>posts a jew

East-Asians are honorary Aryans.

Everyone that wasn't tied to sub Saharan Africa had to plan ahead for survival of their people. When you have to plan ahead you develop something called foresight. It started with the Egyptians and people the Indus valley having to plan for floods every year. As they got better with tool usage and discovered more and more agriculture their chance of survival increased and they could move to harsher and harsher environments with wilder swings in climate. Eventually Eurasian families were able to survive 5 month long winters.

>Japanese = Honorary Aryans

Explains pic-related

That skinny white boy with the helmet could be the next Hitler.

When brown people riot, cities burn. When white people riot, continents burn.

Inventing gun from Chinese made gun powder.

I desire to explore and fuck other species


Spirituality and abstract thinking.

>reverse self-orientalism

Ur thinking of Jews m8


neanderthal/densovan lines had pattern recognition, much better innate maths, as well as ballistics and general abstraction. we also appear to have a much more defined instinctual need to teach and learn, and prefer the complex to the simple.
>in b4 you bring up outliers
i'm only interested in the averages of massive samples that made it through nature's selection sieve.