you never had the guts to ask mommy out, dad
and that's why i never existed
you never had the guts to ask mommy out, dad
and that's why i never existed
Sorry honey the Jews feminized me before I even had a chance.
What a strange thread.
Sorry daddy, mommy got knocked up by Tyrone.
Interesting Theres no OP to this thread?
There was no mommy
I won't stand here and be lectured by the unborn, piss off.
Do you really want me to?
No daddy was an obese loser who spent all day masturbating and browsing a Mongolian basketweaving board
Seriously. Being guilted by every ghost child you didn't have in another timeline is fucked.
Actually I did, but mummy turned me down and went out with some other white cunt. So shut up you little bitch.
>tfw you're not even in the dominance hierachy anymore that there isn't even a mommy to speak off
weak genes need to be culled my dear
Aren't there some abortion-havers you should be bugging, unrealized potential ghost?
white girls don't, in fact, have silver hair
that kid is albino
>Actually I did so many times
>And your mommie always rejected me
>That's why you were never born
t. swarthy mediterranean
what would you know about white kids
>you live in the dimension where unrealised children you COULD have sired haunt you every waking hour
This dimension sucks ass.
Why didn't you just ask her out!? I would have finished what Hitler started! You're always going on about that!
Weak genes is a meme, I'm a Manlet and still having children.
Shut your unborn mouth or I'll knock up a Filipino.
sorry, my grandparents let immigration act of 1965 happen which changed demographics in America forever and now Whites are being replaced.
Well, too bad. Mommy wanted arab/nigger dick.
Sorry young un, it's time whites moved tf off the stage and let some other races have their turn
Your mom realized that a tall, dark, handsome man like me is far superior to the feminine beta like your would be father. Don't sweat it, youll look better with a tan
It'd be awful if I had a kid that old at my age.
I want to enjoy my youth damn it
You were saying Lanklet? At least I've been in relationships. You most likely browse /r9kek/ all day long.
eh i have shitty genes and believe in eugenics, sorry kid.
Then destroy your previous notions and teachings on your feminization, stop blaming everything on da joo amd get it done.
>muh shitty genes
Admit it you can't get pussy so you use it as an excuse. No wonder we are becoming minorities in our own countries.
>being insecure enough to make this image
>being insecure enough to save this image
>being insecure enough to post this image
manlets eternally btfo
Do you have a right to speak Portumanlet?
Really if you aren't taller then 190 cm you dont have right to speak Amerifat.
>being insecure about your physique and not lifting mad weight
Lanklets eternally btfo
>80% under 6 feet
8 in 10 Americans who post here are manlets.
Even you country is a shorty
The Dutch are the tallest among Europeans, keep crying Pablo.
>Admit it you can't get pussy
I can't becuase of shitty genes. We literally had aryan breeding grounds (look up Lebensborn) in the early 1940s until we got fucked over by whitey fighting his own race for da joos.
>I can't because of shitty genes
>Jews are literally using eugenics to make whites become a minority
Sorry good goyim, eugenics isn't redpilled anymore.
Like i said to Amerifat above. As long as you aren't above 190cm you have no right to say manlets to others.
No it were the Anglo's and German descendants living in America that fucked things up.
That's what i was implying.
Probably a good thing my dear. I'm a piece of shit loser raised by a single mother. No good can come from that.
Im gonna make sweet chink babies with my asian gf
What you gonna do about it pol?
Listen here, you dumb nigger. If you actually had white people left in your country, you would know, but truly white people have the same hair as that girl until they become 5-6-7y/o.
I had white hair until I was 5, after that it started getting blonde and my eye color changed from dark blue to dark green. Nowadays my hair is dirty blonde, but my eyes haven't changed colors since I was 15.
Feel bad for your mongrel spawn.
Gravity's a bitch, right user?
>Intentionally ending your 20 millennium european Y-chromosome lineage
your father must be proud.
dear god, please help dad grow and thrive
>t. Shashawnda Miguel O'Running Bear
HAHAHA get rekt kid your moms a whore and now you're dead. Whatcha gon'do about it?
Come from an old prussian family, can confirm.
All the children in my family were very light blonde until elementary school age hit.
Eye colors were blue at first, changed to either a steel blue or a swampy green.
user pls no
i wasnt offended until the Irish "O"
Op you're a weird dude, this shit better not catch on
Sorry, I couldn't handle the bullying in school and both your grandparents were pieces of worthless shit that shouldn't be allowed to raise kids to begin with.
MGTOW is the only way to save the west
MGTOW is the way to go, however its starting to get like vegans or crossfit. Every mgtow i know only talks about "women are horrible, avoid them!". Meanwhile the REAL mgtows are pumping and dumping chicks and making bank.
>-t. Ahmejeet Mbutu Jihadius
>tfw when 6'2
>visit rural areas of Netherlands
>every guy I see is taller then me
Have you seen the fucking catalog today?
It's the other way around for me, but equally as true.
"You never had the guts to talk to men, mommy, that's why I never existed."
I want a large family, but I am autistic.
disgusting user.
your mother is a whore and would have rejected me anyways. she would have been riding the bbc and taking my house and you away with it
The fuck you talking about? You were put to bed 3 hours ago.
Thank fuck for that kids are a drain.
What a spooky fuggin thread
So, Sup Forums let me ask you something, you make men who raise another child out to be a cuck. Let's assume the child is white and would otherwise grow up without a father and end up a degenerate coal-burner.
That may still be cuck, but isn't that a good thing?
Just wait, in a couple years you'll be born
I have to find mommy first
sorry pumpkin mom wasn't aircraft
you'll find her user
Do you have any idea how bad feminizine is in israel
Why must I constantly be haunted by spooky ghost children of futures untapped?
I can't turn a corner without walking into yet another potential child I could have had. Its almost like in a world of infinite possibilities there are infinite spooky ghost children who might have existed had the trousers of time gone down the other pant leg.
Thanks, I know I will
>white extinction
Can't happen soon enough.
you'll find her one day, passed out by a dumpster in the dreamtime. And not one of those fake noongas either!
so race baiting doesn't get deleted as long as it's not pornographic?
>when you realize the entire board is race baiting
Good for the child but cringy for the dude. Its net positive for me if someone else does it but id never do it myself.
What country should I go to raise a white family? Preferably one not ravaged by WW3
You and mom aborted me, dad.
and that's why I never existed.
I'm not an abbo m8
Mommy would have been Korean. I still regret that, though.
If you would die for your children to protect your lineage, why would you sacrifice your potential lineage for money and comfort?
mommy rejected me for some degenerate