Communism is the final redpill.
Communism is the final redpill
Get back to fucking kangaroos you stupid abby
Yes, communism is paradise on Earth and beyond.
No, it's the final bluepill.
You're a capitalistic scumbag, driven by your need of success instead of mediocrity
You have no substantial argument against communism so instead you attack the foolish customs of race, likely the same one screaming about how his race is dying out
your ignorance and selfishness disgusts me, you sow
enjoy being a bankers' cuckpuppet
Yeah, because you wouldn't get any more pills, because you'd be dead.
Final redpill because it's the last thing you'll put into your belly before you die of starvation in a breadline.
I cant wait until its open season on you cunts.
No it isn't but you can't process that because you're posting from a free and capitalistic society. Fuck off already with your nonsense.
The final redpill is physically removing communists and other degenerates from your privately owned covenant.
Will you guys just fucking revolt already? I'm tired of waiting for your lazy asses to get off the couch and seize the means of production.
Be a real good commie and take a cyinaide pill.
Beat me to it leafbro.
Final in the sense that you starve to death afterward.
Gib monies commie! I have needs.
>Sieze the means of production do it now
>Freeze Peach
I see nothing wrong here
the main need of a man is need of labour
get a job
>NEET larping as a revolutionary
>running a 50-round magazine
totally trustworthy and these guys clearly know what they're doing when it comes to LARPing and guns
fucking commie cucks
Here's the ultimate redpill:
Communism was founded by Karl Marx, who is related by blood to the Rothschild bankers.
The Bourgeoisie wanted a system of complete control, so that the masses gave them 100% of their wealth and property voluntarily (this is why private property doesn't exist under Communism, it's all owned by the state while they tell stupid goyim it's actually all theirs, and it's also why Marx talked about "seizing the means of production")..
So they got this Jew, Marx, to indoctrinate the poor fools into giving all their wealth and property to the "state". Not only that, but he also indoctrinated them with ideas such as national borders being bad to push the same globalist agenda.
The problem was who runs the state?
The Jews. Via the Central Banking system usually owned by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and all these powerful Jews, and in the USSR, the Soviet government (Kaganovich, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Lenin...). This is why the "Russian" Revolution in 1917 was funded by rich Jewish bankers like Jacob Schiff, the Rothschilds, the Warburgs...
You only have to look at Venezuela, it has a Central Banking System. This is why people never become rich in Communist nations, only poor, and why so many people starved in the USSR. The solution is to end the Central Banking Systems.
Anyone who still follows communism, an ideology that never worked, has killed over 100M, is retarded in terms of social policies (national borders and the family unit are bad because of "capitalism"?) and was only ever created by Jews to benefit Jews if you look at it objectively, is even worse than the most bluepilled liberal or capitalist idiots.
Most definetly.
Its redpilled to literally enslave yourself on a free chose, so you are at the (not existing) mercy of your insane overlords.
Enjoy yourself.