What is globalism?
What is globalism?
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The merging of higher and lower economies, to stop certain higher economies from becoming to strong. They would collapse on themselves and at the same time you help the lower economies by shifting wealth from the higher economies to the lower.
You see when you wealth level is already at 9/10 and the lower economies are at 3/10, it's not a bad idea to shift a few points from one to the other.
Globalism is inevitable, I am not a fan because I don't believe in wealth transfers, but it might be necessary to stop the large economies from getting too big and being out of the competition because of that.
I hope you guys would understand it more, that not everything is done to destroy it all. Economics is no easy task.
look it up and do your own research you fucking lazy cuck. Sup Forums isnt your personal librarian
It just basically means the opposite of nationalism where your ethnic or national group is secondary to the rest of them.
Most of the criticisms of Globalism are pretty irrelevant, or untrue. Nationalism is important, yeah, but overemphasis on national identity makes you a faggot just as much as underemphasis of it.
Basically, OP, nothing to give a shit about,
>overemphasis on national identity makes you a faggot
the opposite of nationalism, except the jews get all the power and money.
Priorotizing corporate or geopolitical interests over the interests of the people
The opposite of nationalism
is that not the capitalist ideology?
Go to youtube, watch 'the corporation' come back if you have any questions left
more niggers in your country while you get poorer
>literally defined
Then why are Jews who are more religious red pilled, while the least religious Jews are the ones who then support globalism?
It is. Socialism is nationalist.
We won't be equal until we get rid of white people.
The only way to save human race.
A cancer upon society.
shitpost everywhere
Globalism benefits the super elite bankers and politicians because it makes things simpler for them to manipulate. It's like they're playing an RTS video game like Starcraft. Would they rather click each individual unit and give it an instruction, or would they rather highlight a big group of soldiers and tanks and tell them all to attack together?
The more each country has its own interests and power structures, the more work they need to do infiltrating and manipulating, and the more likely theyre going to run into tensions and conflict between different groups they are trying to control.
what is socialism?
Import niggers until your economy collapses, theres obviously more to it but thats the general jist
centralization of power.
if that is good or bad depends on the people who are running it.
>What is globalism?
It's another term for "Neoliberalism".
It is also called the Washington Consensus. It's aim is to create one global single market and the dismanteling of the nation state.
The project began in 1980 with the election of Reagan in the US and Thatcher in the UK.